MexicoGringoGuy - 8-21-2008 at 11:13 PM
Hi.. I already did research on other post, and i got great info BUT I need specific answers please.. There are sebvral things I have been wanting
to post but I forget so know I have a list of questions!
1. How do you get from my area Ocampo / Agua Caliente, to the big flea market in Otay on Sunday.. What bus or van etc?
or another place that one could get good used furniture, even fixer upper furniture... I tried the "segundas" that was said to be in zona norte, BUT
could nt really find em????
2. How do I get to the Airport form my area or even centro... I know how to get to centro BUT have no idea how to get to airport. I have a friend
coming in and I dont want him to have to pay 20 bucks for a taxi.. so I will go get him via public transit.. ALSO getting on a bus from the
3. I live close to the Post office on 11th and negrete.. I usua;;y catch either a yellow and white bus or blue and white bus going down negrete to
the Linea (border).. BUT sometimes there arentn any at all.. I have waited over 30 minutes before , at diffrent times.. Is this a route for them?
Is there a better place to go catch a bus to Linea in my area??
4. How do I get to Walmart from where I live?
Sorry about all the questions...
Ramon-Tj - 8-22-2008 at 12:38 PM
You can get to the airport from centro on a White and Green Taxi that are based on 5Th and Constitucion (The Otay Aeropuerto Route) it goes through
10Th and Madero St you can catch the same taxi on its way. That Same Taxi takes you to Otay on Bellas Artes Boulevard near the flea market I have not
been to the flea market in years It was on Bellas Artes dont know iw its still there.
MexicoGringoGuy - 8-22-2008 at 12:45 PM
Thanks so much for the info.. SO let me verify Please.. I can catch a green and white on 10th and madero to go to the airport??
and to go to the flea market I catch in Cnetro?? at 5th?
Ramon-Tj - 8-24-2008 at 10:39 AM
Please go to the 5 st and Constitucion taxi stop(green and white) and check on the rout (Otay-Aeropuerto) the same Taxi that takes you to the airport
takes you to Otay on the Bellas artes Boulevard I keep trying to remember if its 10Th and Madero or 9Th and Madero theres a big aparment building in
the corner in front of a Pemex station. But for sure the green and white taxi takes you to the airport And Otay por $9.50 pesos.