
Rocky Point Fly in Nov 14-16

capt. mike - 10-17-2008 at 08:19 AM

Rocky Point Fly-In
November 14th through the 16th, 2008

The city of Rocky Point, along with hotels, restaurants
and the Puerto Penasco airport authority,
have invited pilots and their friends to
their first annual “Rocky Point Fly-in”. And, at
a rate that is unbelievable or, as some like to say, “Almost
Free”. As a matter of fact, if you consider the lower price
of avgas in Mexico, the trip could be free.
Working with the city, the Baja Bush Pilots has agreed to
handle much of the promotion, print up the meal and 2 for
1 drink tickets as well as take reservations for this exciting
and fun extended weekend.
Day One, Friday,
November 14th
Arrive at MMPE
(Puerto Penasco Airport)
where you will
be greeted by baggage
handlers who
will take your belongings
into the terminal.
There your flight plan
will be taken care of,
paperwork will be
processed, and you
will receive your weekend information package all in one
neat bundle.
And, all normal airport fees* are paid for. That’s right, no
landing fees, no parking fees, no visa fees, no passenger
fees, and, while you are gloating over the fact that you are
in Mexico without doing any paperwork or paying any fees,
you will be snacking on Ice Cream, Cookies, Chips,
Shrimp, and more and.... For the
thirsty, Water, Coffee, Soda, Beer, Tequila,
and Margaritas. And, for this
special event, it is all provided free
to the pilots and their passengers.
Please see the airport Concierge-
Info desk with any of your questions
or needs
Have got to keep teasing you
about the experience before I tell
you the price. However, the
price per person for three days
and two nights is “almost free”.
When you are done at the airport,
vans will be there to transfer
you to your luxury condo unit
located in a high rise right in the
middle of Sandy Beach. And it
gets even better.
That evening, after you have time to freshen up, you will be
transported to the Malicon where you will be treated to the
“Multiple Flavors of Rocky Point”. Here you will find the “Best
of the Best” Mexican dishes provided by five or six of the
best restaurants in town. This gourmet feast will be followed
up by a welcome from the Fly-in Director, a special welcome
by the Mayor of Rocky Point, Mariachi music and a delightful
dancing presentation reflecting the culture of Mexico
When done, you will be provided transportation back to your
condo unit where you can sit on your private balcony and
enjoy the sight and sounds of the Sea of Cortez pounding in
the surf.
Day two, Saturday, November 15
The following morning, you will be
provided a breakfast buffet at
your condo complex followed by
a short presentation by the BBP.
No, not a “Condo Sales Pitch” but
a slide show reflecting some of
our BBP journeys into Central and
South America.
Transportation will be provided
for those that wish to go back to
“Old Town” for some shopping.
For those that are really looking
for real bargains, you will be taken to “Shacks Fifth Avenue”,
a two block line of small stalls lining the road out to Cholla
Bay. Lunch will be on your own.
That evening, you can do as much or as little as you want to.
We have made arrangements for those that wish to take the
“Pirate Boat” out into the Sea of
Cortez where you can listen to
music while watching the sunset
over the Sea of Cortez. The “Pirate
Boat” cruise is not included
in your package. You should figure
on about US$25.00 per person,
drink and snacks included.
That evening, you will have a
choice of dinner at the several
restaurants that provided the “Taste of Rocky Point” the
evening before. And yes, this is also included in your “Almost
Free” package.
We will have a trolly circulating during this time so that your
transportation is provided to and from Old Town to your
Day 3, Sunday, November 16
The last morning, after another buffet
breakfast, it is out to the airport
where there will be coffee, water,
juice, & donuts for you to snack on
while the airport personal fill out your
flight plans.
You depart at your own convenience
and, as you are returning to the
States, I am sure most will be reflecting
back on the experance and fun
you had and will be planing your next trip back to Rocky
So, here it is...
The price of this three day, two night luxurious experience
which is almost all inclusive and includes:
��Two nights in a luxury Condo
�� Welcoming / departing reception at
the airport
�� Dinner Friday and Saturday nights
�� Special entertainment Fri & Sat
�� Breakfast Saturday and Sunday
�� All airport fees*
�� Ground transportation
�� A pile of TWO FOR ONE drink
coupons at partipicating locations.
And all of this is yours for only US$159.00 per person,
double occupancy. (See registration form for other pricing)
And, if you fill up with fuel before heading back, as MMPE has
ASA fuel, your price is only about US$3.80 per gallon plus a
small wing tax.
(As the Commander holds 240 gallons, if I take on 160 gallons
at MMPE, I will be saving about US$288 dollars, about
the cost of two registrations!)
The Mayor and City of Rocky Point, along with the hotels, restaurants,
merchants and the airport authority in conjunction
with the BBP and other US groups have all gotten together to
give every one a chance to discover and enjoy Rocky Point at
a price that is, well, “Almost Free”. This unique opportunity is
being provided to the pilots and their passengers at no markups
or profit by the above in an effort to show you the great
and beautiful “City on the Bay”...
Puerto Penasco.
Hotels, Restaurants, Merchants, Organizations sponsoring this
Mayor of Rocky Point: Heriberto Renteria Sanchez
Airport: MMPE Airport Authority
Promotion / Reservations: Baja Bush Pilots
Condo: Sonoran Sky
Aqui es con Flavio
Frendly Dolphin
The Reef
Fly-In Committee Members:
Alonso Dominguez, Fly in Director
Mirza Acuña, Promotion Manager
Rafael Gonzalez, OCV director.
Ana Laura Saenz, Turism Coordinator of the State
Edna Gonzalez, Puerto Peñasco Developer Association
Ron Alto, AACS LLC
Steve Schwab, Sonoran Sky
Claudia Cordoza, Baja Bush Pilots
Jack McCormick, Baja Bush Pilots
Airport Information
Note: Pilot, passengers must have current Passports to
travel internationaly
Want to get your aircraft washed and waxed? Most aircraft
can be done for you while you are enjoying Rocky Point for
about US$50, you provide the wax and a pile of rags. Also,
an aircraft mechanic is on call if needed during your stay.
* Not included is DGAC fee for aircraft which, if not already
purchased, is about US$55.
Puerto Penasco
N31 21’22
W113 31’34

Cap - 10-17-2008 at 08:06 PM

Hermano, que valla bien. Wish I could make it. I owe you a margarita turbosina. Lets meetKDVT when I'm in town

Bajafun777 - 10-17-2008 at 10:10 PM

Capt. Mike, I will be flying down the week before on my Goldwing with a lot of other motorcycle riders. Think in our small group maybe 45 riders but the town will be jammed pack that weekend. Your sounds like fun but if I tried two trips back to back my wife Donna would say I was "Having Too Much FUN:tumble::yes::cool:!!!!!!" Later------------------------ bajafun777

capt. mike - 10-18-2008 at 05:41 AM

Yo Cap - you bet - give me a shout when yur in town on a flight. wassup for the fall Cabo Boyz trip?
I am headed to Milwaukee this a.m. back in a week then its baja time!

BF777 - is there a MC rally in RP the week before? if i had my hog still i'd join you, heck yeah! if you need nice rooms cheap 4 to a condo let me know i can hook you up to

Bajafun777 - 10-19-2008 at 08:24 PM

Capt. Mike, Yea there is a motorcycle run alright and it takes the whole town over. Lots of people from all over the United States but mainly Arizona, California, some from Mexico, and all having fun. I already gave my card for a Penasco Hotel Del Sol for three days starting on Thursday leaving on Sunday. Wished I had known about your condo idea earlier as I would have probably gotten some other couple to jump in on it with me. Take care---------------------- bajafun777

capt. mike - 11-12-2008 at 03:36 PM

well, this turned into a blow out!!
thus far, there are 92 planes registered and 240 people signed up!! wow..
digs are at Las Palomas - un unreal property for $100 a nite.

glad i don't have to park planes. Fri ARR is gonna be a zoo.

when 1st thought out they figured on maybe 20 planes might come.

the north east side of RW 29-11 is going to be a parking lot in the dirt.

baja types will be accustomed to it. the newbies will be worrying about their paint......:no: