
Commerical Boat Detained out of Loreto with 1,300 Kilos of Dorado onboard

flyfishinPam - 8-15-2008 at 05:52 PM

Here is the story in spanish:

I spent some time this morning speaking with Profepa officials about this bust. they opened up to me and Laura who is currently running Eco Alianza in Loreto about the serious lack of funding, and of the overfiltering of funding of which little makes it to the very officials who can stop this kind of activity.

The main points of the story are: Commerical fishing boat was from Mazatlan and after several complaints by pangeros and service providers of their commercial activity targeting sport restricted Dorado. officials found 1,300 kilos of dorado inside the fish holds of the boat along with two small sharks. The boat was fishing under a longlining permit that allowed for the targeting of commerical fish (not sport restricted fish).

Currently the boat is in La Paz supposedly along with its papers. The fish was moved to a storage hold where it will be weighed and inspected for over one to two months before being donated to the needy (that ought to taste just great :?:). this info was given to us verbally.

Profepa discussed their serious lack of funding and we discussed the serious need to keep the resources collected for fishing licenses and marine park permits in Loreto for vigilince and research purposes.

I was out fishing 15 miles east of San Bruno on wednesday when we heard the radio calls referring to this boat. when we arrived back to Loreto at about 4pm the boat was being accompanied by two marine park vessels with the only two profepa agents who weren't on vacation. Profepa didn't have enough $ for gas to bust this boat themselves and the marine park volonteered their boats.

On august 6th one of my captains complained about a commerical boat targeting sailfish, turtles and dorado off the san basilio area within 15 miles of the shoreline the previous day. Could this have been the same boat?

If anyone has seen this kind of activity within the past two weeks please contact me. If this is the same boat it will bulid a case against their activity and maybe, just maybe it can be sunk and turned into the next local snorkeling reef.

you may contact me here

Santiago - 8-15-2008 at 05:58 PM

Wow - thanks for the report and honesty, Pam.

woody with a view - 8-15-2008 at 06:12 PM


Pescador - 8-15-2008 at 06:40 PM

Way to go Pam. If Profepa is serious, I am sure we could take up a collection for gas.

Russ - 8-15-2008 at 07:59 PM

That's the best kind of news! The Navy was looking over boats awhile back but probably just getting provisions. Remember if you come across what you think is illegal fishing it might pay off to detour for a minute and snap a couple of photos.

Paula - 8-16-2008 at 01:01 PM

This is really good news, Pam! I think this bust will encourage lots of Loretanos, both Mexican and Foreign, w to aid and support PROFEPA now. We're up in Montana for a while, but if you speak to them again,, please congratulate and thank them on my behalf. In fact you can even give them a big hug fromm me:bounce:

Cypress - 8-16-2008 at 01:08 PM

Good news! Hope they put that scow on the bottom. :D The crew? They're just common criminals, who thought they could break the law and get away with it.:no: Make an example of 'em.:D A few months hard labor in the hot sun on a diet of scrap fish.:D

aha baja - 8-16-2008 at 10:38 PM

I have a firing solution.... open outer doors on tubes 1 and 2....(submariner lingo):O

flyfishinPam - 8-17-2008 at 06:30 AM

i don't blame the crew they were only doing their job and if they didn't do it somebody else would be right there to fill in. its the owner of the boat and the agencies who permitted it that are to blame. yes the Profepa agents deserve a nice cold ocho and more for their work. the good news is that they really want to help us conserve this area's resources now we are getting funding channeled their way. the GEA money seemed to never make it to them, they said that funding ran out three months ago!

Cypress - 8-17-2008 at 07:08 AM

flyfishingPam, You're right, it's possible that the crew were only doing what the owners instructed them to do, but some vessels are owner/family operated.:) Hope the line burn on your leg has healed.:D

richard nauman - 8-18-2008 at 02:16 PM

Hey Pam,

As I mentioned in my flyfishing blog ( on friday, I noticed that this bust happened on the new park directors second day. Do you think this action has anything to do with the new guy? Was this boat even fishing in the park? Could this be a good sign for the future?

Thanks for keeping everyone posted - that boat looks like it would make a nice piece of habitat cleaned and sitting on the bottom.

Iflyfish - 8-18-2008 at 02:37 PM

Good news indeed. Thanks for this great post! Is there a way we Nomads can help fun these efforts?


Bruce R Leech - 8-18-2008 at 03:49 PM

Thanks Pam it is folks like you that make a difference

No it had nothing to do with the new director

flyfishinPam - 8-18-2008 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by richard nauman
Hey Pam,

As I mentioned in my flyfishing blog ( on friday, I noticed that this bust happened on the new park directors second day. Do you think this action has anything to do with the new guy? Was this boat even fishing in the park? Could this be a good sign for the future?

Thanks for keeping everyone posted - that boat looks like it would make a nice piece of habitat cleaned and sitting on the bottom.

this had nothing to do with there being a new director. it was a concerted effort by pangueros, service providers and PROFEPA.

4baja - 8-19-2008 at 06:36 AM

pam ,saw a video on bloody decks(mexico reports )on tha state of the sea between loreto and la paz and from my diveing experiance in that area through the years i would have to agree. its allso on you tube under the name barren reef. what do you think?

wilderone - 8-19-2008 at 10:18 AM

" Is there a way we Nomads can help fund these efforts?"
What happened to the Loreto Bay Foundation?

rpleger - 8-21-2008 at 07:46 AM

Pam...Thank you for keeping this problem out in the open...they have cleaned us out in Mulegé...

oxxo - 8-21-2008 at 08:35 AM

Originally posted by rpleger
Pam...Thank you for keeping this problem out in the open...they have cleaned us out in Mulegé...

Somebody better tell ol' skeeter!:lol::lol::lol:

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
Do not, I repeat Do Not believe any of the Naysayers! They have been crying and whinning that the Sea is Ruined. It is BS from the word "Go". I was fishing in Mulege in April and it was like it was 20 years ago, Millions and millons of Fish, Bait, Dolphins, Sharks, Amberjack. Yellowtail on the top of the Water for 3/4 of a Mile.
Check out the fishing Forum, look at the Photos and Go Fishin!!
