
Easy to Learn Magic Lessons for BajaNomads by RandyMac

RandyMacSC/SO - 5-21-2004 at 07:05 PM

This BAJA MAGIC LESSONS column is meant to inspire those who seek to learn about performing magic to entertain and provide smiles and joy to their friends, relatives and people of the Baja by learning and using the gift of magic.

Magic is a fun artform, and I have truly been blessed to have seen so many people smile in the Baja by performing magic whereever I go. So many people need a little distraction from their sometimes complicated world and magic can be that positive distraction to bring smiles to people from all walks of life, young to the elderly. And contrary to popular belief, learning some basic but amazing magic isn't that hard.

Magic comes from the heart and it only requires a direct interest and the willingness of the aspiring magician to be patient, follow some simple directions so they can learn the basics, and then practice those few basic steps, and within no time at all you can become a magician. And soon you can spread the gift of magic to others through your impromptu Baja performances whereever you go.

I plan to post a number of magic lessons in the following posts (STEP BY STEP LESSONS WITH BASIC PHOTOS) so that other Baja Nomad's can learn about magic and practice to transform into a magician at any time they choose.

Magic only requires basic ingredients (props), usually found around the house, and the cost is almost nil. Nothing too complicated. So if you want to learn some magic and have some some real fun and amaze people with your little magical show, just follow the Magic Lessons below. Just make sure you practice a bit before you perform in public.

And a good magician never shares the secrets, that is unless it is meant to teach aspiring magicians, and I'm sure BajaNomads reading this column will keep the lessons a secret, even if they aren't planning to become a Baja Magician right away.

The first Baja Magic Lesson for BajaNomads is as follows over the next few posts:

The ?Water into Wine? Magic Trick

It has always entertained and wowed people when performed properly with patience and from the heart.

I will be posting some other magic Lessons over the coming weeks and months to keep people (new Nomad Magicians) inspired to learn more magic tricks or what are otherwise called new Magic routines to add to a magician's secrets of joy.

Some to follow include:

- Magical paper clips
- Cut and Restored Rope
- When is a Not not a Not?

The (hopefully easy) to follow ?Water into Wine? Magic Trick Lesson is presented below in a number of posts. Have fun and good luck with your first magic trick of turning ?Water into Wine? or "Water into Koolaid" for kids.

This is a community and I sincerely hope those that enjoy magic or want to learn magic will interact on this thread to share their ideas about performing and learning magic. My little magic lesson(s) are just the tip of the iceberg, and an introdution to those that want to learn and share in the world of magic.

I hope to see other people post.



Lesson One continued.... ?Water into Wine?

[Edited on 5-22-2004 by RandyMac]

Turning WATER INTO WINE from a Newspaper (or Koolaid)

RandyMacSC/SO - 5-21-2004 at 07:09 PM

The ?Water into Wine? Magic Trick

Water into Wine is a very good magic trick but it is one of the least performed magic tricks today. It can be can be performed by most any aspiring magician. The effect is turning ordinary water into wine from an ordinary newspaper. Here is a method for setting up and performing the ?Water into Wine? magic effect.

FINAL EFFECT: At the end of the ?Water into Wine? magic routine, the magician pours water into a newspaper and then lifts the newspaper up and pours the water back into the empty glass to fill it full of red wine. Then comes the magical toast, of water into wine.

REQUIREMENTS: One daily newspaper, some scotch-tape, one sandwich baggy, some red novelty food coloring used for coloring cake icings, a large clear wine glass or plastic wine glass, and some patience and setup time to prepare the necessary peops before performing some magic fun to entertain family and friends and children in the Baja.

PROP SET-UP: First, we need to set up the magic props (Prop: an item used to help you perform and conceal the magic).

The following steps will be posted over the next few message posts as there are photos involved to make the preparation and magic performance steps to set-up and perform the magic easier to learn and perform.

more of the Water into Wine magic lesson coninued below...

[Edited on 5-22-2004 by RandyMac]

SET-UP STEP 1: Preparing the Magic Props

RandyMacSC/SO - 5-21-2004 at 07:13 PM

SET-UP STEP 1: Take a daily newspaper and fold it out on a table as shown below. Find the middle section of the newspaper and fold it out so you can tape the sandwich baggy in the top right corner of the right page.

SET-UP STEP 2: Place the sandwich baggy (baggy opening end up, Very important!!!) in the top left corner of the right side of the newspaper as shown. Use the scotch tape to secure the baggy in place on the left side of the baggy, the right side of the baggy and the bottom of the baggy as shown in the photo below. Do not tape the top opening area of the sandwich baggy, as we need to put the secret magic ingredient into the baggy prop to make the magic effect work.

(NOTE! If you only have ZIP-LOC baggies cut the zip loc off the top before you tape it to the inside of the newspaper. You don't want it to zip shut on you just before performing your magic.)

Photo: Newspaper with baggy secured by scotch tape on the left and right sides, and bottom to hold the liquid inside the newspaper.

More of the Water into Wine magic lesson continued below in the next post...

[Edited on 5-22-2004 by RandyMac]

more Setup Steps for Turning Water into Wine (Koolaid)

RandyMacSC/SO - 5-21-2004 at 07:16 PM

SET-UP STEP 3: Now take the newspaper in your right hand by securing it on the right side of the newspaper a few inches from the top of the newspaper.

SET-UP STEP 4: Now take your left hand and open the sandwich baggy from within the top left corner of the newspaper and pour in a generous amount of food coloring. You don?t need too much, but enough to color the liquid RED that will poured into the sandwich baggy to give it the appearance of changing from clear water into red wine or Koolaid if you prefer to call it that for entertain younger audiences. (Just change the name of your performance "Water into Wine" or "Water Into Koolaid" according to your audience).

SET-UP STEP 5: A normal sandwich baggy can hold just over 12 ounces of water, so you will need to get a clear tumble or glass out of your cupboard and fill it with about 10 ounces of clear water and place it on the table. The clear glass filled with water is another one of your props to perform the magic.

You are now ready to practice or perform the magic act of turning water into Wine or Koolaid.

Magic steps to learn and perform continued below....


RandyMacSC/SO - 5-21-2004 at 07:19 PM

MAGIC PERFORMANCE PART 1: Usually it is best to start of the magic performance by getting everyone?s attention. A method that I use is as follows. You say the following as you are holding the newspaper in one hand,

You will say something like this to your audience in a magical commanding voice when you have everyone?s attention,

?I would like to purpose a toast to the person that wrote into the newspaper a week ago to tell everyone how to turn simple ordinary tap water into wine (Koolaid). But before I do so I have to magically make the wine (Koolaid) with the help of this newspaper. It?s so refreshing that something could be so simple from the pages of a newspaper.?

You could add something to the effect that wine or Koolaid costs so much and this newspaper article told you how simple and cheap it is to make your own from a simple magical words contained in the newspaper article and plain ordinary water.

Draw the attention to water being clear and a simple newspaper, but don?t emphasize it too much. Too lengthy a message and you lose people?s attention. Watch their eyes and look around at everyone in your audience and ALWAYS make direct eye contact. It makes everyone feel directly involved in the magic.

Grasp the newspaper (prop) with your right hand Close enough to the top and then insert your left forefingers into the top left section of the newspaper that conceals the hidden plastic sandwich baggy so you can open the baggy up enough so you can pour the contents of water from the filled glass into the sandwich baggy. You can hold the newspaper on the top right and insert one or two fingers from your right hand in the newspaper to keep the baggy open.

Just make sure to grasp the newspaper tight enough so you don?t drop it as you pour the water into the baggy.

You are the magician, and you don?t need to rush it. When you have everyone?s attention grasp the newspaper tight with you right hand then pick up the filled water glass with the other hand (left hand) and put the newspaper out in front of you about chest height.

Make sure that the sandwich baggy is open enough so you can pour the glass of water into it. Use your fingers to open it enough so you can get the water into the baggy.

More of the Water into Wine magic lesson continued below in the next post...

[Edited on 5-22-2004 by RandyMac]

The MAGIC PERFORMANCE: LESSONS for Water into Wine continued...

RandyMacSC/SO - 5-21-2004 at 07:22 PM

Lift the water or filled wine glass up about one foot directly above the newspaper and pour the water into the sandwich baggy that is concealed in the newspaper. Don?t worry about any water missing the target baggy, just as long as enough or most of the water goes into the sandwich baggy. You can take your time and then say the following,

?I can?t believe how simple this is, just from a few simple magic words contained in this newspaper. I wish I had known about it before.?

Your audience will wonder why the water doesn?t pour right through the newspaper and out onto the floor. Don?t get into a big discussion about where the water went or how it is being stored in the newspaper. Avoid this discussion and just maintain your focus on completing the magic performance step by step. Your the magician, and sometimes people get distracted, and want to blurt out, ?oh I know what?s happening?, but don?t let it distract you. Keep the focus on the magic performance and then you can successfully complete your performance. That?s your goal.

You can say,

?Oh magic words contained in this newspaper, I command you to turn this Water into Wine (Water into Koolaid) as you pour the water into the baggy. This can add a little punch to the magic effect. Especially for younger audiences.

You are the magician, and as I said before, you don?t need to rush it. Make sure you have everyone?s attention again, (use eye contact to get it if necessary) and now you are ready to turn water into wine or Koolaid.

When you poured the water into the sandwich baggy it did all the mixing to create your wine (Kolliad), so there is no need to shake the newspaper to stir up the contents.


You are the magician, and as I said before, you don?t need to rush it. Make sure you have everyone?s attention again, (use eye contact to get it if necessary) and now you are ready to turn water into wine or Koolaid.

When you poured the water into the sandwich baggy it did all the mixing to create your wine (Kooliad), so there is no need to shake the newspaper to stir up the contents.

Now you need to position the empty glass on the table and raise the newspaper directly up above the empty glass (about 14 inches or a little more above) and then slowly pour the wine colored liquid contents out of the newspaper into the glass and fill it up to create you full wine glass.

You can to make sure that everyone sees the colored wine pouring into the glass. You can do it slowly as long as you get most of it in the glass. (anything spilled can be easily be cleaned up afterwards, it?s just red food coloring and water)

The FINAL ACT continued below....

[Edited on 5-22-2004 by RandyMac]

The MAGIC PERFORMANCE FINALE: LESSONS for Water into Wine continued...

RandyMacSC/SO - 5-21-2004 at 07:23 PM


Now you can say this to your amazed audience, as you hoist up the glass of red wine (red Koolaid) and toast the magic words and drink the wine in front of your audience.

?There we have it, simple everyday tap water turned into wine by a few magical words from a newspaper.?

After pouring the wine into the wine glass, make sure to fold up the newspaper and put it under your arm so no one in the audience can open it up to see what is inside.

It may be only colored water to you as the magician, but there is something truly magical to it all from your audience?s point of view.

Conclusion of this lesson:
You?re a magician at heart and a performance well done is always rewarded with a smile and eye contact all around from agician to audience and from audience to magician.

Always look into each and every audience members eyes when performing your magic act, and especially when your performance is complete. The audience wants to thank you as much as you want to entertain magic, and make them smile, so take in the kudos and bravos and bow if you want. You deserve it and the happy audience is giving you a gift of their smiles and happy response to your magic performance. THIS LAST PART IS VERY IMPORTANT to make the lasting effect of magic all worthwhile for your audience and you. The GIFT OF MAGIC from magician to audience and from audience to magician.

I hope you have fun practicing and performing this little fun magic act. And REMEMBER, A good magician only shares his secrets with other magicians. So never do the same magic act twice in a row for the same audience. And never share the secret, tnat is unless they prove to you that they can be a magician and only use the magic to make people smile. And this little magic post was placed here to inspire those of you on BajaNomad to take up the gift of magic and share some smiles and joy. Yes, everyone can read this magical post, but it takes an aspiring and willing BajaNomad Magician to turn it into magic.

Have some magical fun. Good luck on your performance and please keep me informed.

More Magic Lessons for BajaNomads to follow in the next few weeks and months. The show must go on, and a magic routine is best performed with more than one piece of entertaining magic.


RandyMac :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 5-22-2004 by RandyMac]

[Edited on 5-22-2004 by RandyMac]

If aspiring BajaNomad magicians need any help to clarify...

RandyMacSC/SO - 5-21-2004 at 07:40 PM

things in the magic lessons, don't hesitate to post below. The community of magic is about sharing ideas to improve the performance of magic, or to add variations thought up by other people and about sharing stories about magical journeys in the Baja.

My basic Magic lessons are only meant to get you started on your path to performing magic in the Baja, so make sure you to ask questions if you need any clarification in the routine.

It's all about SHARING THE GIFT OF MAGIC in the Baja. Good Luck.


[Edited on 5-22-2004 by RandyMac]

[Edited on 5-22-2004 by RandyMac]

That was quick. The ads for magic are poppin up already...

RandyMacSC/SO - 5-21-2004 at 08:20 PM

No sooner did I get the magic posts completed for Lesson One and the magic ads started appearing above.

There are many sources for magic on the web, and I have used many of them before. In my humble opinion, I have found that PENGUIN MAGIC at to be the best provider of magic supplies.

I am not in any way affiliated with Penguin Magic. I only post this to provide you with a source that I have found to be extremely professional and the best source of magic routines (including cool videos of what the magic effect is all about before you decide to buy).

I had to order some magic supplies from Penguin Magic while traveling and they even delivered it all to me promptly (FedEx) all the way down to the Yucatan of Mexico.


Good stuff! Keep it comingl. I'll wow my youngins.- Stephanie

Stephanie Jackter - 5-21-2004 at 10:25 PM

you should consider putting on a seminar

capt. mike - 5-22-2004 at 05:45 AM

maybe in baja - like at the pyramid or some place, limit it to say 8 to 10 1st sign ups, charge a FEE to cover your expenses plus a reasonable stipend for your self, and show HOW to do this and other entry level stuff. I know i'd go. Maybe Keri would discount a block of rooms.

Can you do any of the David Blain street magic? i would kill to know how he does some of the close up stuff he can do, its the most amazing bunch of tricks and illusions i have ever seen!

turning water into wine

bajagrouper - 5-22-2004 at 09:26 AM

De?or Randy, maybe i'm a grinch but what does your post have to do with Baja?this should be in the OFF TOPICS board,you do not even use Baja wine...i hope the moderator can make this thread disapear...

Capt. Mike

RandyMacSC/SO - 5-22-2004 at 11:34 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
maybe in baja - like at the pyramid or some place, limit it to say 8 to 10 1st sign ups, charge a FEE to cover your expenses plus a reasonable stipend for your self, and show HOW to do this and other entry level stuff. I know i'd go. Maybe Keri would discount a block of rooms.

Yes, a course in the Baja this coming winter. Last year in February and March I put on a small no fee course (on the beach and at my camp) for over 15 people to teach them in the beginnings of magic, mostly streetmagic. I taught 7 of my mexican friends to perform about 6 street magic routines and they really enjoy it. They were able to entertain their frends and 2 even went to their kids schools to show off their new magic. Now they are right into it. Most of the other 7 were people I met while traveling, or who parked near my camp and a few real talented young mexican children.

Does Magic belong in the Baja? Maybe some don't tink so, but from how popular it was in the Baja, then probably more than any other place. I have found that the local mexican population enjoys magic much more than Canadians or Americans. They don't try to figure it all out, they just enjoy it. Whether on the streets of Todos or Mulege, or the malacon of La Paz, it was always gathered a huge crowd. And after the little impromptu shows, I would always get some enthusiastic locals (mexicans) asking me if I would teach them. So I taught a few of them some basic routines. They wanted to learn as they worked in restaurants etc.

During the weeks leading up to XMas 2002, I taught 2 young mexican kids magic and they put on a show right at the beach in front of their campsite just before dark on XMas day. There were 3 families that had driven down to camp for the holidays, from Tiajuna and they parked near me at El Requeson.

One of the kids (very shy young girl) was orphaned 2 years earlier when her parents were killed in a car accident, so she was brought into her aunt and uncle's family. The aunt and uncle (parents) told me she hadn't spoken since the accident. She was very fascinated with magic and her cousin and her would come over to see me everyday to watch me practice at my camp.

They wanted to learn, so I went to ask their parents if it was okay to teach them. Well, it was a very enjoyable and rewarding experience for me, and their family. The real Magic. The two kids put on this great show and they bowed for their audience as I taught them and the day after this real great magic show the parents and the boy showed up to my camp and told me the young girl had something for me. The boy could communicate with her as they were real tight and the same age, and usually he did the talking for her. I had tears rolling down my eyes when this young girl said "Thank you." to me for teacing her and her cousin magic. The parents said she started talking that morning. and it was something else to see her beaming.

She was showing people her street magic all day.
Real nice families and they gave me their addresses in Tiajuna (spelling?) and said for me to drop in to see them on my next trip south to Baja from Canada.

I've known for a long time that magic can be used as a therapy tool to help build self esteem. There is a group called Project Magic started by David Copperfield, and where I'm from it is called Project Magic Canada. Magicians go to hospitals etc and help to teach magic to people with all kinds of illnesses and disabilities, and it has proven to be magic.

I rarely performed in bars in the Baja, and mostly performed in villages and on the streets of Baja and always impromptu performances. Much like David B.

While in the Baja, I had more grandparents and people about your age (Capt. Mike) that wanted to learn some street magic so they could show their kids and grandkids, or entertain their friends etc. So a taught a few of them some magic over a period of a week off and on and they have sent me emails to tell me how things went.

Magic is a useful tool to have when travelling and as you mentioned David Blaine, I do believe he travelled alot in Mexico and all over the world before he became a huge star, and his street magic has amazed many. I do most of the routines he does and many others.

So when I come down to Baja next winter, I would consider putting on a small (no-fee) course for maybe 6 or 8 people at a time. Maybe one course every two months. I never charge for magic, as I only do it as an amateur for the smiles and don't plan on doing it on a professional basis. I get as much out of it as the audience and that's enough for me.

It's cool to see young kids perform the famous leviation routine where they levitate themselves off the ground. Kids learn it easier, cause they are lighter. I watched those two young kids at XMas practice it on the beach, and after a while they got it down pat, and it really amazed their family.

And to answer the previous post, why teaching some magic in this section of a Baja board? (See above). But perhaps I can ask Doug to move it to the off-topic section if some feel that is more appropriate there. I don't expect this thread to become a big forum and populated with magic geeks that clogs things up, just a little forum so some of the Baja Nomads can learn and pick a few routines here and there so they can entertain when the travel in the Baja. I have found it goes a long way to bridge the gaps between generations, and cultures etc. It's a form of communication.


[Edited on 5-22-2004 by RandyMac]

Randy, don't let the grinch get you - this is good

capt. mike - 5-23-2004 at 06:14 AM

ok, MAYBE better at the off topic section, sure, but no harm done here. Listen, about 10 years ago on one of our clinic missions we overnighted at PSFO. One of the Dentistas that trip was an amateur magic man , and that eve after our BBQ all the area children, mostly Hijas of the poor fish camps north and south, gathered after we spread the word. He put on a magic show with limited props, the kids were mezmerized!!!

I would like to invite you whenever you can to accompany us on a clinic trip to a poor village and you can entertain the kids. pls stay in touch as to when you could do this if you have an interest in bringing some joy to a few who have little or nothing! ;D

RandyMacSC/SO - 5-23-2004 at 10:13 AM

Capt. Mike, I'll definitely keep in touch as I would want to help where I can. My preference is to do the magic thing in remote a small villages where children and people never get to see a magic show. They enjoy it so much and it is so refreshing to see them beam with delight. And before I head south from Canada to Baja California next winter I'll send you a u2u message and post here to see if you have some things planned. And I'll give you a one on one set of streetmagic lessons, so you can spread more joy whenever you choose.

Grinch? There's only one grinch that gets to me. My younger brother is a grinch. Had to suffer thru a family lunch with him yesterday. Don't know how someone can get so cynical about life, but it happens. My older brother and sister are very different, and if I for some strange reason I ever get that way, I would want someone to put a bullet right between my eyes.

I'd rather die happy tomorrow, than be miserable and live to 90.

RandyMac :rolleyes:

[Edited on 5-23-2004 by RandyMac]

[Edited on 5-23-2004 by RandyMac]