
Flying with Capt. Mike

gringorio - 12-11-2008 at 08:24 PM

I think I have permision from Capt. Mike to post this here... ;)

By suggestion from Mike I created another longer video of our flight to Loreto on Screaming Airlines:

Description and link on Trekker:



ELINVESTIG8R - 12-11-2008 at 08:38 PM


BajaWarrior - 12-11-2008 at 08:40 PM

What a great trip Greg! You are fortunate to have been flown by such a pro! Beautiful views from the air.


Sallysouth - 12-11-2008 at 08:43 PM

That was awesome Greg and Capt. Mike!! I so want to fly with you sometime.Dad won't do it, seems he had a real bad experience in the past flying with one of his buddies in a single engine to Gonzaga(circa 1965).

David K - 12-11-2008 at 10:32 PM

Thanks Greg for sharing!

fishinsteve - 12-12-2008 at 05:23 AM

Oh how that makes me miss baja. I hope they get mexico under control some day soon.

Bob and Susan - 12-12-2008 at 06:51 AM

one thing i noticed flying with mike is how professional he flies

no diving
no scraping the tops of houses
no rolling the plane


he gets you there FAST!!!

a 16 hour drive in just a couple of hours

Udo - 12-12-2008 at 08:39 AM

Excellent videos!
I'll pass the link to some of my friends.

capt. mike - 12-12-2008 at 08:49 AM

hey Greg that was fun. you are the 1st person to make video of my flights available for people to see. thx for your most excellent effort!!

i have dozens of hours taken over the years flying mexico since 1978 but the tapes are all on sony 8 mm cassettes, beta, VHS, and VHS-C in my library. and both my beta and VHS machines no longer work!! :no:
so i hope to get them transfered to digital files and can do as DVDs and be able to post online some day.
there are some gems in there for sure, most of which i haven't watched in eons.

looking forward to part 2.

Iflyfish - 12-12-2008 at 08:53 AM

Good one!


Bob and Susan - 12-12-2008 at 09:13 AM

mike you NEED to retire so you can PLAY more!!!:lol:

gringorio - 12-12-2008 at 06:15 PM

Cool - glad eveyone's enjoying it ... thanks!

Mike - that's a nice looking new ride you have now! Was the other Comanche just aging or does the new one do better tricks? :o

Hopefully you'll be able to digitize all that old video and make an hour long documentary... that would be really cool...

Thanks again!

greg :bounce:

Ken Bondy - 12-12-2008 at 07:03 PM

WOW!!! I loved that!!! Thanks Greg. Mike you are GOOD!!! Looked like a crosswind at LTO!!

jeans - 12-12-2008 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
one thing i noticed flying with mike is how professional he flies

no diving
no scraping the tops of houses
no rolling the plane

I agree! I will share one of his rules:

Bottle to Throttle - 8 hours
Throttle to Bottle - 8 minutes


Paulina - 12-12-2008 at 09:55 PM


Bob and Susan - 12-13-2008 at 06:14 AM


to compesate for that ...
you now you need a tatoo:tumble::tumble:

capt. mike - 12-13-2008 at 09:00 AM

Loreto is usually out of the north, i can't recall that one but must have been some if you noticed a crab angle on final.

8 minutes rule only applies if it's the last stop! ha. :spingrin:

new paint and interior was done 2004 summer 'cause it was just time. that bird was made in 1961 so you have to refurbish 'em periodically. i added in-flight movies then too. 2 screens.

making digital transfers of my video histories is on my want list, maybe this is the year it gets done!:bounce:

Ken Bondy - 12-13-2008 at 09:09 AM

mike I wasn't sure but I thought I saw wind waves suggesting a pretty good wind out of the east, and then I thought I saw you bring the nose around a little bit just before touchdown. Anyway I loved the whole film, brought back lots of great memories particularly the low stuff around PSFO.

gringorio - 12-13-2008 at 12:47 PM

Hey Ken,

I think what you're seeing there turning on to final at Loreto are the waves refracting around that rounded point. The wind was indeed cranking primarily out of the north but it sure looks more east in the video.

Near Gonzaga while kayaking we were once pinned by a strong norher on a protected beach. Even though the beach was protected by a significant point, the refracting waves crashed directly on the beach looking as if they were rolling in from the ENE... yuk ... see:

Hey, congrats on the photo contest win by the way! :yes:

Originally posted by Ken Bondy
mike I wasn't sure but I thought I saw wind waves suggesting a pretty good wind out of the east, and then I thought I saw you bring the nose around a little bit just before touchdown. Anyway I loved the whole film, brought back lots of great memories particularly the low stuff around PSFO.

rogerj1 - 12-15-2008 at 12:51 AM

Where does one apply for the co-pilot position and what are the job requirements?

it's easy!!

capt. mike - 12-15-2008 at 07:10 AM

Originally posted by rogerj1
Where does one apply for the co-pilot position and what are the job requirements?

Rogerj1 - email me. only requirement is money......lots of money.....:lol::lol::lol:

Roger2 - i have the capture device and software, they are all over ebay for cheap. what i need are working playback decks.
hopefully soon. rent or fix mine.

BajaNuts - 12-15-2008 at 01:33 PM

Here's a link to a company in WA state that transfers old home movies to dvd's. We used them to transfer an old movie on a Beta tape to disk. I don't know how much they charge for 8mm's.

There are other companies that offer the same service, google "transfer old movies to disk" or similar. I think that StashSpace also offers archiving services for delicate media in a climate controlled area.

Once you have all the old 8mm on disks, you can edit and burn new disks to your hearts content. A good winter project for those 50 degree days when it's too cold to go outside. BTW, we had -5F this morning......don't want to hear no more whining about the cold weather down there:lol:

capt. mike - 12-15-2008 at 04:16 PM

thx Nutz!! i will check them out.
you know i LOVE Eastern WA state!
some of the best times ever was flying around for a week to all the wineries you have along the columbia river to walla walla, VIP at the Columbia crest airport, on to Yakima region. we must have hit over 20 of 'em! August is the time to go and we will be back some day. incredible weather and scenes. i still have some LeCole no. 41 reds.

BajaNuts - 12-15-2008 at 06:01 PM

I'm enjoying a nice Columbia-Crest at this very moment!

There are several wineries in north central WA also, on up through the Okanogan valley into Canada. That's the area we live in, north central WA. Nice an hot in the summer, good shoulder seasons, but the winters stink for someone who doesn't like snow. Especially if one has to work outside in the winter.....
