
Baja 9-08 Photos Part IV (Puertecitos & south)

David K - 9-3-2008 at 10:16 PM

The new Puertecitos bypass!

View down to Puertecitos from the new highway bipass...

End of pavement

View at end of pavement

Bridge construction

It looks smoother than it really is!

Baja Crop Circles!!!:O

South from El Huerfanito, see the older road on the left (built in the late 1950's) and the newer road on the right (built in the mid 1980's).

Isla Huerfanito and the other 'Enchanted Islands'

EL ALMACEN ruins of a warehouse during the Miramar gold mining days of the early 1900's.

Isla El Muerto in the background

Link to Part V photo page:

I see that a lot of folks are looking at this section of photos (Part IV)... There are six parts to complete our trip report and the text has all the details not found in the photos.

Part I Sat.:

Part II Sun.:

Part III Mon. AM:

Part IV Puertecitos and south:

Part V Gonzaga and Coco's Corner:

Part VI Baja Cactus Cake, Hugo's latest art, and more!:

The text (report):

[Edited on 9-4-2008 by David K]

BajaSerg - 9-4-2008 at 09:37 AM

Wow some trip......Great pictures....thanks for sharing

David K - 9-4-2008 at 09:43 AM

Thanks... all trips to Baja are awesome (why we keep going back)!

cbuzzetti - 9-4-2008 at 10:39 AM

David how far does the paved road go after the by-pass?

David K - 9-4-2008 at 11:06 AM

It doesn't, the bipass is paved for maybe 2 kms. past the fork. then unpaved on to where a detour soon allows you to join the older route to avoid dodging the heavy equipment. The new route stays to the right (inland), but next to the old route. Construction work only goes for about 5 miles.

Here is the text portion of the trip report:

capt. mike - 9-4-2008 at 12:40 PM

did you stop by Dale's at the enchanted islas? trying to get a hold of him. huerfanito ?

looked like a fun trip.

David K - 9-4-2008 at 01:03 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
did you stop by Dale's at the enchanted islas? trying to get a hold of him. huerfanito ?

looked like a fun trip.

If I saw other Nomads I would mention it in my report... so, no.

Not sure what "huerfanito?" is meant to ask me...?

Dale's place is just north of Puertecitos, I think... El Huerfanito (has a landing strip) is opposite the island just off shore, about 20 miles south of Puertecitos.

capt. mike - 9-4-2008 at 02:01 PM

DK sez..."If I saw other Nomads I would mention it in my report... so, no."

well alrighty then...guess i didn't know you have a set protocol for your "reports":rolleyes:

anyway i don't know if he is or wants to be a "nomad" :O

his place is off the alignment of the enchanted islas where they dive and spear, that's what Huerfanito ref was for. i thought you knew where his castle is - guess not. try

i'll track him down but thanks anyway.

David K - 9-4-2008 at 04:33 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
DK sez..."If I saw other Nomads I would mention it in my report... so, no."

well alrighty then...guess i didn't know you have a set protocol for your "reports":rolleyes:

anyway i don't know if he is or wants to be a "nomad" :O

his place is off the alignment of the enchanted islas where they dive and spear, that's what Huerfanito ref was for. i thought you knew where his castle is - guess not. try

i'll track him down but thanks anyway.

Mike... Dale is 'gonetobaja' here on Nomad, so yes, he is a Baja Nomad... You replied several times to his posts, about getting picked up at the airports, etc. (???)

Also, from Dale's web site, that you told me to see (which is off line now, needs renewing... he should have Doug host his site!), the location of Dale's place: (???)

"We are located at beautiful Playa Escondida 1 mile north of the small town of Puertecitos. There are several Palapa camp sites for rent and has the finest beaches in the area. For those who would like to drive down and visit us in your own car we also rent fishing poles and offer hot showers at the campo. We are also currently under construction of our Castle by the Beach, Castillo Escondido, where future guests can have all of the creature comforts available, with a beachfront room to boot. Check out our "Our Gear" page for more info."

capt. mike - 9-4-2008 at 06:25 PM

thx for clarifying David. i really thot the castle was at the enchanted.

maybe that campo N of P. was before he built the castle.?

hope he gets his website back.

Dale's place is just 1/2 mile north of Puertecitos.

beercan - 9-4-2008 at 06:36 PM

David, if you want to come down and visit Puertecitos as my guest( No fees), just give me a heads up and I will try to arrange to be there and do the deed.

bacquito - 9-4-2008 at 07:59 PM

Thanks for sharing the photos!

hey Bob - how's the pista?

capt. mike - 9-4-2008 at 08:14 PM

Originally posted by beercan
David, if you want to come down and visit Puertecitos as my guest( No fees), just give me a heads up and I will try to arrange to be there and do the deed.

i need to come revisit the area , maybe this fall.

David K - 9-4-2008 at 08:48 PM

Thanks beercan, that is very kind of you!

Mike, I am sorry I sounded rude earlier... Perhaps I needed one more day in beautiful Baja California? Anyway, I am glad you got the details of Dale sorted out... I have not met him... just his interesting posts and his (former) web site details.

Viva Baja, Viva Screaming Airlines!

One good thing, the signs on the highway have PUERTECITOS spelled correctly!!:rolleyes:

capt. mike - 9-5-2008 at 07:18 AM

no offense taken here. so don't consider it. actually i am glad to learn his castillo is close to puertocitos which is easier for me to swing for a visit.:light:

now if only i can reach him, maybe he is there now. he needs sat service like Beercan has. all this time i was sure he actually stayed down by Huerfanito. that strip cannot be used.:!:

Hey !! I got enuf for a good time !

beercan - 9-5-2008 at 07:10 PM

Just let me know when you wanta drop in ???
I am on the road with the Boss and plan on being back down in early Oct. Then I have to start flying for the Sams in November.

By Mike
hey Bob - how's the pista?

David K - 9-7-2008 at 12:55 PM

Here is Part V:

Ken Cooke - 9-20-2008 at 08:20 PM

Muchas gracias para compartirnos tus recuerdos, Daaaviiid. :yes:

Barry A. - 9-20-2008 at 08:39 PM

My Gawd----they are actually "building" the new road------Baja will NEVER be the same!!!! :lol::(:(:(

Progress!!!! I guess.

Thanks David for the good pics------


David K - 9-20-2008 at 08:47 PM

10-4 Barry!

The new web page for this trip is now listed on here is the new site url: