
call for DT

capt. mike - 9-30-2008 at 04:45 PM

hey DT - when you get south can you report on status of Los Frailes strip?
and give to BBP?

Osprey - 9-30-2008 at 05:49 PM

Free message board! Great.

Baja&Back - 9-30-2008 at 06:04 PM

Los frailes strip? I wanna go too!!! :bounce:

Nice big beach mansion there!

Sallysouth - 10-14-2008 at 09:08 PM

Hey Capt!I have an idea I would like to run by ya...It would be my Dads last trip to Baja.Times and dates are flexible, but thinking about Nov, Dec, time frame.Maybe a stop at Serenidad, and he needs to see Juncalito again before ....Then on to Cabo, or San Jose? U2U or email.

[Edited on 10-15-2008 by Sallysouth]

[Edited on 10-15-2008 by Sallysouth]

Mustang Sally - did it

capt. mike - 10-15-2008 at 08:01 AM

so check.

let's be like Nike and DO IT! swoooosh...........:tumble:

n7369p at qwest dot net
write me back.

free message board? sure. Why not?:rolleyes:

airmech - 11-1-2008 at 09:53 AM

If you didn't get info on Los Frailes it was great a couple of weeks ago. Shouldn,t have changed since. Look forward to meeting you at Rocky point.

capt. mike - 11-1-2008 at 11:23 AM

hi Airmech - thx. and i did see some recent poop over at BBP re Frailes too.
maybe those were your posts there? what is your BBP handle? my buddy Ford W. lives part time at EL Rincon close by, flies a 180 which goes to floats 1/2 year up at BC.
he is headed to serenidad today from Vegas on his annual commute to east cape.

i doubt i'll be at Penasco for the fly in cause there is a trip further south being contemplated either that weekend or the week before. my avgas budget is tighter than a bull's arse during mayfly season.........

dtbushpilot - 11-1-2008 at 11:31 AM

Hey Mike, I'm down here now, going fishing tomorrow, might be able to get down there Monday. From what I've heard it's great. If I can get down there I'll report....dt

airmech - 11-1-2008 at 11:39 AM

Mike, We've run into Ford a few times down there. He measured LF with his quad so we could go in after the hurricane. 1k feet will do. We have BOLA planned soon also. Same handle at BBP been a member since I used to fly down with Arnold. brian

capt. mike - 11-2-2008 at 07:35 AM

ok, i remembered that when Ford gaged it. he is on his way there now, should have been in Mulege last night.

sure wish i was on east cape now! best WX of the year.

the thing about Frailes is - landing and parking there is fine but where to stay? not close enough to the beach to camp. the hotel closed still. no rental cars, cabo pulmo too far etc.

needs some amenities that are close otherwise punta colorado makes more sense for me given the hotel. i love it there but you are trapped with an all inclusive experience. how i long for the days when you could land in los barriles in front of las palmas......those were the days!

airmech - 11-2-2008 at 08:10 AM

I haven't figured out why the people that own the hotel did such a nice job of fixing up the runway and don't have any plans to reopen or sell the hotel. I guess the Villas next to the runway are available ($$$$) but we stay at a friends place on the hill. bg