
Flying with Capt. Mike Part II

gringorio - 12-25-2008 at 08:48 AM

Hi Ya'll - Merry Christmas!

Here's the second part of our flight with Capt. Mike. I wish there was more time allowed for Youtube videos - there was so much more to visiting Loreto and the flight back...

Click here: Flying Loreto to Tucson with Capt. Mike


greg :bounce:

Iflyfish - 12-25-2008 at 09:03 AM

Great video, love the opening scenes


Ken Bondy - 12-25-2008 at 12:21 PM

LOVED it, every frame. Glad things worked out with the strut. Were any further repairs necessary? ++Ken++

Debra - 12-25-2008 at 02:26 PM

Thanks, that was fun!

Bob H - 12-26-2008 at 07:28 AM

That was GREAT!
Bob H

yes Ken

capt. mike - 12-26-2008 at 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Ken Bondy
LOVED it, every frame. Glad things worked out with the strut. Were any further repairs necessary? ++Ken++

we determined it had cracked in the upper housing, AKA trunnion, and could not hold the nitrogen. We collapsed it on landing at Tucson too. Just like it did at Hermosillo. That's why i diverted to Tucson for customs instead of Nogales because i wanted maintenance on the field just in case - and besides Greg and Brian were picked up in Tucson so needed the drop there.
it had developed the crack , just slower leakage manageable ,well before that trip and i just handled it by servicing frequently and tried re seals and packing kit - not knowing there was a metal fatique crack at play. This was the left gear assmbly.

so since no new parts exist we had a choice of a weld up on aluminum with no specific warranty at around $1000 up and 3-4 weeks down time; or locating a serviceable salvage part at $800, albeit no guarantee. Such is the pleasure of used planes built in the early 60's!! Well i bought and had installed the used part and it has held since. Knock on ...metal.

well we fought the right strut for the past 2 years as well since the april 2007 pre-annual. Same issues - can't hold nitro. After 3 re-seals i sourced another "serviceable" part for $900 this time....:fire: and had it put on this year in sept. It is holding well.

unfortunately the down economy, high gas prices and the endless cost of maintenance has me thinking its time to sell old 69 Poppa while there's still life in her and sit out the skies a while. A newer plane makes a lot more sense these days. a lot happens in 2009 that spells direction, including an option to take on a partner - something i haven't done since 1997.

Merry Christmas all you no madians!:coolup:

capt. mike - 12-26-2008 at 09:23 AM

Aspen Meadow Ranch - didn't follow your question.
what is it?
about a link?
i gave you my email, write me with more detail, ok?

David K - 12-26-2008 at 04:34 PM

Can you describe a 'slow crash'? That was funny Mike! Thanks Greg!!

capt. mike - 12-27-2008 at 10:01 AM

ha! it becomes your mind i hear while it is happening.
i haven't had one yet, only the engine out on approach to Brown field in 2003 - and that one was fast , not slow, it was over almost before it happened! i didn't even have time to soil my pantalones!!:lol::lol: