
san Nicolas baja / info

ligui - 9-28-2008 at 09:18 AM

Hi everyone , hope you are having a relaxing sunday . I am .

Skeet reminded me of an area that i haven't seen yet , but would like to know more about .

If you could share your stories , pics. maps , or anything about the San Nicolas area i would thank you .

love to hear about a new place , thanks ligui :bounce:

Diver - 9-28-2008 at 09:30 AM

San Nic got pretty hammered in the last storm.
If you've never been out the road, you will find it an "experience".
Many small steeps and concrete-lined aroyo crossings.
It requires a fairly high clearance vehicle but I did it easily in my F350 without need of 4x4. I would seriously doubt that a camp trailer could make it undamaged but pick-up campers should be fine.
When you near the coast, you drop into the aroyo around which most of the homes are located. The road continues towards the beach, past some homes that may not be there any more. The aroyo is lush with palms.
There was a beach palapa house for rent and a beach launch area.
There are no stores or services in town so bring it all with you.
Fishing can be pretty good in the area, lots of beach and hill hiking in the area also.

vgabndo - 9-28-2008 at 10:16 AM


Here's a taste.

There is a tiny Conosupo store, but
diver is right. Pack it in pack it out.