
Santo Remedio in Guerrero Negro

twogringos - 11-14-2008 at 02:21 PM

We found this restaurant last August after we had dinner, so this trip was our first meal. It is a very attractive restaurant located on the north east corner of the block directly behind the supermarket. The hours are 8:30 AM to 10:30 PM. Fish and chicken dinners were 90p, the large scallops are 140p. Totopos with a great smoked fish spread, bread, and soup included. The food was very tasty and described as Oaxacan style. (The mole sauce had a hint of anise.) We'll visit it again on the next trip through.

DianaT - 11-14-2008 at 05:34 PM

Interesting, today I just downloaded some pictures and was going to write a review. Great to hear about the dinners.

We also just found this place and had breakfast--a bit pricey, but we really enjoyed it. On our next trip down, we will definitely have dinner there.

They said they have been open for about six months, but there are now signs on the highway and the main street which guides one there---and it is a good find.

Follow the main street and turn right one block past the El Morro.

The outside

The inside

The Bar---it was too early for the bar, but the manager insisted we see it and take pictures.

The General Manager, Noe who was with the Malarrimo before.

Carmen and Carolina---the cooks who came out to see if we enjoyed our meal. They both have great smiles, but I could not get them to smile for the pictures.

The young, very efficient waiter---I forget his name. :no:

Before the breakfast, they serve some toast with date jam---very good,

The specitalites of the house were 60 pesos each.

Here is the potato omelett ---the nopales side dish was also very good. John said it tasted a little like okra and a gumbo, but since I HATE okra, I disagree. :lol:

Here is the house special omelett with white cheese, mushrooms and chard. We were quite surprised to see the real chard.

And out back, they are building some hotel rooms around the courtyard.

We will definitely go back.

Twogringos, really happy to hear about the dinners----sounds like the hip is doing well?

Hope to see you again in Bahia Asuncion.


[Edited on 11-15-2008 by jdtrotter]

bajajudy - 11-14-2008 at 05:52 PM

I was scrolling down and all of a sudden stopped and said....I know that guy!
Noe from Malirrimo...I always thought that he was the nicest waiter there.
Good luck to these people. Will check it out the next time we are in GN

biglar - 11-14-2008 at 05:58 PM

Yah, I remember Noe, too, from Malarrimo. He does a very good job, and has a very pleasant personality.


shari - 11-14-2008 at 06:12 PM

This new restaurant is owned by dear dear friends of ours...Sirenita used to live in this house with them. They are wonderful people and top notch business folks. The quality of food, cleanliness and service are second to none so if you want to spoil try it....and say hello from us.


DianaT - 11-14-2008 at 06:16 PM

Well, from waiter to general manager and seems to be doing a really good job. He is very attentive and friendly.

Can't wait to see him---I told him I was going to put his picture on a forum where some might recognize him! He will be thrilled., especially if you go in, say hello, and eat there. :yes:

Oh, he also mentioned that they are working on a website for the place.


SiReNiTa - 11-15-2008 at 02:40 PM

that's where my grad dinner was!!!
i have some pics i will post later!!
great food great service...if you go ask for keno, my uncle!!...or...something like that!!

ncampion - 11-23-2008 at 08:43 PM

Just had a great meal at Santo Remeido tonight and can say that it is everything that you could expect. Excellent service, food and ambiance. We had the arrachera and it was superb along with excellent soup and rice with pomegranite! Great chocolate flan and very reasonable price. It may displace Malarrimo as our favorite in GN.

bajacowboy - 12-2-2008 at 03:42 PM

Great dining, nice people!

LancairDriver - 12-2-2008 at 10:24 PM

We stumbled on the place on the way back from Mulege. Great food, service and atmosphere. They have obviously put a lot of pesos and effort into the restaurant and advertising. We were the only ones there that nite so we were hopeful it would catch on and prosper. Sounds like they are on their way. Will definitely go back.

DianaT - 12-2-2008 at 10:33 PM

Originally posted by LancairDriver
We stumbled on the place on the way back from Mulege. Great food, service and atmosphere. They have obviously put a lot of pesos and effort into the restaurant and advertising. We were the only ones there that nite so we were hopeful it would catch on and prosper. Sounds like they are on their way. Will definitely go back.

Since we are in GN quite often, we sure hope this place keeps on going. It is good to hear that more and more people are enjoying it.


Fred - 12-9-2008 at 03:13 PM

Diane.......................thanks for the pics.

DianaT - 12-9-2008 at 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Fred
Diane.......................thanks for the pics.

De nada. We really look forward to dinner there in a few weeks.


oxxo - 12-10-2008 at 12:04 PM

We drove by Remedio this past Monday night to check it out. Looks VERY nice. We were just too full to stop in and eat. We had eaten lunch at Restaurant Tuxpan in Santa Rosalia earlier in the day, and got way more lunch than we expected! Will write review in next couple of days.

We will definitely eat at Remedio on our next trip in about three weeks!

DianaT - 1-8-2009 at 04:41 PM

A very selfish bump for this review. We just ate there two more times and were not disappointed.

So since it is whale season, and more people will be going to Guerrero Negro, I thought I would bump this thread---

It is selfish because we want them to be sucessful so we can continue to eat there. :P


San Remedio directions

oladulce - 7-11-2009 at 10:13 PM

If we can make it to GN, I'd like to try this restaurant on our way down tomorrow. Jdtrotter's directions say "turn Right one block past El Morro".

What is El Morro and will it be obvious where to turn?

DianaT - 7-11-2009 at 11:13 PM

Originally posted by oladulce
If we can make it to GN, I'd like to try this restaurant on our way down tomorrow. Jdtrotter's directions say "turn Right one block past El Morro".

What is El Morro and will it be obvious where to turn?

There are more signs now. The El Morro is a hotel and you cannot miss it. It is several blocks after entering the town.

Hope you enjoy it---we always do!


oladulce - 7-11-2009 at 11:52 PM

Thank you Diane

oladulce - 7-14-2009 at 08:53 PM

We made it to Santo Remedio a couple of nights ago and it was a nice suprise. Neat decor, nice people, easy parking, and easy to find with large signs guiding you off the main drag in G.N. (and thanks Diane!) .

Sorry I don't have a good restaurant review vocabulary, so I'll just say that it was very good. Highlights were the creamy carrot soup and the flan with cinnamon,nutmeg, and a rum sauce- Mmmmmm mmmmm.

We were the only patrons in the restaurant. But then, highway felt pretty empty too, especially the stetch between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro where we probably only passed 10 vehicles going the opposite direction.

Hopefully we can help spread the word about this restaurant

DianaT - 7-14-2009 at 09:11 PM

Originally posted by oladulce
We made it to Santo Remedio a couple of nights ago and it was a nice suprise. Neat decor, nice people, easy parking, and easy to find with large signs guiding you off the main drag in G.N. (and thanks Diane!) .

Sorry I don't have a good restaurant review vocabulary, so I'll just say that it was very good. Highlights were the creamy carrot soup and the flan with cinnamon,nutmeg, and a rum sauce- Mmmmmm mmmmm.

We were the only patrons in the restaurant. But then, highway felt pretty empty too, especially the stetch between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro where we probably only passed 10 vehicles going the opposite direction.

Hopefully we can help spread the word about this restaurant

GREAT---glad you enjoyed it. Since we are there several times a year, we really hope this place works---do spread the word.

It is the off-season in a lot of ways. GN has a lot more tourists during whale season.


toneart - 7-14-2009 at 10:55 PM

I ate and drank there on New Years Eve, on my way to Mulege. It was absolutely great! Noel gave me the tour too. Diane, did you see the chapel right next to the hot tub room? Beautiful! There won't be very many rooms though.

A side note: Noel is a great friend of Omar, the waiter at Scotty's in Mulege. Omar is from Guererro Negro and used to be a waiter at Malerrimo's. On my return trip to the States I didn't stop there because I blew right by in mid-day.

DianaT - 7-15-2009 at 09:49 AM

Originally posted by toneart
I ate and drank there on New Years Eve, on my way to Mulege. It was absolutely great! Noel gave me the tour too. Diane, did you see the chapel right next to the hot tub room? Beautiful! There won't be very many rooms though.

A side note: Noel is a great friend of Omar, the waiter at Scotty's in Mulege. Omar is from Guererro Negro and used to be a waiter at Malerrimo's. On my return trip to the States I didn't stop there because I blew right by in mid-day.

When we looked at where the rooms are, they were in the middle of a lot of construction, so we just looked from the patio---did not see the chapel, but will look for it.

Did you notice if there will be an outside entrance to the rooms? Also, I wonder about our always pressing issue---fur friends.

Looking forward to returning.


A recent report?

tripledigitken - 10-27-2011 at 12:28 PM

We tried this restaurant last year and had a very good meal. We were the only ones there, so I feared it might not make it.

Phil S - 10-28-2011 at 11:03 AM

Thanks for the "heads up" on this restaurant. Guess we will have to stop there on the trip either south or north, depending upon the time of day we arrive.

Bajahowodd - 10-28-2011 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
We tried this restaurant last year and had a very good meal. We were the only ones there, so I feared it might not make it.

Seems to me that Shari had posted some time back that this restaurant had closed. But then, it reopened. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but somehow, I seem to recall that Shari had a group of whale watchers a few years ago, and food poisoning erupted from this restaurant.

I have only viewed it driving by, and it does look like a very nice physical plant.

tripledigitken - 10-28-2011 at 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Originally posted by tripledigitken
We tried this restaurant last year and had a very good meal. We were the only ones there, so I feared it might not make it.

Seems to me that Shari had posted some time back that this restaurant had closed. But then, it reopened. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but somehow, I seem to recall that Shari had a group of whale watchers a few years ago, and food poisoning erupted from this restaurant.

I have only viewed it driving by, and it does look like a very nice physical plant.

If it was two years ago, we dined since then and it was good. I don't recall the food poisoning scare. Not the thing to speculate about, very bad mojo for business.

[Edited on 10-29-2011 by tripledigitken]

rts551 - 10-28-2011 at 04:34 PM

We had breakfast there 3-4 months ago and it was still good.

shari - 10-29-2011 at 10:04 AM

Santo Remedio is open. Since the original owner was murdered a couple years back, many locals no longer go there.
(we miss you dearly Keno.)

tripledigitken - 10-29-2011 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by shari
Santo Remedio is open. Since the original owner was murdered a couple years back, many locals no longer go there.
(we miss you dearly Keno.)

Very sorry to hear this. He built a very nice restaurant.


Bajahowodd - 10-29-2011 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
We tried this restaurant last year and had a very good meal. We were the only ones there, so I feared it might not make it.

At the end of the day, it's really all about volume and turnover. We've eaten in places where we were the only diners, and felt the same concerns.

Since the Baja tourism industry took a dump, the reality confronting all who continue to travel is that some of their favorite restaurants might be struggling and might push the envelope for freshness.

But, one careless employee could be the culprit. I choose not to ID the restaurant, but it has been a fave of ours for years. Our group fell prey to tourista after a meal there. We still return.

vacaenbaja - 11-14-2011 at 05:17 PM

I am glad to hear of all the positive reviews. A few years back I tried this
place and was largely dissapointed. It had great curb appeal and off street
parking. All indications looked good, but the food and service were sorely lacking. I would like to try it again. Perhaps this time they will have enough seafood to make a 7 mares soup. It definitely has an upscale look to it,and
even a large adjacent area for private gatherings.