Originally posted by Ken Cooke
El Rosario/Baja Cactus:
Baja Grande could not believe that for the same amount of money paid at Cabaņas Lindas in Cataviņa, we were treated to full luxury at Baja Cactus.
Carmen thankfully held our 6 rooms, and we were able to wash the smelly swamp water from ourselves get an excellent nights sleep. Proprietor Antonio
Muņoz was asleep in one of the rooms, and could not greet us this year. Carmen explained that business was way off. She thought it all hinged on the
economy, but I explained the fear American travelers feel when visiting her country now. She felt bad about this, but she understood our position
with regard to the security situation along the Mexican border. I promised to bring more Americans with me next year, and early the next day Baja
Grande headed 3 hours north to Santo Tomas for brunch at the famous El Palomar restaurant. There, we dined one last time on the good stuff. Their
Fish Tacos were out of this world.
Heading Home:
It took exactly 12 hours for me to drive from the El Rosario Pemex station to my driveway in Riverside, California. The border crossing in Tecate
was a breeze. 30 minutes until we reached the border, and the customs guards there were cordial and professional. In Tecate, California our group
took our last photographs. We all made new friendships, and will hopefully stay in touch and go four wheeling again as soon as time permits. VIVA