
Easy,smooth route to baja sur??????

Anonymous - 5-14-2004 at 04:04 PM

I am trying to find the best way to bring two trucks, a trailor full of heavy equipment +2 dogs after labor day. I'm headin towards Pescadero north of Cabo.I would like to know what the safe roads & conditions, and what would be the best way to go that time of year????..I would be coming in on the Arizona side (Mexicali way)??????..any info would be mucho appreciated...Gracias

Route to Baja Sur

thebajarunner - 5-14-2004 at 04:10 PM

I would cross at Mexicali, take the Rumirosa highway (Mex 2) to Tecate, then down Mex. 3 to Ensenada and on to the South.
I would be much more concerned about having proper paperwork on all of your equipment than the condition of the roads.
The Trans-penisular Highway is smooth and good, but very narrow and it is usually on an exaggerated raised road bed.
The Mexican semis travel it day and night with no problem, just take it easy and get comfortable with the narrow lanes and no room for error on the right.
Oh yeah, and send the dogs down through San Felipe and Gonzaga, it is a much more interesting trip and they will enjoy it a lot. (just kidding)

Baja Arriba!!

Anonymous - 5-14-2004 at 04:28 PM

Yeah!...I know I have to have registrations for both trucks and the trailor in my name and or rental agreements,Vet papers for the dogs,I.d., etc ....what else do ya think I'll run into???..I'm real nervous about the roads and the guy whos driving the other truck??????...Thanks Man!!

Anonymous - 5-14-2004 at 04:49 PM

What do think I'll need on the equipment?? what kind of papers are we talkin about????...If I need them..I'll will have to get'um???????...give me more info if you"ve got it?


bajalou - 5-14-2004 at 06:48 PM

If you have really big and heavy equipment, you might want to Cross at Mexicali, take Mex 5 so to El Chinero then Mex 3 west to Ensenada and Mex 1 on south. They brought the really big stuff for the Mexicali power plant in Mexicali from Ensenada via this route a couple years ago.

I think you need to check with Mexican Customs as soon as possible regarding the equipment. Stuff like that isn't for visitors to use, so they take a dim view of foreingners coming in to do the Mexican construction work. Generally anything like that has to be imported and duty paid and some stuff just can't be imported (except mucho mordida)

I knew a guy that brought a hot air baloon to offer rides and couldn't because the baloon hadn't been imported and duty paid.

Like Bajarunner said, I beleive the roads are the least of your concern.

Good luck.


[Edited on 5-15-2004 by bajalou]

Anonymous - 5-15-2004 at 06:46 AM

Bajalou and bajarunner: Gracias for the heads-up....I will contact customs to see what I need on the equipment..:)

the road

El Jefe - 5-15-2004 at 11:59 AM

The raod all the way down is just fine. Unless there is some storm damage between now and the time you leave, you will not have a problem. The main thing you will want to do is take your time. With a big load, figure on four days so you can drive slowly and preserve your sanity. We drove the length of the pinnensula twice last week and found the road to be in the best shape ever. Plan to travel in the daylight at very slow speed (45mph) and give yourself plenty of time to rest. We did the one way trip in two long hard days, but we were short on time. I would rather take a minimum of three days even without a load. Have fun. Are you building a place in Pescadero? We are going to start our place over on the south-east cape this year too.