
Some thoughts and observations from the road

Santiago - 9-4-2008 at 07:08 PM

A couple of things I noticed during my drive to BOLA and back this time:
1. Fairly light traffic going south through SoCal, the border and to Ensenada on a Tuesday afternoon. Got pesos at the Chula Vista Costco at exacly 10:1. Got the green light but they still ran out in the middle of the road and wanted to check my boat papers and pull the cover off but they gave up and waved me on after a few moments of fumbling for paperwork and cars honking at me.
2. Stayed at the Joker for the first time. Lots of Federal cops there but they had a few rooms. Security was not going to be a problem as 2 or 3 Feds with automatics always walking around. Do they practice that bored look or what? Ate at the Joker: average meal, the room a little rustic but OK for me. Wife would probably sigh a little. Sheets varied from off white to off, off white to just plain brown. Estimate thread count at about 50.
3. Plenty of gas/diesel everywhere as far as I could tell.
4. Got some 2X4s and 6 sheets of plywood at the Esenada Home Depot and tried to use my credit card but wouldn't go thru. Used cash and then had to get more at the bank in the same area and they charged about 10.13:1 but with the 1% fee it came to about 10:1 anyway.
5. Left Ensenada on Wednesday about 4:30am and ate in El Rosario, Baja's Best with Ed. He reports about 40% reduction in business in the general area this year - folks are hurting all along the hiway. Nearly zero RV Caravan traffic for almost a year. Ed has really spiffed his place up, has screen doors and no dogs/flies inside. I recomend an additional try for those of you who were put off.
6. Won't go into my time at gecko just to say I worked on my place for 6 days - will post a photo or two in the building section later. I did have a great pork chop dinner with Beach Bob - just us 2 sitting on the front porch telling lies and eating pork chops and a great salad. Brought over a bottle of vino but since BB stayed with his stuff I had to polish it off myself. Next day one of the workers commented that I didn't seem to be as industrious as usual - was I not feeling well?
7. Weather was outstanding - high 80s to low 90s with 55% to 75% humidity and a breeze most times. I slept outside with a small 12 volt fan that I used only a few nights. 2 days of thunderstorms kept the heat down. By the way, the online weather station that reports BOLA weather must have something wrong with the hygrometer - it always seems to under-report the humidity by a lot.
8. Trip north I stayed at the Villa San Quintin - I highly recommend this place: new, good furnishings and $350 pesos plus $150 peso tax for a total of $500 for a single. Is 42.8% room tax right or did I just get ripped off? The resturant is also pretty good and a lot of different stuff: pastas, salads, steaks, all in a mediteranian style. I had salmon with a tomato/bell pepper/green olive/tomato sauce that was really very good. Nice change after a week of basic beans/rice/fish. Lots of professional/business types seem to stay here; parking lot full of logo'ed pickups, government and private. Everybody dressed in polo shirts and chinos.
9. Crossed at San Yisidro on Wednesday morning about 11:30am - 23 minute wait. Glad I didn't listen to channel 223 on XM - they were reporting a 75 minute wait? By the way - what's up with XM and El Rosario? Very spotty reception to just silence for minutes - especially up on the mesa where the check point is. Anyone else notice that?
10. As I went north through the gate I noticed that the CHP and some other enforcement had every car stopped on I-5 going south about 100 yards from the border and were checking everyone - never noticed that before. Must of been 300 cars back up with folks milling around looking generally P.O.'ed.

4baja - 9-4-2008 at 07:20 PM

hey jim, i allways have a problem with sat radio in that area(millitary bloc). thanks for the pics. we leave in 6 days and hope for good fishing and weather. i have my new antenna that mounts on the roof for the internet so i will post offten. thanks for the utu

Von - 9-4-2008 at 07:50 PM

I have sat radio did not have any probs with it. 6 days Have a great time so luckyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. got back 20th Aug.

David K - 9-4-2008 at 09:07 PM

"8. Trip north I stayed at the Villa San Quintin - I highly recommend this place: new, good furnishings and $350 pesos plus $150 peso tax for a total of $500 for a single. Is 42.8% room tax right or did I just get ripped off?"

Jim, next time stop 30 miles sooner and enjoy Baja Cactus... no added tax surprise, in room find: awesome king size beds with custom mattresses, coffee pot, Costco bottled water, heating and air, satellite TV, Internet, telephone... no extra charges! Also, Antonio has put down rock gravel in the parking area and the big RV/ boat trailer parking lot to stop dust and mud issues.

[Edited on 9-5-2008 by David K]

aha baja - 9-5-2008 at 01:17 PM

Baja Cactus is the bomb! New, clean and better than many hotel/motels I have been to.Fuel, food and mercados within a minute walk. Best bang for the buck (or peso!):D

David A. - 9-5-2008 at 02:46 PM

My XM does the same thing in that area. :barf:
Your place is looking good. :O
Thanks for the pictures. I see my place looks like it was high and dry.:bounce:
We will be back on the 16 of November for two weeks. More work to complete this time.:rolleyes:

Martyman - 9-5-2008 at 03:50 PM

Ya cain't fish in El Rosario (baja cactus)!!

Phil C - 9-5-2008 at 04:55 PM

Yes you can.....ask Ed at Baja Best..

Santiago - 9-6-2008 at 08:30 AM

Just to be clear re: Baja Cactus: when I leave BOLA in the afternoon going north I try to make the north end of San Quintin. While it may not seem like much, it takes an hour to drive from El Rosario to the north side of San Quintin in the early morning because of all the traffic. That hour gets to be real important the second day after driving 15 hours to get home. When we go south - we stay at Baja Cactus for the same reason.

Now - no one has answered the question regarding the $150 peso room tax - was this bogus as I assume?

CaboRon - 9-7-2008 at 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Santiago
Just to be clear re: Baja Cactus: when I leave BOLA in the afternoon going north I try to make the north end of San Quintin. While it may not seem like much, it takes an hour to drive from El Rosario to the north side of San Quintin in the early morning because of all the traffic. That hour gets to be real important the second day after driving 15 hours to get home. When we go south - we stay at Baja Cactus for the same reason.

Now - no one has answered the question regarding the $150 peso room tax - was this bogus as I assume?

You were ripped off .... Big Time

The room tax is 13% as set by Hacienda


[Edited on 9-8-2008 by CaboRon]

There was probably an Amber Alert...

Mexray - 9-7-2008 at 07:08 PM

...up in California, and the cops were checking faces, etc. of someone thought to be 'running' south...what a pain to have to get cought up in that kind of a mess!

Hey Ron

Bajajack - 9-7-2008 at 07:16 PM

Originally posted by CaboRon
Originally posted by Santiago
Just to be clear re: Baja Cactus: when I leave BOLA in the afternoon going north I try to make the north end of San Quintin. While it may not seem like much, it takes an hour to drive from El Rosario to the north side of San Quintin in the early morning because of all the traffic. That hour gets to be real important the second day after driving 15 hours to get home. When we go south - we stay at Baja Cactus for the same reason.

Now - no one has answered the question regarding the $150 peso room tax - was this bogus as I assume?

You were ripped off .... Big Time

The room tax is 13% as set by Hacienda


[Edited on 9-8-2008 by CaboRon]
:lol:I think you're forgetting the 30% Greengo Tax.:lol:

[Edited on 9-8-2008 by Bajajack]

Santiago - 9-8-2008 at 08:33 AM

FYI: thanks Cabo Ron - I have emailed the hotel's corporate office and will report whatever happens - I sent them a link to this thread hoping that may do something. yeah, yeah, I know - don't hold my breath.....

Santiago - 9-9-2008 at 11:20 AM

Well - OK - I'm the one that screwed up. Here is the email from Villa San Quintin. My appoliges to them.

Dear Mr. Heath:

It seems this was just a matter of miscomunication, if you add up what you paid up-front minus the deposit it will come out to the amount for the cost of the room:

350.00 plus tax 12% = 392.00
deposit 150.00
Payment up front $542.00

I think the receptionist was trying to explain that the additional amount he was requesting was to complete the amount due for the deposit. You paid $545.00 pesos total upon arrival and were returned the complete $150.00 pesos at check-out, so unless we did not return any change we owe you $3.00 pesos total.

If you agree with this explanation or still have any doubts, please do not hesitate to e-mail us or call. Also, if you feel this resolves the problem to your satisfaction we would greatly appreciate if you let you friends at Nomads know.

Hope to see you back soon,

Hotel Villa de San Quintin

David K - 9-9-2008 at 12:18 PM

Thanks Jim... nice to confirm another honest establishment.

Have you tried the Los Cirios Motel nearby?

tripledigitken - 9-9-2008 at 01:44 PM

I've found recently that a few hotels/motels in Baja require a deposit for the remote control usually $10-$15. That was the case when I stayed at VDSQ. They told me if they don't, they never see them again.

By the way they had free HBO when I stayed there. It is a very clean and new operation (less than 2 years old) with a very friendly staff.


ps Remember to clean the remote control, reputed to be the dirtiest item in a motel room, that seldom gets cleaned.:wow: