
Pilot for rent in Mulege

motoged - 11-28-2008 at 08:20 PM

I will be in Mulege from Dec. 21 to about New Years and would like to spend an hour or two in the air getting a bird's eye view (northwest to San Ignacio and back loop...maybe over San Francisco Alta area, too).

I know that this is a special request:saint:

Cap't Mike says he won't be screamin in the area at that time, so I am wondering if possible, what would be the details?

U2 me

capt. mike - 11-29-2008 at 08:45 AM

Ged - do you want me to put this up on BBP?
there will be a slug of pilots at Serenidad for holidays, you can source one am sure.

i may be there, i just haven't sorted it out yet. i know i'll be there in Jan but it will be more like the 2nd weekend.

motoged - 11-29-2008 at 04:54 PM

That would be appreciated....thanks....BBP??? Baja "?"Pilots ?

Do they have an url or what?

I will keep asking for you when there just in case you are ferrying in some of that $1.97 wine:lol::lol:


capt. mike - 11-29-2008 at 05:12 PM
will do.
and .......may show up, depends on what Santa brings to my biz stocking....

capt. mike - 11-29-2008 at 05:22 PM

just posted at BBP -

"from my friend motoged:

I will be in Mulege from Dec. 21 to about New Years and would like to spend an hour or two in the air getting a bird's eye view (northwest to San Ignacio and back loop...maybe over San Francisco Alta area, too).

Ged will pay gas or how ever you want to establish a legal ride share.
if you will be around serenidad anytime then and wANT TO exercize your wings while staying some morning, maybe even if you need a gas run to MMLT you'd have to do anyway, Ged would go and pay.

reach me and i can forward, or he's on nomads board a lot too."

good luck Ged or just go ask Diana when you get there. you can post a note at the desk too.
and like i said, i may get there too and if so you are in amigo!

capt. mike - 11-30-2008 at 08:44 AM

Ged i have a good friend who'll be there Xmas thru NY at his place, drives a very nice Beech Bonanza and has graciously offered to tour you.

email me for specifics. contact and all that.
he lives, his vaca place that is, is close to the Jungle. within a 1/2 block.

but if i am there too i get 1st dibbs! haha.:lol:


longlegsinlapaz - 11-30-2008 at 09:07 AM

How's it feel to be squabbled over like the last piece of pie at Thanksgiving dinner?:lol::lol:

motoged - 11-30-2008 at 10:51 AM

Feels crumbs left on the plate;) (Hope you are doing well)

Thanks for your help...I have u2'd my email address to you.



Pompano - 11-30-2008 at 11:19 AM

I will ask mi amigo, Dusty, who is coming to visit for New Years. He won't fly for at least a day or two after the celebration, but before the main event should be okay.

Er..just be aware of Cobra flashback days...if case he puts a greasepencil X-mark on the windshield and makes you door gunner. Have fun.

- Dusty-me on beach patrol.jpg - 46kB

capt. mike - 11-30-2008 at 11:42 AM

got it and sent you a note CC to him.

Pomp - what will dusty be flying?

motoged - 11-30-2008 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Pompano
I will ask mi amigo, Dusty, ...if case he puts a greasepencil X-mark on the windshield and makes you door gunner. Have fun.

Thanks you for that.....if he puts a grease X on my forehead, I will wipe it off and wait for the second shot:lol::lol::lol::saint:

Pompano - 11-30-2008 at 10:49 PM

Originally posted by capt. mike
got it and sent you a note CC to him.

Pomp - what will dusty be flying?

Mike, who knows, he flies so many different ones.
He has been doing water bombers the last couple months.

I never know from year to year until suddenly there is a horrendous roar over my rooftiles as he comes in attack mode from the canyon behind mi casa , greases his gear on my roof, roars past, dives down to just above sea-level and wingwags between the moored sailboats. Spills my coffee every time.

All that's missing is a loudspeaker blasting out Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkeries.'

Hmmmm.....I'll see what I can do about that.

[Edited on 12-1-2008 by Pompano]

capt. mike - 1-8-2009 at 11:53 AM

hey Ged - what happened?
did you not make it to Mulege?
my buddy TanBo was at the jungle nightly hoping to see you for your plane hop.
he says he never ran into you.
maybe next time i'll be there.