
Outstanding Carnitas!

Bob H - 5-19-2004 at 10:39 AM

We passed this place, Dos Hermanos, on the right hand side of MX1, on the way to Maneadero, before the La Bufadora Turnoff... :yes: (Note; Herb corrected me, it's just before the turnoff to Estero Beach, thanks Herb)

[Edited on 5-20-2004 by Bob H]

Bob H - 5-19-2004 at 10:41 AM

...and had this plate of carnitas for 35 pesos. They also sell Pacifico by the bucket (cubeta) of 6.

Mexitron - 5-19-2004 at 08:43 PM

That looks goooood!!! Think I'm gonna go to the store and grab myself a pork shoulder and start stewing.......thanks for the pic BobH.

My favorites

bajalou - 5-19-2004 at 08:54 PM

Three of my very favorite foods down here. Too bad it's clear across the peninsula or I think I'd head out for some right now.

Mexray - 5-19-2004 at 09:28 PM

You guys are having way to much fun down there :tumble:

May your waist-line expand by 10 cm tonight...:smug:

I just licked the screen

The Gull - 5-19-2004 at 09:28 PM

Hey Bob...

Herb - 5-20-2004 at 02:30 AM

Was it this place, 2 Hermanos, right by the turnoff to Estero Beach?

Herb - 5-20-2004 at 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Herb
Was it this place, 2 Hermanos, right by the turnoff to Estero Beach?

If so, it is my favorite carnitas place in all of Baja. The pollo rostizado, chicharones and birria are all excellent as well.

This is a place where I learned a valuable Spanish lesson one weekend. I ordered a kilo of carnitas. They asked me at the counter if I wanted "surtido" or "macizo". I selected the first option because I did not know what either one meant and I did not want to look like a stupid gringo. Well, it turns out I was one anyway when I got to the beach. My wife and I opened my wrapped "carnitas" and discovered a clearly indetifiable pig ear as well as other things that I could not identify (nor did I particularly want to.) :barf:

There was plenty of what I would consider meat as well but what a shock and what a lesson. I later confimred with friends that "surtido" means "assorted" and that Macizo(a) means solid or lean. :lol:

Bob H - 5-20-2004 at 07:25 AM

Herb... it's the same place, but it looks like it may have been remodeled since your photo. This looks like the "assorted" stuff, bubbling just outside the door. Name what you see??? :o

[Edited on 5-20-2004 by Bob H]

Bob H - 5-20-2004 at 07:27 AM

They sell a variety of skins too!

Can you smell that?

Bob H - 5-20-2004 at 07:35 AM

A closeup of "the plate"... 35 pesos, unreal!:yes: Oh, and a PILE of corn tortillas.

[Edited on 5-20-2004 by Bob H]

bajaloco - 5-20-2004 at 09:07 AM

Gotta love Carnitas....Several of mi baja amigo's claim that the only part of the pig they don't eat is the oink....

Mexitron - 5-20-2004 at 11:50 AM

One of our our favorite meals to cook when camping is carnitas---we simmer the pork in a lobster pot over a wood fire all day(with onions, garlic and spices)--it actually picks up a smoky flavor. And of course the cook has to be drinking beer during the cooking process, so by the time dinnertime rolls around we're having quite a party!!

Mexitron - 5-20-2004 at 11:55 AM

Here's Huddo on carnitas watch:biggrin:

tunaeater - 5-20-2004 at 07:11 PM

Bob I love that place. I've eaten there about a dozen times. My friend owns a condo close by there so we are always going there to fill our appetites. When we charted a bus to cabo one year we pulled the bus over and everyone got to enjoy these delicious carnitas...Thanks for the pics...Paul

tocaya - 5-20-2004 at 11:04 PM

Mexitron, you should try this method of homemade carnitas..slowly simmer the meat with milk, a couple of whole oranges sliced in wedges, bay leaf, onion and whole pepper corns. Terrific!

Mexitron - 5-21-2004 at 04:12 AM

Wow, sounds good, thanks tocaya!

Bob H - 5-21-2004 at 07:22 AM

Mexitron, I love the photo of the "carnitas watch". I can almost smell the smoke! :lol:

Tocaya, how much of each ingrediant do you use? Recipe sounds great!

[Edited on 5-21-2004 by Bob H]

tocaya - 5-23-2004 at 06:55 PM

Mexitron, I posted a recipe for carnitas on the recipe forum, buen provecho!

Taco de Baja - 5-24-2004 at 12:28 PM

Wow that picture of Huddo watching the carnitas was taken a looong time ago! :o
Must have been before he started the carnitas/beer/tequilla diet!:lol:

BTW are you cooking up any carnitas this weekend???? :?: Good time to try out those new recipies :yes:

Mexitron - 5-24-2004 at 01:42 PM

Now THATS an idea.....if Libby can stand the idea of pork in her house!


Sallysouth - 5-26-2004 at 09:14 PM

That Carnitas place on the corner of the road to Estero is one of the last "original" places along that road. We have been going there for many years and it is always awesome! Same people, different look. Yum!:P