
New check point (at least for me)

Debra - 12-20-2008 at 11:24 PM

As you leave the second tool booth going north just before Rosarita they are stopping and just kind of asking questions to check you out, maybe they have gotten the message about what is going on down there and how it is costing them tourism.

Woooosh - 12-20-2008 at 11:36 PM

They've been there a few weeks, but not every day. I think they man it when someone might use the toll road as an escape route from Rosarito. They don't do agriculture checks or play 20 questions. They are nice and polite though.

IMHO, an Army presence doesn't make tourists feel safer, not needing them here would.

Bajahowodd - 12-21-2008 at 02:31 PM

They had a check point there years ago, as I remember. They have one on the free road just south of the Fox Studio, so it kind of makes sense to have one on the toll road, too.