
Mini-trip report Part 1

fishbuck - 9-3-2008 at 09:13 AM

Okay, I back home and restored to my normal life. Been home about 3 days and first day back to work yesterday. Man was I tired when I got done.
Picked-up my Bonita in Playas De Tj last Wens. afternoon.
Toll road to Ensenada and first stop the L. A. CETTO wine store just north of Ensenada on the highway.
Excellent selection and about $7 a bottle.
One more little stop at Mercado Naranja just south of the airfield for cervaza and snacks for the room. A couple more blocks and make the right turn to Estero Beach Resort.
Never had been there. Not much else in the area except the typical Ensenada barrio type developement. A couple of artsy pottery places where to road tees at the beach.
Through a guard gate and onto the grounds.
1st impression. Very nice grounds. Courteous check-in people and on to the room.
Waterfront room on the very far right of the resort. I ruined for any other room there now. Awesome. This from a guy that lived oceanfront in Newport Beach for 10 years.
My Bonita was very impressed and we were both very happy.
Nice big room very clean. Little frig for the wine and beer.
Over to the restuarant and dinner on the outdoor patio. Sushi very well prepared. A bit expensive by oh well I'm on vacation...
More to come. :)

Sallysouth - 9-3-2008 at 10:01 AM

Glad you enjoyed your vacation to Estero.Those four rooms are the best in the whole place IMO.We always reserve 54& 55 for late summer getaways.Isn' that just one of the most beautiful bays?!!!I grew up there, every summer when a kid, then my kids after me!

Bob H - 9-3-2008 at 10:20 AM

Originally posted by fishbuck
My Bonita was very impressed and we were both very happy.
Nice big room very clean. Little frig for the wine and beer.
More to come. :)

Oh, can't wait for "more to come".... :yes::smug::spingrin:

Bob H

trip to Campo Lorenzo??

capt. mike - 9-3-2008 at 01:08 PM

Fish Bucky - EX racer 1600 over on BBP is going to Lorenzo's at SQ next weekend. he's maybe looking for pax or other planes to join the fun. i am thinking about it - i need to get atrip in and an away to the pacific side would be sweet about now - i just got done 2 month annual which has tapped me but i got a jug to break in and some new gear legs to test bounce.

what thinks you?

i think maybe he reads here too under a diff name.

i will email Larry .

fishbuck - 9-3-2008 at 03:51 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
Fish Bucky - EX racer 1600 over on BBP is going to Lorenzo's at SQ next weekend. he's maybe looking for pax or other planes to join the fun. i am thinking about it - i need to get atrip in and an away to the pacific side would be sweet about now - i just got done 2 month annual which has tapped me but i got a jug to break in and some new gear legs to test bounce.

what thinks you?

i think maybe he reads here too under a diff name.

i will email Larry .

No can do! I'm hoping to work some sweet time and half and double time this weekend to build my stack back up. Plus I'm flying the PA32 on Monday morning. Time to get serious about some stick time!

fishbuck - 9-3-2008 at 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Sallysouth
Glad you enjoyed your vacation to Estero.Those four rooms are the best in the whole place IMO.We always reserve 54& 55 for late summer getaways.Isn' that just one of the most beautiful bays?!!!I grew up there, every summer when a kid, then my kids after me!

We stayed two glorious nights in 55!

Mango - 9-3-2008 at 03:58 PM

Sounds like a great time fishbuck. Thanks for the report. I've been wanting to stay at the Estero for a while.. but I'm either broke or it's all booked up when I have money.

If your ever heading down Mex 3 to Tecate.. check out the L.A. Cetto winery, it's just about 1 km off the main road.

I'm a big fan of their Nebbiolo.

fishbuck - 9-3-2008 at 04:21 PM

Part II

I woke up early and went out on the private patio and did a pretty good morning work-out. The place has a great energy to it and I had slept excellently because it is very quit there.
I guess I trained for an hour or so and my Bonita came out and we went to the restuarant for a nice breakfest.
Afterwards we walked on the beach north of the resort. It's fenced off and there is a guard and a gate.
There is a large high flat dirt beach area and a couple of locals were fishing and had some really small halibut and a couple decent yellowfin croakers. Proceding north is a small low sandy beach with some bored looking horses. Some were even laying down sleeping. Wierd. I thought there were muerta. Like a good Nomad I immediately had the urge to beat a dead horse like we do here some times. But I resisted.
Then a seawall with a campground with houses immediately behind it. I wondered if those houses were waterfront at one time and a guy bought the concession and put a campground right on there beach. That's sure what it looked like.
Then another low sandy beach a little bigger. A public beach I think. Then across that Monlisa Beach. A small ramshackle resort of sorts.
We stopped there and walked back to the Estero. It's worth doing once but really not very pretty. Mi Bonita declared that the place for us was inside the well manicured Estero Beach Resort. We were glad to get back.
A little resting and liquid refreshment and we we ready for one of our big adventures. The JETSKI...
More to come!!!

[Edited on 9-3-2008 by fishbuck]

DirkEXC - 9-3-2008 at 04:38 PM

Did you see some guys in an abandoned Boston Whaler being towed into the surf by a guy on a jet ski. My neighbor freind was there last weekend and said they had a great time with the Whaler.

Oso - 9-3-2008 at 04:52 PM

Glad you got "a little frig" for that wine and beer...:lol::lol::lol:

fishbuck - 9-3-2008 at 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Oso
Glad you got "a little frig" for that wine and beer...:lol::lol::lol:

Ya, no "roughing it" with a cooler and ice at the Estero boy. Muy Lucos!!!

fishbuck - 9-4-2008 at 09:59 PM

Part III

The Jetski!

We were rested and refreshed from our beach walk so I ask mi Bonita if she wanted to go jetskiing.We had already talked about it a little.
As she was getting ready I noticed she was curling her hair. I mentioned that I didn't think it was necessary and that she might get a little wet anyway. She waved me off and continued her work.
She looked very beautiful as we walked down the waterfront sidewalk to the jetski beach. It was $60/hour or $35/half hour. She prefered the half so I paid the man and we put on life jackets. Our machine was warmed up and ready and with no instruction they turned it over to us and we began yet another part of our adventure.
I had ridden a waverunner years before and this one was a similar configuration. In essense a small boat.
I gave it some gas and we were away. I immediately noticed it had a very unstable motion kind of like riding a bicycle or motorcycle too slow. It would role to one side and I would lean to the other and it would role hard to that side. We went through about 10 of these gyrations and splash! Both in the water.
I promptly pulled myself up onto the jetski but my girl just didn't have the strength. I tried pulling her on by her life jacket but she didn't like it. So after 30 seconds or so of jetskiing she had enough and I dragged her in the water the 50 feet or so we had made it from the beach.
So much for all that hair curling!
After a couple of minutes of "I love you's" and "I'm sorries" I manage to convince her to give it one more try.
By then the jetski man had finished laughing and was ready to offer some basic instruction.
"Now when you give it the gas give it full throttle!" he said.
"Are you sure about that?" I said
"Yes. All the way. Don't try to go slow or it will tip over again"
"Ya, I got that tip over part down already. Okay full throttle I guess."
I told the girl to hold on tight and gave it... half throttle. I just couldn't bring myself to give all it had. It started it's gyrations again but I had it sort of under control this time. But I could tell how it was going to end so I pulled full throttle and it jumped up on plane and became somewhat stable.
Hey this is great. We were screaming across the water toward a sail boat tied up in the bahia and was my turning target. About a mile or so from the resort. It was a bit choppy and the ride bumpy but I was loving it. I think the girl was scared and starting to doubt my value as a mate.
No time to think of that. It was time to teach myself how to turn the thing around without dumping Jovanka back in the water again. A definate relationship killer.
Okay try turning at full throttle. Whoa, it won't turn! Okay try half. Whoa there's that tippy feeling again. More gas, quick. Hey we're turning. Okay, headed back to the resort, full throttle.
I managed a bunch of figure 8's and 360's and got pretty darn good on the thing.
But there was the little matter of putting it back on the beach safely. I wasn't sure but I didn't think that could be done at full throttle.
I got about 100 meters out and aimed for the beach which has 2 rock jetties on either side. I kept the speed up for a while but had to slow some. On no... gyrations. 1st I'm heading for the left jetty and then the right. When it passed through and I saw beach I gunned it full throttle. I managed to hit sand instead of rock and steadied the boat while Jovanka climbed off.
I was laughing with glee but Jovanka looked scared, wet and peeed off a little. All she could get out was "shower".
I put my arm around her and escorted her back to the room.
I let her take a shower first.
I think next time maybe we'll just take out that 2 place kayak;D

[Edited on 9-5-2008 by fishbuck]

Bob H - 9-5-2008 at 12:38 PM

Great story on the jet ski. I have never been on one myself and I never knew they would be that tricky to operate. Glad you made it back to the beach safely!
Bob H

Sharksbaja - 9-5-2008 at 12:51 PM

Well done Fishdunk! Yes, full tilt is the only way not to tilt. Did you check the bilge for water?:lol:

Good details on your report(s)!

Bob Frambes operates a jet ski school

capt. mike - 9-5-2008 at 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Bob H
Great story on the jet ski. I have never been on one myself and I never knew they would be that tricky to operate. Glad you made it back to the beach safely!
Bob H

at the world famous Playa Frambes beach resort on concepcion Bay en baha sur.
his instructor Susan can teach you how to drive one.
you can rent it for a reasonable fee that includes a night stay with beer thrown in.

i will be there this fall to show in person how badly i need these lessons!!:lol::lol::lol:

Martyman - 9-5-2008 at 03:44 PM

Sounds like a blast. Hope she's not pis..ed with you!

BajaWarrior - 9-5-2008 at 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Bob H
Great story on the jet ski. I have never been on one myself and I never knew they would be that tricky to operate. Glad you made it back to the beach safely!
Bob H

Sounds like it was a 2 seater which is a little narrower and a lot shorter.

We own 2 three seaters, no problem even with two adults a child aboard. More importantly, you can easily board them from the rear with the pull down step even with someone already on board.

There is that much differance between those models...

Good story though Mike! Estero Resort is nice...

[Edited on 9-6-2008 by BajaWarrior]

Sharksbaja - 9-6-2008 at 12:40 AM

That is one adventurous gal you got there!

Hang on tight Jovanka!:bounce::bounce:

BAJACAT - 9-7-2008 at 08:02 PM

Hey fish what's up with the pictures,no pictures ???