
Rumor about Burro Beach

psyflyjohn - 9-15-2008 at 04:39 AM

El Burro Beach is one of my favorite spots to bring the motorhome for vacation. I know several palapa residents there also. A friend recently relayed a rumor that the government has decreed the removal of all palapas from the beach within two years. Apparently the palapas were constructed too close to the water, and waste water is polluting the bay.

Shades of Santispec! Can anyone confirm that this is true?

capt. mike - 9-15-2008 at 06:17 AM

i heard the same but not the reason. i figured it is being sold for development and they are simply getting rid of the tennants.

Terry28 - 9-15-2008 at 09:11 AM

That sounds unrealistic. I believe Burro is owned by two different Ejidos, Each owns about half...Now with no water and no electricity development sounds aways off....but who's Baja...and yes, several of those palapas are way to close to the water line..and with septic too.
I will be in the area next month and will ask around Bertha should know!

Lindalou - 9-15-2008 at 10:39 AM

Santispac had no water or electricity and they had no problem moving us off.

Hook - 9-15-2008 at 12:50 PM

Cant see where the ownership of Burro being split between two ejidos is relevant if the issue is the potential for pollution.

losfrailes - 9-15-2008 at 01:17 PM

Hook, I don't think the issue is even the pollution. The issue is are they (??) using that as an excuse to evacuate long term residents so the place can be sold.

Just a WAG

Terry28 - 9-15-2008 at 02:48 PM

If in fact the rumor is true...and for now I guess it is still an "IF", having the renters gone would makei t easier to sell. And Santispac is back on the market, the development deal appears to have fallen through. I would hope the owners at Burro are watching that and learning from it...a bird in the hand....etc......

psyflyjohn - 9-15-2008 at 03:42 PM

Maybe I'm naive, but could pollution be a legitimate issue. It's my understanding that the government owns the shore, up to a certain distance inland. Then ejido rights take over from there. Now if the palapas are close to the water (I've seen high tide hit a foundation or two there), it could be a legitimate issue?

Pescador - 9-16-2008 at 07:26 PM

There are several places on Concepcion that they have built palapas and other structures in the Federal Zone. In some cases the ejido may have opted to pay for a concession, but in most cases it was a case of the ejido never getting checked and since they had always used the land they assumed they would always be able to.
I used to have a place at San Lucas Cove and the ejido of San Lucas told us that it was ok to put a patio, etc. on that property since they paid the concession. But when I was talking to the military guys that were surveying they indicated that nothing permanent was allowed and only temp structures were permitted. Needless to say that made me very nervous since one mans permanent is another mans temporary. They also strictly enforced the access which led to a disagreement with an adjoining lease since he assumed that I had asked for the access instead of the Federal Government.
I think the days of anything goes are long gone.

gnukid - 9-16-2008 at 07:34 PM

There are occasions when you are encouraged to build on property for the owners benefit?$#@!

CaboRon - 9-16-2008 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Pescador
There are several places on Concepcion that they have built palapas and other structures in the Federal Zone. In some cases the ejido may have opted to pay for a concession, but in most cases it was a case of the ejido never getting checked and since they had always used the land they assumed they would always be able to.
I used to have a place at San Lucas Cove and the ejido of San Lucas told us that it was ok to put a patio, etc. on that property since they paid the concession. But when I was talking to the military guys that were surveying they indicated that nothing permanent was allowed and only temp structures were permitted. Needless to say that made me very nervous since one mans permanent is another mans temporary. They also strictly enforced the access which led to a disagreement with an adjoining lease since he assumed that I had asked for the access instead of the Federal Government.
I think the days of anything goes are long gone.

Is anything permanent against a Cat Tractor ?

Pescador - 9-17-2008 at 09:31 AM

Nope, nor: a fire like at Las Arenas.