
Where did my posts go????

Stephanie Jackter - 5-23-2004 at 02:12 AM

I could have sworn I was well on my way to becoming a Super dooper felooper Nomad in about a hundred posts or so. If I'm not mistaken, I was up around 860 or so. I just looked as I posted a message, and now I seem to have deflated to only 608. It is my life's goal to become a super dooper felooper Nomad. Que paso con mis numeros!!!

On the serious side, I do like the idea that everything I write here gets archived and I can refer back to it, and it seems like a lot of posts are now missing. Any idea how that could have happened? -Stephanie


The Gull - 5-23-2004 at 08:49 AM

FrankO - 5-23-2004 at 10:05 AM

I think it's based on relevance. I am asking for an audit on my postings since the # should probably read in the single digits.:light:

Stephanie Jackter - 5-23-2004 at 12:20 PM


Packoderm - 5-23-2004 at 12:30 PM

Is it possible that many of your posts disappeared when other people's threads were deleted and your contributing replies were deleted along with them? I'm sure that I have lost several posts when Skeet was deleting so many of his own threads. Also, the Off-Topic forum is temporarily archived - all threads automatically get deleted after awhile. If it is really that important to you, maybe you can save all of your posts onto floppy disk, and you can repost them as they are deleted. I saw Mike H. do that when he was fighting with JR. Mike deleted his own thread after JR tried to minimize Mike's condescending assertion by replying with a picture of a huge eyeball; Mike deleted the whole thread and reposted his original thread-starting post. (Pretty smart really.)

What it all seems to come down to is if you want to be the super-duperest, you gotta stay away from the Off-Top.

David K - 5-23-2004 at 03:06 PM

I really felt bad for AA because he almost caught up with me in # of posts...!

The Off Topic forum got a major trim job, whereas the Baja forums did not (have not yet) been trimmed.

Every Nomad who posts on the Off Topic forum lost points. The key here is to remember this is a Baja California discussion site and the more Baja you discuss, the higher will be your score.

The Off Topic forum was designed to keep the Baja boards free of the kind of stuff that messed up Amigos and got edited off Fred's, and probably would never be seen on,, or

It's hard to restrain one's political urges, but remember, BAJA is why we are at the web site. When we have our group campouts, politics are not primary discussion items. That's because in the overall picture, they just aren't important (there).

Packoderm - 5-23-2004 at 03:15 PM

David K is right, so I wouldn't count my chickens too early and get that Bajanomad Super-poster tattoo just yet.

I truthfully don't give a hoot about POINTS,

Stephanie Jackter - 5-23-2004 at 08:11 PM

(although it's pretty obvious you do, David), but I sure would have appreciated a little bit of advanced notice before a year or so of my posts flew into the ether. Life goes on. Guess I'll archive what's left, or maybe just forget the whole thing......

Maybe you don't think that what I have to say is as important as what you have to say, David, but we'll just let that be your opinion.

This site could serve as not only a place of interest having to do with Baja, but a time capsule of what Americans were thinking about the world around them. But I don't guess that's a view shared by administration at this point. Bummer.

But anyway, I sure would appreciate the courtesy of advanced notice before the next major culling takes place, for whatever that's worth.- Stephanie

FrankO - 5-23-2004 at 08:22 PM

I tend to think (and hope) that anything I post on the 'net is pretty much just air..... that's just fine w/me.

So, is all of it totally gone, Doug?

Stephanie Jackter - 5-23-2004 at 08:27 PM


jrbaja - 5-23-2004 at 09:00 PM

Thanks for reminding me . Ya mean this one?:lol:

Maybe if you weren't taking up so much bandwidth with garbage, JR......

Stephanie Jackter - 5-23-2004 at 09:07 PM

Mexray - 5-23-2004 at 10:17 PM

Gee Whizz...and all this time I thought 'Baja Nomad' was a such a fun place to exchange thoughts about Baja California...I never thought it was a place to 'archive' poster's brilliant endeavors!

Any discussion board I've ever visited, are usually maintained at the whim of the Board's originator - it's his 'football', and I accept this. If I find a particular post, thread or contribution I find worth keeping - I save it myself. I don't expect the moderator/originator to do my 'saving' for me!

I guess you can tell I'm really chocked up about losing all those 'Off-Topic' threads...mine included!

David K - 5-23-2004 at 10:28 PM

Right you are Mexray!
The good of this web site must come ahead of any political stuff.

Steph, try not to wonder what I think (points), as you are wrong. Your story about being attacked by the mama sealion was the best thing you ever wrote as it was about a real life experience, and in Baja... I.M.O., NOTHING on the off topic board is worth saving (not even my attempts to balance the left with some logic or truth)! Peace!

Touche David

jrbaja - 5-23-2004 at 10:39 PM

As wrong about things as you are, you still crack me up.:lol:
And this is true, this is a "Baja"message board. Steph., if you look back through your posts there are very few that are Baja related rather than some ridiculous political agenda babble.
Can't you find a home for that guano rather than here. There's only about 3 or 4 of you who want to play that game. There must be a board that deals with your interests.:light:

[Edited on 02/15/04 by jrbaja]

Dittos JR

David K - 5-23-2004 at 10:43 PM

So since we are both wrong, lets go Dutch next time for pastrami! :lol:

BajaNomad - 5-23-2004 at 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Stephanie Jackter
I sure would have appreciated a little bit of advanced notice before a year or so of my posts flew into the ether. Life goes on. Guess I'll archive what's left, or maybe just forget the whole thing......


My apologies Stephanie. If I had given it more consideration, I certainly would've realized your desire to save some of it (duh!).

It had just been a while since I had pruned that forum - which I've done a few times before - and I went ahead and did it again. That's been the whole idea along, and the reason the description for the forum says they're "time-limited" discussions.

If you still want to try and capture some/much of it, follow this link, and then use the "Cached" option for each:

Hope this helps, even if it's only slightly.

I sure would appreciate the courtesy of advanced notice before the next major culling takes place, for whatever that's worth.


[Edited on 5-24-2004 by BajaNomad]

Margie - 5-24-2004 at 12:22 AM

Are prizes handed out for the most postings, or say like, every 100 posts or so you get a little prize?

I would probably get the booby prize.

"Skeets many Posts"

Skeet/Loreto - 5-24-2004 at 03:31 AM

Hey Pack:
I only deleted 2 of my Posts! not many!

And do you know that I have been Banned by this board as well as

I violated the "Rules of Posting" and accepted the "Ban' as the right of the owner!

Comon you Yougins,someday you have to learn to accept,Your acts and take responsibility for those Acts.!!

Skeeter Peter
Anon the Preacher

and a few other names given to me by the Posters on this Board.

"In God I Trust"


The Gull - 5-24-2004 at 05:23 AM

You are currently posting at a rate of over 10 posts per day.

That is a factor of nine times the person with the greatest number of posts. :(:(:(


jrbaja - 5-24-2004 at 09:01 AM

I can't imagine anyone besides Stephanie being banned from Baja.Net.
Yer one special Dude!
And Stephanie, I'd look in here for your posts. Doug seems to have a pretty accurate and efficient filing system.:lol:

Eli - 5-24-2004 at 11:58 AM

Say there J.R., isn't that one of those handy dandy cow feeding troughs that the highway department so kindly put out for our bovine friends to feed out of as they moozie on down their Camino Real way? Super efficent set-up, the cow can just tip, dip, dump and yummmmmmm. :light:


Skeet/Loreto - 5-25-2004 at 04:46 PM

In my Humble opinion: i started off wrong on by the following Quote; "Provanity is Ignorance made Audiable" followed by '"Generalizations"
"Of the terrible way the Youngins of the 60's and 70's had failed to raise their children with Respect, and Accepting Resonsibility of their Acts!

I think the Crowning Jewel must have been when I Posted that the AVATAR using God's Name in Vain was very Offense to me, so I did not Click on the "Blanant Humor" Forum.

I think that there are other "Good" Forums there as well as this Board.That said, it seems to be time to "Move Forward' to a more "Positive Attitude ' and Discuss "Baja' and its People!


"In God I Trust"

Mike Supino - 8-10-2005 at 05:41 PM

What happened to Stephanie Jackter?

Anonymous - 8-10-2005 at 06:39 PM

Mike, you are reading a thread from over a year ago! Seems that Steph was one of those who thinks stuff on the Internet should never get deleted (even from a place like this, we use for free)... I think most of her stuff was in the Off Topic forum, which clearly states it is Time sensitive (meaning: there temporarily)... but got upset and left anyway. I don't think she ever took the time to explain why, so this is just pure speculation.

Bruce R Leech - 8-10-2005 at 07:16 PM

dumbonymous you forgot to sign in:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Anonymous - 8-10-2005 at 07:22 PM

Thanx Bruce, oops wrong thread

Anonymous - 8-10-2005 at 08:24 PM

She was never the same after that sea lion bit her in the butt.

Bajaddict - 8-10-2005 at 09:10 PM

And neither was the poor sea lion! :lol:

[Edited for poor spelling on 8-11-2005 by Bajaddict]

[Edited on 8-11-2005 by Bajaddict]

She was

jrbaja - 8-10-2005 at 09:43 PM

a pain in the arse! But, thanks for the walk down "memory lane":lol::lol::lol:

capt. mike - 8-11-2005 at 05:21 AM

i heard she had a bypass. nuthin else.........******************************** :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 8-11-2005 by BajaNomad]

Eli - 8-22-2005 at 08:22 AM

Personally, even if I didn't always agree with her, I enjoyed her a lot more than some of the others that have stayed, come and gone since she dropped out.


Baja Bernie - 8-23-2005 at 01:32 PM

Brief and to the point. Hurray.

Skeet/Loreto - 8-25-2005 at 01:45 PM

Stephanie and I had all most always oppsite views of the World and its people.
She, I think was doingsome special work around childen and poor folks in Tucson AZ.
She seemed to get very angry{That is my opinion} at anything Conservative.
I understood that she had a Bypass and was doing well the last time I Posted to her, I hope she is well and Happy.


wornout - 8-25-2005 at 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Stephanie Jackter

Maybe you don't think that what I have to say is as important as what you have to say, David, but we'll just let that be your opinion.

This site could serve as not only a place of interest having to do with Baja, but a time capsule of what Americans were thinking about the world around them. But I don't guess that's a view shared by administration at this point. Bummer.

What you have to say about Baja is as important to the rest of us as what anyone else has to say about Baja, and this is the forum to say it in.

What you have to say about anything else not related to Baja is not important to most of us here and this is NOT the forum to say it in.

Oh man, I just noticed I replied to a quote over a year old. Does that count as a 2004 post and not a 2005? And I am so close to 100 but who is counting.

[Edited on 8-25-2005 by wornout]

[Edited on 8-25-2005 by wornout]

bajalou - 8-25-2005 at 02:53 PM


Gota pay attention - some old threads are pulled up from time to time - but your reply/post reflects the way many on the board feel
