
How Did You Find Out About Baja Nomad?

Bajagypsy - 8-26-2008 at 09:12 AM

We were trying to find information on different area's of Baja, and came across this site. 99.99999% of the time, it is a wonderful forum, as long as everyone plays nice;D

BajaGringo - 8-26-2008 at 09:20 AM

Was referred over by folks on another forum...

jeans - 8-26-2008 at 09:35 AM

This board was first populated by those of us who scurried over here from the sinking ship of Amigos De Baja. :saint:

Bajaboy - 8-26-2008 at 09:36 AM

Same as Jeans and Grover.


thebajarunner - 8-26-2008 at 09:46 AM

I discovered "Amigos" about two days before it expired...

Made a very eloquent (IMHO) post, which never survived the meltdown.

Someone- maybe DK, suggested this place, been here since.

And yep, Gypsy, this place is terrific, almost all the time,
until the nasties creep out of their cess pools and start their "stuff'

which has not happened all week,

guess we need another beach bonfire....

Paulina - 8-26-2008 at 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Same as Jeans and Grover.


Me too.


Barry A. - 8-26-2008 at 10:17 AM

----One of my Baja buddies referred me to it--------great site, except for the trolls, which may include me when my "better judgement" fails. :lol:


ELINVESTIG8R - 8-26-2008 at 10:18 AM

After I accidentally discovered on the internet that Mama Espinoza was still alive after not knowing anything about her for forty years I scoured the internet to see what site had the best information regarding Baja California before venturing down to El Rosario. I found that Baja Nomad was a wonderful source of information so I joined and do not regret doing so. Viva Baja Nomad…

postholedigger - 8-26-2008 at 10:26 AM

During the "crime wave" last year, I did a google search to try to get more info and stumbled across this forum. It's been bookmarked in my browser ever since.

fdt - 8-26-2008 at 10:30 AM

Same as grover, jeans, Zac and Paulina. Dr. Drip told me about it.

Diver - 8-26-2008 at 10:37 AM

I found Fred's board first and someone mentioned Nomads ....
I read Amigos a few times but never registered.

cabobaja - 8-26-2008 at 10:51 AM


tripledigitken - 8-26-2008 at 10:53 AM

I think I heard about BN from a Baja friend while enjoying Alex's margaritas at the Serenidad in Mulege.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.:cool::biggrin:


How Did You Find Out About Baja Nomad?

longlegsinlapaz - 8-26-2008 at 11:02 AM

Waiting for Doug's response....which I imagine will start out something like, "I had a dream one night...........":lol:

bajaboolie - 8-26-2008 at 11:03 AM

I kept on getting forwards of interesting threads from my dad via email. Finally I came here myself to get some questions answered. Thanks, Dad! :tumble:

David K

Skipjack Joe - 8-26-2008 at 11:26 AM

When Amigos went down I was left with Fred Metcalf's website and (baja blackie "have you any wool" website). Neither had the desired traffic and I finally emailed David K who steered me in this direction.

This is pretty much the only baja website I now visit. I've grown comfortable with it. It's like an old sofa.

pacside - 8-26-2008 at 11:30 AM

Fred's board and internet searches on info on baja. Decided this is by far the best resource for baja related stuff.

Since I'm relatively new to this baja stuff (well 4 years) I had a ton of questions. ALL of them have been answered with astonishing accuracy and expediency. There is no other resource online or offline where you can get an answer to anything related to baja as quickly and accurately as bajanomad.

Some of my questions related to FM3's, land surveys, Fideicomisos, building, solar, driving, weather, rental cars at cabo airport. I even had a nomad drive to my site to check on something (THANK YOU COMITAN) without ever meeting me.

I hope someday to be able to offer answers to others as I accumulate the knowledge that the long timers have.


DanO - 8-26-2008 at 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Paulina
Originally posted by Bajaboy
Same as Jeans and Grover.


Me too.



Von - 8-26-2008 at 11:46 AM

JR in La barca.........mi amigo lo extrano.....

woody with a view - 8-26-2008 at 12:00 PM

can't remember.....:?:

but it's probably one of the answers from above.......

livencabo - 8-26-2008 at 12:09 PM

Someone on Lonely Planet Mexico branch mentioned it in a post.

Sunman - 8-26-2008 at 12:10 PM

Google - pretty sure I found the Nomad link from another site though.

Brianinloreto - 8-26-2008 at 12:20 PM

Through a yahoo rearch when i needed up to date info on road conditions.

Sallysouth - 8-26-2008 at 01:44 PM

Same as others, from the Amigos days.

Natalie Ann - 8-26-2008 at 01:56 PM

I, too, drifted in with the tide in the aftermath of Amigos board.


idleguy - 8-26-2008 at 02:41 PM

From a conversation with Iflyfish whom I met at the Aquamarine RV Park in La Paz. We both had identical mh's.

Phil C - 8-26-2008 at 03:38 PM

Ditto above, from the Amigos de Baja board.

[Edited on 8-26-2008 by Phil C]

Ken Bondy - 8-26-2008 at 03:51 PM

I too came over from the Amigos de Baja board. ++Ken++

dtbushpilot - 8-26-2008 at 04:02 PM

Shari told me about it....thanks Shari....dt

Oso - 8-26-2008 at 04:18 PM

From Amigos via a circuitous route involving the Hermanos Locos schism.

shari - 8-26-2008 at 05:18 PM

ditto on Dr.Drip...gracias amigo...we have made an amazing amount of lifelong amigos through this board and learned an awful lot....kicked lots of habits but still a nomad junkie.

BAJACAT - 8-26-2008 at 07:35 PM

For me it was after my firts trip to Bahia Concepcion,when I came back I was looking like crazzy any related to Baja, and end up here,register right away, I forgot what my firts question was, but surely enough David Kier came to the rescue,the rest is history.

So Thank You DK for all your help..

Marie-Rose - 8-26-2008 at 08:35 PM

Ditto Diver:spingrin:

In the beginning...

David K - 8-27-2008 at 08:39 AM

... there was Amigos de Baja (, not the site that uses that name today)...

Actually, it was Fred Mertcalf's board, but that site was only about Baja travel updates from the past 30 days. Personal stories, fishing reports, etc. really needed a forum, so Earle, Eric and Trish provided Amigos de Baja... and many of us started friendships there. I started posting about 1998. Because of my drip irrigation business/ experience, I was sometimes called Dr. Drip (was one of my email addresses, too).

Doug had a forum on his old site, but it was not too active, like most of the other Baja forums today...

In 2000, many of us active on the Baja Internet met and in October of that year was my first Viva Baja party... which Doug attended. See him here with Amo Pescar and Kacey Smith (Baja GPS Guide author).

In the background is Jack Swords, The Humfrevilles, M, Graham Mackintosh, Trish and Eric of Amigos de Baja, and I am in the blue Hawaiian shirt... all the photos at (Fred Metcalf, Amigos de Baja host Earle R., Carlos Fiesta, Juan del Rio, jeans, Taco Felix/ Jay, David Eidell, Paulina, and more were all there).

In 2002, Doug created his NEW Baja Nomad forums and some of the Amigos did post there as well... I joined right after Doug made it, as we communicated often since meeting at Viva Baja #1.

In mid 2003, with no warning, Amigos de Baja went off the air... perhaps a technical glitch, but the hosts (Earle and Eric) were spending much more time then they wanted to managing the ever growing masses of Baja enthusiasts, and so never re-activated the site.

Realizing the importance of having a open Baja discussion forum was, I called up Doug and asked him if he would welcome the Amigos (who have not yet joined Nomad) to his one year old Baja Nomad Forums... the answer was yes, so I emailed all the Amigos I had contacts with as well as posted notes on other forums to re-group at Baja Nomad.

I continue to promote Doug's site as an awesome source of Baja information and current news/ conditions. When I see something that obviously will be well recieved by most of us, like Shari's Bahia Asuncion photos... I do all I can to let you all know about it... El gusto es mio!

The rest is history...

Here's Doug in early 2002 at Viva Baja #3 with the caption below the photo as it appears to this day at (on page 13)

Doug Means, the Baja Nomad. Doug offers a great Baja info web site and a free travel club

[Edited on 8-27-2008 by David K]

Bob H - 8-27-2008 at 08:50 AM

Well said David. That's when I came over ... in August 2003. And, like you said, the rest is history.
Bob H

Bajajorge - 8-27-2008 at 10:42 AM

Surfin the net, just looking for Baja web sites.:?:

bajadock - 8-27-2008 at 11:55 AM

Was surfing net spring of '06 for first-ever trip to Mexico in Sept '06. Met BajaGuy on Amigos Board. Drove from Denver to La Paz and back with lots of fun and real estate exploration. Purchased my lot 9/22/2006.


tortuga - 8-27-2008 at 06:04 PM

From our Moon travel handbook "Baja". There is a section in the back of the book called " Internet Resources"

Baja Nomad
"Still the best all around Baja site for hard information that doesn't appear to have been payed for, with more nitty gritty information than any rival. Great links page, copious information on hotels and restaurants, plus continually updated Baja news and essays."

That's how I got here. Saludos, Tortuga :biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 8-28-2008 by tortuga]

Bajabus - 8-27-2008 at 09:05 PM

Great thread. Been here a long time. Member #11. registered the same day as David k but he beat me by a few hours da bum.

Came over from Amigos because the politics there were just getting to nasty...think off topic on the main board.

never regretted it. Doug is top notch in my book. I even had a few hosting accounts with Doug for many years. I only changed recently because this fancy schmancy web designer i had been trying to get for a few years finally made me a great deal. it included hosting so i went with it. I have some regrets about that. I'm gonna come back to hosting with him when my contracts run out.

Great board great people....for the most part did you hear about this place from me?

BTW looks like I might be back down for 2-3 weeks real soon...can't wait

From Amigo board

Baja Bernie - 8-27-2008 at 09:49 PM

with the direction of the much maligned David K who ushered many of us into my friend Doug's sight.

Sad just lately but things always look up and this site is far too precious to abandoned.

Cardon Man - 8-28-2008 at 07:04 AM

Like many others...I crossed over from the old Amigos de Baja board.

Mexitron - 8-28-2008 at 10:33 AM

Pappy told me about Amigos and I think I posted there a little but came along with everyone else to Nomads. Its really nice to have this site while I'm out here in Tejas...occasionally I can smell the combination of taco stands and trash fires in San Quintin, watch a thunderstorm building over Catavina in the oppressive August heat, hear the choirs of desert Cicadas beginning their church service, breath in that red road dust and wash it down with a big old Pacifico Balleena, and finally make it down to the ocean where I'm home again... thanks Doug!!!

bajalera - 8-28-2008 at 08:42 PM

Add me to the list of survivors who washed up over here when Amigo went under.

conquestkm - 8-29-2008 at 08:10 AM

I think I saw that it was quoated in the Then Gringo Gazette andf I just went to the web sight

Ken Cooke - 8-29-2008 at 01:26 PM

I believe David K made the announcement on a chain email when Amigos de Baja ended its' tenure on-line.

Baja-Brit - 8-30-2008 at 01:35 PM

Word of mouth

......better late than never!

As you were.

Pappy Jon - 8-30-2008 at 06:56 PM

Amigos de Baja, just like everybody else. Some things don't change.