
Hostile takeover????

Osprey - 9-22-2008 at 06:22 AM

Healthy Forum

You don’t need to be tuned into the Nomad long to learn from normal everyday posts that many members are personal friends – you’ll see photos of them on Baja beaches, surfing, fishing together. Most of them made some lifelong friendships via this board. That alone would make the forum worthwhile for many.

Also a few posts over a couple of weeks or months would let a casual reader know that hundreds of members give generously to Mexican charitable causes like schools, orphanages, special groups, fire departments, etc. etc. – the list is long and varied. Much of that social sharing arose from online coordination made possible by this forum.

Nomads work together in convoys, work groups, coalitions, in small groups and large for projects that help members and others while providing a healthy outdoor outlet somewhere in Baja California.

A brand new poster/lurker wouldn’t see all that interaction the first time they logged on. When you visit a Good Will store, perhaps you can’t see past the used goods to the hard dollars they represent to help needy people everywhere.

And speaking of Good Will --- that’s really all this board needs to be valuable to all who use it. Those who want to wipe that away should know that if they do, they will effect the lives of thousands of people over a very long period of time.

Maybe the forum owner will jump in here soon and give us his feelings about the matter.

woody with a view - 9-22-2008 at 06:54 AM

great points Osprey!

this is a great board. i spend WAY TOO MUCH time here myself. i think that the problems that arise are associated with the fact that once something gets too large the law of diminishing returns take hold. that is, odds are opinions will vary because there are so many opinions.

i guess the reality is we all get along, or disagree and get over it. it's kinda like the pecking order on the playground in 2nd grade playing out all over again. some wanna be liked. some are class clowns. some are the hotties. others wanna be bullies, nauseum......

David K - 9-22-2008 at 07:23 AM

There are great people everywhere and there are some bullies or player haters as well.

As woody in ob says, the bigger the group of great people, then more of the other types will be included...

Typing from behind a keyboard, usually using a handle, allows one to be a bit more opinionated or condensending than perhaps in person. A few may just post outrageous comments or personal attacks to get a reaction or create some drama to spice up the forum.

The best thing about Baja Nomad is that we do mostly have great people here who all share a love for Baja California. Nomads share their trip stories or Baja activities and that allows the rest of us to get to know them a bit.

I have discovered that when we finally meet in person, it almost always turns into a long term friendship and enhances our Baja travels from exchanging tips on places to visit or actually traveling with other Nomads in Baja.

The joint efforts of Nomads to help in Baja have been great and rewarding for sure! Ferna is a bundle of energy and has been great at helping Nomads and helping kids in need, too.

So, before you let some garbage posts chase you away from Nomad, remember that is given the player haters what they want, and taking you away from all the good stuff you enjoy about reading Nomad or getting envolved in trip planning or heping a worthy cause.

Let's support Doug (Baja Nomad) in keeping this site on line by purchasing from the Tienda Baja Nomad, clicking on the ads by Google, using BajaBound insurance or sending Doug an occaisional gratuity. is far more interesting and informative than any magazine subscription, and it is free!

Have a great day and Viva Baja Nomad!

capt. mike - 9-22-2008 at 07:56 AM

"or sending Doug an occaisional gratuity."


that's the stupidest thing i have read here in a long time.
does anyone here expect to believe some one ever sent a money donation or "tip" to the owner of an ad based for-profit website?

David.....really. i am sorry but that is folly. are you offering that you actually did that? :rolleyes:

David K - 9-22-2008 at 08:01 AM

I know Mike... you want it all for free.

I just hope I am not the only one who wants to keep Nomad on the Internet and have sent something to Doug on occaision. He doesn't make much with the google ads, etc.

This site is worth something... just like flying... it does cost something to keep having fun.

capt. mike - 9-22-2008 at 08:11 AM

i applaud your enthusiasm David and support your good efforts to promote baja which i enjoy.
but when the dialog goes to contributing money to the operator here i have to suggest that is simply ridiculous. if you or anyone else has that level of liquidity there are an unlimited number of good charities which do humanitarian deeds in mexico and especially baja that can use the $$, and they'll give you a tax deduction.
as pure entertainment, yes i want it free. if i had to pay to use this forum i'd be enjoying my time elsewhere.

Shark18 - 9-22-2008 at 08:16 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
yes i want it free. if i had to pay to use this forum i'd be enjoying my time elsewhere.

Well, they say you always get what you pay for.

:lol: :lol:

David K - 9-22-2008 at 08:22 AM

Mike, is not a financial powerhouse... It is Doug's hobby and thanks to Doug keeping it online, thousands of people have had a place to go to read or see more Baja.

Because of Nomad and the people here, there have been great contributions to Mexican charities.

I think Nomad is worth keeping on the Internet, and I want Doug to not have to struggle with a decision between keeping Nomad online or food for his family. I only suggested an occaisional donation from those who appreciate the site and maybe don't buy BajaBound insurance or buy from the Tienda Baja Nomad or click on the ads by Google. I suggest no pressure, no pointing fingers...

"if i had to pay to use this forum i'd be enjoying my time elsewhere."

Are you serious? You don't get cigars for free do you?

You suggest people pay Baja Bush Pilots just to read their forum, even if they are not pilots...

I just don't believe in 'welfair' if one is able to contribute to a site they use and enjoy. There is no free lunch, someone, somewhere pays for all of this.

[Edited on 9-22-2008 by David K]

Diver - 9-22-2008 at 08:32 AM

All good thoughts Osprey ! :yes:
The non-Baja and senseless attacks are a bore.
The reason most of us joined was to gain and share Baja information and kinship, to meet like-minded folks and to support the place we love.

DK with good thoughts again; just stumbles on his good intentions occassionally. :lol:

And Mike, I guess I'd have to say that I would be willing, if requested, to pay some nominal fee ($25) for annual access to this board. I normally do have to pay something for my entertainment and this board is more than that to me. :light::rolleyes::lol:


capt. mike - 9-22-2008 at 08:40 AM

relax David.
exercise your freedom to give Doug your money. no heartburn here over it, why should there be? ;)
however....don't kid yourself that sites like these which garner commercial ad revenue can be QUITE lurative after they grow in traffic like this place has over the years. And Means is congratulated as well for his entreprenural spirit.
But unless Mr. Means is willing to open his private books to you (maybe he has?) or is required to do so as if it were classed or chartered to as such an entity might, my guess is no one is starving while struggling to hold this place together. i'll check my naivete at the keyboard thank you.

BajaGringo - 9-22-2008 at 08:47 AM

I participate in several online forums and on one they have a subscription fee of $25 annually which is voluntary. With that subscription fee you get access to a few forums the general membership does not. I gladly pay it as I find the value there. If Doug were to charge a subscription fee I would gladly pay it too as I find a lot of value here, although you have to pull the boot straps up higher on some days. Some may agree, others will not - no big deal.

Maybe the voluntary subscription with access to a couple of private forums would be a possible way of making that happen here on Baja Nomads. I serve as moderator on some of those other forums and run a private forum for a company here in Mexico which uses it to communicate with its employees in different offices. It is easy to control member access to specific areas of the forum in the admin tools. Maybe something worth considering.

Just my dos centavos...

edited for spelling

[Edited on 9-22-2008 by BajaGringo]

flyfishinPam - 9-22-2008 at 09:24 AM

something has bothered me for several weeks now that I just have to convey.

several weeks ago during an angry fit while thinking on politics i added a quote under my posts that carried over from offtopic to general forums. that quote went something like this "lets pull the plug from the old geezers" it isn't the complete quote as I can't remember what it was exactly. I believe that I offended Osprey one of the nicest kindest most thoughtful posters in doing so. the quote was made in reference to the old geezers who govern us not old folks in general. and the word geezer defines a certain person of which type does not describe Osprey. i get defensive when defending my beliefs which are basically passive, I believe that those who are fortunate enough to have good health, smarts and are wealthy have the obligation to help those who are less fortunate then themselves. I do what I can in this regard and i teach this to my offspring and those around me. I become offended when others do not think this way those same persons who would rather hurt and insult others and justify invasions and defy peace then do good things. I defend nomads who are insulted by other nomads that try to hurt them with their words. That's the mothering instinct in me I guess. So I am sorry for my past words and I will try to contain my anger better.

[Edited on 9-22-2008 by flyfishinPam]

Iflyfish - 9-22-2008 at 09:34 AM

Well said Osprey!


fishbuck - 9-22-2008 at 09:42 AM

Why do these "what's wrong with the board" posts keep coming back?
Just try to enjoy it for what it is. It's an open forum and it can't really be controlled. Just like life there are unpleasant people who may comment occationally.
Ignore them. That includes me if I get to crazy which may occur from time to time. And I'll try to ingore posts I don't like too. It works pretty good. Try it.

Barry A. - 9-22-2008 at 09:48 AM

Originally posted by fishbuck
Why do these "what's wrong with the board" posts keep coming back?
Just try to enjoy it for what it is. It's an open forum and it can't really be controlled. Just like life there are unpleasant people who may comment occationally.
Ignore them. That includes me if I get to crazy which may occur from time to time. And I'll try to ingore posts I don't like too. It works pretty good. Try it.

Yep, that is probably the best way to look at it--------I try, but sometimes "they" get too me. :rolleyes:

Thanks, Fishbuck.

I see that Doug has wisely removed my offending posts--------my apologies to Doug for causing him grief and time. I will really try and "watch it" from now on.


elizabeth - 9-22-2008 at 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Diver
All good thoughts Osprey ! :yes:
The non-Baja and senseless attacks are a bore.
The reason most of us joined was to gain and share Baja information and kinship, to meet like-minded folks and to support the place we love.

DK with good thoughts again; just stumbles on his good intentions occassionally. :lol:

And Mike, I guess I'd have to say that I would be willing, if requested, to pay some nominal fee ($25) for annual access to this board. I normally do have to pay something for my entertainment and this board is more than that to me. :light::rolleyes::lol:


An annual subscription fee is not a bad idea...maybe anyone can read posts, but only subscribers can post messages? It might end some of the nasty name calling, but it won't end incivility on the board. I have seen, and even been subject to some of the most grievous, and hurtful comments at the hands (keyboards?) of a couple of long time posters. The only thing that will end incivility is an effort on all of our parts to stop decide that we will argue about issues and not personalities...stop name calling, and to call people on it when they mount an unprovoked attack. This board has too much to offer to let it descend into a nasty and senseless c-ckfight.

Osprey - 9-22-2008 at 10:09 AM

Pam, thanks for that. Geezer is not a bad word. In my book it's an eccentric old man. Pretty much discribes the Osprey. Couldn't get arrested or commited for most of the things I do. Never know what's next -- might get up, two in the morning, eat a ground squirrel.

BajaGringo - 9-22-2008 at 10:15 AM

fishbuck is right. Learning to just ignore/not respond to the trolls that appear is the best method and I am learning to do just that.

My apologies as well to any I have offended by one post or another and I do appreciate the camaraderie and good information as well as entertainment many of you provide here.

flyfishinPam - 9-22-2008 at 10:41 AM

elizabeth I and others remember the offensive post and once that poster was made to understand his action, his smugness in defending himself. we are on your side and fully support you. i cannot think of the motive of many of the constantly changing handles on these newbies and their agenda but i've seen other boards taken over by these types and those here pale in comparison to them.

Skeet/Loreto - 9-22-2008 at 03:47 PM

I consider myself an "Ole Timer" Old Fart"," Old Geezer" and a few more labels that have been placed on me by the Mostly Younsters of this Board!

But I do Forgive them of their Sins, as I, the opposite of Vagabondo, do beleive in the Good Lord as our Creator.

As i am past 77 years of age, still Flying Airplanes, riding Horses,, Fishing, being an Alderman, Shoveling Poop, walking a mile each Day, not having to use Viagra, and spending 38 years on the Sea of Cortez, I feel that I have earned the right to take some of these "Youngsters" to the WoodShed for trying to Blow Smoke up Nomads Rear ends!!

The Sea of Cortez is Not Ruined!!!!

fishbuck - 9-22-2008 at 03:50 PM

"not having to use Viagra"

Skeet's, your missing the point. That's the best time to use it is when you don't need it.:cool:

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-22-2008 at 04:01 PM

mtgoat666 - 9-22-2008 at 04:59 PM

Originally posted by David K
Mike, is not a financial powerhouse... It is Doug's hobby and thanks to Doug keeping it online, thousands of people have had a place to go to read or see more Baja.

Because of Nomad and the people here, there have been great contributions to Mexican charities.

I think Nomad is worth keeping on the Internet, and I want Doug to not have to struggle with a decision between keeping Nomad online or food for his family. I only suggested an occaisional donation from those who appreciate the site and maybe don't buy BajaBound insurance or buy from the Tienda Baja Nomad or click on the ads by Google. I suggest no pressure, no pointing fingers...

"if i had to pay to use this forum i'd be enjoying my time elsewhere."

Are you serious? You don't get cigars for free do you?

You suggest people pay Baja Bush Pilots just to read their forum, even if they are not pilots...

I just don't believe in 'welfair' if one is able to contribute to a site they use and enjoy. There is no free lunch, someone, somewhere pays for all of this.

[Edited on 9-22-2008 by David K]

Businesses that rely on donations are usually non-profits -- and make disclosure of finacial operations. Why would someone donate to an organization that doesn't have open books?

Neal Johns - 9-23-2008 at 10:38 PM

I would kick in - because I like this forum - In spite of all you old geezers on it. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Paulina - 9-24-2008 at 07:23 AM

Thanks for the chuckle, Neal. :lol:

Barry A. - 9-24-2008 at 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Neal Johns
I would kick in - because I like this forum - In spite of all you old geezers on it. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Me too, Neal. Gladly!!! :yes:

David K - 9-24-2008 at 05:35 PM

Nomads... the mailing address if anyone would wish to give a gratuity (tip) to Baja Nomad to help him keep this site on the Internet... if you find the inforamation to be valuable... a little reward for his efforts... it is right here:

The Gull - 9-24-2008 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
Businesses that rely on donations are usually non-profits -- and make disclosure of finacial operations. Why would someone donate to an organization that doesn't have open books?


There appears to be a huge capacity on the board to provide for condescending remarks and lack of spelling, punctuation and grammar skills. It certainly does have its upside!

Udo - 9-24-2008 at 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Diver
All good thoughts Osprey ! :yes:

And Mike, I guess I'd have to say that I would be willing, if requested, to pay some nominal fee ($25) for annual access to this board. I normally do have to pay something for my entertainment and this board is more than that to me. :light::rolleyes::lol:

I would second that same motion (or e-motion), :bounce:however, Doug still hasn't sent me the stuff I ordered several weeks ago


dao45 - 9-24-2008 at 08:36 PM

Just how old do you have to be to be an old geezer? Or is it like a vehicle not the year it was made but the roads it was driven down?

toneart - 9-24-2008 at 08:45 PM

When I was a young man I was prematurely dirty. Now that my hair is gray, I have finally grown into it. Geezer? Wahl..........I'm not sayin'. :):cool:

Barry A. - 9-24-2008 at 10:31 PM

"geezer"-------synonym "gummer"-----

"gee" from the latin word meaning "gazillion"------

and "zer" from the German slang for "years" -------

Put them together and you have the definition of "geezer".

Taken as a group, it is generally accepted that "geezers" rule!!!!

Taken individually, a "geezer" is a prince to be honored and respected, and sometimes given alms too.

Therefore, I expect no more irreverance directed towards "geezers" on this board.


dao45 - 9-25-2008 at 12:55 AM

I heard viagra can cause blindness.I am waitng till they realease the statictics to where it also causes deafness.Then I'll take it like pacifico lol

capt. mike - 9-25-2008 at 07:20 AM

" the mailing address if anyone would wish to give a gratuity (tip) to Baja Nomad to help him keep this site on the Internet... if you find the inforamation to be valuable... a little reward for his efforts... it is right here: "

funny thing is i have not seen anything from the man himself stating he is in financial trouble or needs to solicit donations to keep this web site intact.
wouldn't he be more vocal here if he intended to ask for and accept contributions? without that validity i read any cheerleading on this subject to be preaching to a choir and simple fawning.
come on Sr. Means....say it ain't so!

but hey..send in the money, it's the American way....or is that the United Way? of the Ways...:lol::lol::lol:

dtbushpilot - 9-25-2008 at 07:44 AM

Originally posted by dao45
I heard viagra can cause blindness.I am waitng till they realease the statictics to where it also causes deafness.Then I'll take it like pacifico lol

I've always been blessed with perfect vision but during my last aviation medical I was told that I needed glasses......small price to pay..:bounce::bounce:....dt

woody with a view - 9-25-2008 at 08:29 AM


but hey..send in the money, it's the American way....or is that the United Way? of the Ways...and Means....


David K - 9-25-2008 at 09:18 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
" the mailing address if anyone would wish to give a gratuity (tip) to Baja Nomad to help him keep this site on the Internet... if you find the inforamation to be valuable... a little reward for his efforts... it is right here: "

funny thing is i have not seen anything from the man himself stating he is in financial trouble or needs to solicit donations to keep this web site intact.
wouldn't he be more vocal here if he intended to ask for and accept contributions? without that validity i read any cheerleading on this subject to be preaching to a choir and simple fawning.
come on Sr. Means....say it ain't so!

but hey..send in the money, it's the American way....or is that the United Way? of the Ways...:lol::lol::lol:

Hmmmm... Baja Bush Pilots requires $49/ year just to look at their message board even if you never post there. Last time I looked Capt. Mike, you are one of the top posters here on Nomad... yet, you stated earlier that if Doug actually did what Bush Pilots has done, you would leave... ?

Sure, BBP (Baja Bush Pilots) is the ultimate source for flying info... But BN (Baja Nomad) is the ultimate source for most all other Baja info. When you fly to Baja, you do other things when you get there... Baja Nomad is the place to learn about all those other things!

Doug is a very modest man, and doesn't toot his own horn, yet does a lot of work to promote Baja via this web site... I (on the other hand) get very excited about Baja and enjoy sharing my excitement with others and that includes promoting web sites, books, and activities that would be of interest to people who also get excited about the peninsula. Because of my excitement (call it 'big mouth' if you want) and what I do, a lot of people have discovered new things about Baja, have got to meet each other, have started activities to help the people of Baja, and have joined Baja Nomad.

Silence doesn't go very far in getting the word out... What is it you call your Baja plane, 'Screaming Airlines'? After I flew with you in 2001, I posted photos, made a web page and talked positive about the experience. I wanted you to always be available to offer flights to Baja... the more it pays the better the odds are you will continue to do it.

You guys want XXXXL Nomad tee shirts and other stuff and Doug would like to provide it, however he refuses to accept orders until he has product in stock... I have suggested he take orders (like other companies do) and ship in 30-45 days, etc. (once they have funds to buy the items to sell you).

Despite what you think Mike, the income from this site is pretty small and not enough to allow Doug to do all the stuff he would like to or stock all the odd and jumbo size shirts many are waiting for.

Is $25-$50 per year so hard to do for all the fun and info. Baja Nomad provides? The cost of one meal at a restaurant... one meal vs. 365 days of Baja on the Internet!?

I want Doug to have lots of reasons to keep Nomad alive and well... getting a financial 'thank you' is a pretty good reason... It is why we who work go to our jobs when we would rather go to Baja... right?

woody with a view - 9-25-2008 at 09:32 AM


no wonder he takes so long. do the chinese even make XXXXL?

David K - 9-25-2008 at 03:53 PM

Woody, it was a way of my humoring the situation on the shirts... Doug has shirts in stock, but not the really big ones or kiddy sizes... The size comment was not targeting Capt. Mike... I am quite a bit oversize myself (darn that good Baja food and beer) and have moved up to XXL (my God!).

Really, I am going to reverse that trend... I am, I am, I am!!! :lol:

Bajabus - 9-25-2008 at 04:40 PM

Lot's of ways to support Doug. I personally like hosting my websites on his servers. Did so for many years. I even bought hosting accounts and never used them.

I had to move my big site off his server because the web person i was working with gave me a package deal I could not refuse....felt terrible about it but Doug was very gracious about the whole thing.

I am sure i will be using his services again in the near future.

Good way to support a fellow nomad, support their private enterprises. the whole buy local concept.

capt. mike - 9-25-2008 at 06:06 PM

David - i still think that if Doug needed $$s he'd state so himself, that's all.
but sure, contribute as you like - you'll get one of the shirts maybe! :spingrin:

BBP is an organization requiring dues to be a part and provides tangible benefits. their forum is a side intangible benefit and comes with membership. no one joins for the forum. it just comes as a bonus. i think 95% of the members never post although how many lurk is impossible to say. i pay my $49 a year to contribute to Jack's services and his mexico lobby efforts which pay back in excess of that yearly in tangible benefits and member savings while traveling in baja or mainland.

nomads is pure entertainment for me. if i had to pay i would not be here as it holds no tangible benefit. but as a free zone it has its occasional kicks.

"screaming airlines" as a concept is just about having fun. look around at plane owners and boat owners - they , many have little kitchy websites about their hobby. now its done more frequently on my space pages.

ah... but in the final analysis.....who cares??!!:lol::lol::lol:

Osprey - 9-25-2008 at 06:14 PM

We don't care enough to lose sleep about it but we sure like to see you sqirm like a catterpillar on stick about these two issues: one, you as all knowing airline pilot and two as Mr. Fun of the airways (if everything, including attchement to this family of nice people) is free to you and yours.

DR.EVIL13 - 9-25-2008 at 06:17 PM

They should charge as much as the owners want.
If you dont pay,no play.

capt. mike - 9-25-2008 at 09:11 PM

really Osprey? how much have you sent in? i find the entire prospect of anyone here sending in unsolicited donations to Means incredible.
squirming? why? about what? hardly.:lol::lol::lol:

David K - 9-26-2008 at 09:26 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
really Osprey? how much have you sent in? i find the entire prospect of anyone here sending in unsolicited donations to Means incredible.
squirming? why? about what? hardly.:lol::lol::lol:

Mike... thanks for being so diplomatic, but why are you so opposed to voluntary contributions being suggested... By your logic in the reply to Osprey, you must not ever leave tips when eating out? The waiters don't solicit for money when they serve you...

I also think you get a lot more than just 'fun' from Baja Nomad... up to date travel details, new places of business opening up, new ideas on what to do in Baja, plus without Nomad then Shari's Bed & Breakfast details and her direct discussion about Asuncion may have never been seen by you?

Anyway, I surely do not understand why you felt the need to be the major voice of opposition to Doug getting some financial reward for keeping Nomad online... I did explain why he is not asking for himself... as his friend and most active Nomad, I took it upon myself to.

Here is the plaque that Antonio 'BajaCactus' made for Doug and presented to him at Viva Baja Cactus in 2006 in gratitude for Doug's outstanding contribution to Baja travel. More potos at

[Edited on 9-26-2008 by David K]

Viva Baja Cactus 132r.JPG - 29kB

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-26-2008 at 10:00 AM

When Baja Nomad needs us to ante up to be a part of Baja Nomads I will join in.

vandenberg - 9-26-2008 at 10:37 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTI8
When Baja Nomad needs us to ante up to be a part of Baja Nomads I will join in.

Most likely will most all of us.
However... like to hear some input from the upper command on this issue.:?:

If 80% of current members would contribute the tiny sum of $5.00 a year, it would generate the tidy sum of around $ 32.000.00.
Nothing to sneeze at.:(
Seen years my income didn't increase like that.:biggrin:

[Edited on 9-26-2008 by vandenberg]

[Edited on 9-26-2008 by vandenberg]

capt. mike - 9-26-2008 at 11:00 AM

David - not opposed. i just find it an incredible scenario when not once has the owner Means come into this with a plea. but heck - contribute freely - i have not suggested that folks not give him money, only that i personally see no compelling reason to.
i recall when Earle and Trish did ask for $$ help - or maybe i am wrong there, perhaps it was users who pleaded? - but not before he threatened to shut it down because it was taking too much time.
like i said this venue represents more fun than objectivity to me. there are plenty of sources for baja info on line, this is no exclusive storehouse of data.
in fact i believe Carlos' site has substantially more to offer in terms of travel facts. So - enjoy your next trip south, i hope to be there in oct soon myself!!

ELINVESTIG8R - 9-26-2008 at 11:28 AM

If Baja Nomad starts charging then you will see the Riff-Raff leave. It will also be the demise of the second, third, fourth and yes even fifth additional
screen name some people have.

Sharksbaja - 9-26-2008 at 12:34 PM

Now that's a compelling reason right there David!

tripledigitken - 9-26-2008 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
David - not opposed. i just find it an incredible scenario when not once has the owner Means come into this with a plea. but heck - contribute freely - i have not suggested that folks not give him money, only that i personally see no compelling reason to.
i recall when Earle and Trish did ask for $$ help - or maybe i am wrong there, perhaps it was users who pleaded? - but not before he threatened to shut it down because it was taking too much time.
like i said this venue represents more fun than objectivity to me. there are plenty of sources for baja info on line, this is no exclusive storehouse of data.
in fact i believe Carlos' site has substantially more to offer in terms of travel facts. So - enjoy your next trip south, i hope to be there in oct soon myself!!


What site are you referring to? Looks like I might want to expand my Baja internet experience based on this thread.:?:


here's a plane from Carlos' raid on PSFO

capt. mike - 9-26-2008 at 01:23 PM

hola Ken. it's world famous Carlos Fiesta's site,
you need to read about his exploits driving his 19ft figan panga around the whole peninsula.

Carlos is your kind of guy. he doesn't have a forum to yak on but he has more baja and mainland pages than any travel site i have seen.
Carlos lives in Socal and is seen down in Sand won neeko some times and might be in his plane as well.

he sent me a while back. don't know who's at the controls here but they are on short and LOW final to PSFO. they had about 4 plane load of guys hanging there for a few days.

[Edited on 9-26-2008 by capt. mike]

1200.jpg - 19kB

tripledigitken - 9-26-2008 at 01:48 PM

Thanks Mike I will check it out.

CaboRon - 9-26-2008 at 03:16 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
David - not opposed. i just find it an incredible scenario when not once has the owner Means come into this with a plea. but heck - contribute freely - i have not suggested that folks not give him money, only that i personally see no compelling reason to.
i recall when Earle and Trish did ask for $$ help - or maybe i am wrong there, perhaps it was users who pleaded? - but not before he threatened to shut it down because it was taking too much time.
like i said this venue represents more fun than objectivity to me. there are plenty of sources for baja info on line, this is no exclusive storehouse of data.
in fact i believe Carlos' site has substantially more to offer in terms of travel facts. So - enjoy your next trip south, i hope to be there in oct soon myself!!

gnukid - 9-26-2008 at 04:07 PM

Consider that the "hostile takeover" may have more to do with the age, mood, boredom and alcohol consumption of the posters than anything else. Not that it matters who is posting negative crap, there has always been a tendency within US based online communities for there to be many who project odd social behavior from behind their screens. The solution has always and always will be, ignore them. People seeking attention through anti-social behavior will continue as long as they get attention.

Personally, I see a clear distinction between interested posters asking about baja, posting news and asking for confirmation as opposed to insults, hyperbole, negativity and all out nonsense. I do not attribute any of the nonsense to being from newbies or political trolls as much as simply to due to boredom and alcohol abuse from people with nothing to do...

So get out and have some fun 'ol timers! harumph!

Skeet/Loreto - 9-26-2008 at 05:18 PM


Gee Whiz Kid! I have fun every day that I wake up and every nite that I go to sleep.
Another Day gone another Day of a Great Life especially watching all the youngsters on this Board acting as they are"Youngsters" ie unlearned Some seeking Wisdom and not knowing it if it hit them in the Face, so involved in playing with their Ipods, watching the TV, strolling the malls, hoping there is a Govt. Program to help them out.

Its a Great Life Gnukid!

Sharksbaja - 9-26-2008 at 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
seeking Wisdom and not knowing it if it hit them in the Face, so involved in playing with their Ipods, watching the TV,

So you are saying this is a good thang? I sure hope so but it sounds derogatory Skeet. I guess hanging around the computer with cyber friends is................somehow different:?:?


dao45 - 9-27-2008 at 12:20 AM

OMG !! Have I been having anti social behavior again.Nawww probablly not me.But once again has anyone noticed the length of threads that deal with money???
Seems some people dont know what propina means.I was born in Las Vegas.If you wanted a good seat at a show you gave the maitre de a propina.
remember no one rides the trin for free.But there are certain cars and seats that are way more comfortable.

Skeet/Loreto - 9-28-2008 at 12:09 PM


That is just the reason I do not go to Vegas only Through Vegas!

Yes I know it is the Tourist Capital of the States, to me it is truly Sin City, where you can get anything you want, all you have to do is Pay for it.

If you have seen, as I have, the results of this activity, you might have second Thoughts.

I refer to my years as a Nevada Private Investigator and to the Incidents I observed, the People I met while investigating the Brothells from Ash Meadows on the South to Tonopah to the North.

Now if you are a Prostitute, or a Los Angeles Houswife looking for some extra Cash while your Husband is on a Fishing Trip, then Vegas is the Place??? Or the other way around, if you are a Husband looking for a
Prostitute Vegas is the Place!!

I certainly do not beleive in paying for a Ticket Then having to give some Lowbrow Dude money for a Seat.

To Each his Own!!