
San Felipe Labor Day Weekend

CortezBlue - 9-1-2008 at 09:26 PM

Did anyone else get blown away Thrusday Night/Friday morning? I woke up to let the dog out and at about 2:30 it hit, but hard! The good news, my steel frame home didn't leak or blow away!! I hope know one was washed away!:cool:

BajaWarrior - 9-2-2008 at 04:46 AM

We are south of town, and did experiance some wind each day, but the most impressive weather was on Saturday around noon...

We didn't get a drop of water on the beach though, however the arroyo near Punta Estrella did flow across the road...

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David K - 9-3-2008 at 12:31 AM

Big downpour on Hwy. 5, north of San Felipe... lightning too, Saturday about 10 am. We got a few drops on Shell Island later Saturday... otherwise it was a glorious weekend... Naturally the most beautiful and perfect day was the one when we left, Monday! Blue skies forever... It was windy at Gonzaga that afternoon... lot's of flash flood water and road damage near Coco's Corner to Chapala... but nothing too bad or needing 4WD.