
Chinese in Mulege

Pompano - 12-28-2008 at 07:21 PM

Well....first there's the Yee family, then the Chens, the Zhangs, the Wus, the Schmidts..

Okay, okay.. it's the Baja Restaurant Review forum..I knew that.

We begin:

Eduardo's Chinese Sunday

Location: Downtown Mulege across from Pemex station.

I purposely went in early to get an order to go...before it got too busy with patrons, but I was wrong, because this popular spot filled up fast. I hate waiting and drinking beer after beer after beer. The place is newly decorated, spotless up until I arrived, cheery atmosphere, the bartender super friendly.


There are many choices to choose from: This appears to be all food.

I had to go to the banos, but someone was cooking in there:
Hola Eduardo, old buddy! Que tal? What's happened to your cat?


I ordered Egg Rolls and Chicken Chow Mein. I don't have a clue on how it tasted because I forgot it at the bar...but some amigos later brought it to my casa.


[Edited on 12-30-2008 by Pompano]

BajaBruno - 12-29-2008 at 09:26 AM

Nice review, Pomp, but this is one more Mexican bar with no bar stools. Reminds me of Canada. It must be a Victorian holdover that everyone is expected to drink at tables. Mexico has been slow to adopt the US model of conviviality by close proximity.

But then, the last time I was in Canada (a country of wonderful people, by the way) single males were corralled on the opposite side of the bar from unescorted women by a line painted on the floor, which seemed quite provincial for my hormones at the time.

DENNIS - 12-29-2008 at 09:30 AM


What about the fried rice? Is it stateside good? I'm still on a quest to find better than "just edible" fried rice in Mexico. Usually it's too dry.

Pompano - 12-29-2008 at 10:10 AM

Bruno, I can relate to that Canadian pub ruling long ago when I attempted to drink with my lady companion in a bush tavern north of the 59th parallel...we were in the boonies.

Next to an 'aboriginal reserve' ...kee-Rist!, how's that for a politically correct term? The a-b's were Cree people, for God's sake.

Anyway, we broke the taboo of no women sitting with the men, plus I had a skinning knife on my belt...both reasons to get 86'd out the door.

And so you will know when you come to visit, all real bars in our area of Baja have plenty of stools. I pay rent on 5.

Dennis, I am told by some Chinese buffs that Eduardo's fried rice is very good indeed, but personally I will never eat any more rice in any way, Jose. Not since my childhood compadre pointed out the worm in my grade school Spanish rice hot lunch.

I am sure his would be passable for your palate.

By the way, my neighbors picked up and dropped off my chow mein to-go meal from Eduardo's yesterday and it was a delicious dinner last night.

Lindalou - 12-29-2008 at 10:26 AM

Roger, when we were living at Santispac we ate there 3 or 4 times. Always delicious. If one of his help called in sick you could wait for 2 hours to get your food, busy or not. It was always busy though. Really cool place

Pompano - 12-29-2008 at 10:42 AM

For sure, RichnLinda, yesterday I asked how long my order would take and was told about 20 minutes. Sure.

I wandered over to Scotty's to watch some football and have a couple beers, traded some yarns, and went back to Eduardo's 45 minutes later. Then waited another 10...but hey, Eduardo thinks we gringos expect the long adds character to the meal.

Lindalou - 12-29-2008 at 10:52 AM

It's worth the wait if you are expecting it, but you must remember to take it home. LOL

Russ - 12-29-2008 at 07:24 PM

Eduardo use to bring out a fantastic roasted chicken dinner to Punta Chivato. One whole roasted chicken, salad, corn tortillas & salsa. I loved that chicken! But when the road and dwindling demand took a toll he smartly ended his venture here.:no:

Santiago - 12-29-2008 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Pompano
Bruno, I can relate to that Canadian pub ruling long ago when I attempted to drink with my lady companion in a bush tavern

Pomp - I don't even know what to say - Canadians have bars called bush taverns?? Is this legal or just a $10 ticket? I've spent a fair amount of time in B.C. looking for Kamloops trout but I don't remember any bush taverns.

BajaBruno - 12-29-2008 at 08:55 PM

Santiago, I was in search of those same kamloops trout when I encountered a (no doubt) Pomp-certified bush bar in a burgh called 100 Mile House, BC. Come to think of it, the lumberjack at the end of the four-foot bar had a big knife on his belt--maybe it WAS Pomp!

Pomp, if I come visit and accidentally sit on one of your bar stools, do I have to sub-rent it? Will I get a "Stone Fox" c-cktail waitress at slight additional charge? All these musings as I prepare for my next trip south...

Pompano - 12-29-2008 at 09:22 PM

Santiago...perhaps I made a Fruedian slip? But no, you know better than that. Good tongue-in-cheek pun, though.

Too many types of bush in slang use today for this oldtimer. Believe me, the bush I wrote about you would not mistake if you went far enough north. Not for the timid. :rolleyes:

Bruno..that WAS me. I sent you a drink...what happened to you? Well, maybe next time we can have a talk...when you come to Mulege. No charge for sitting on any stools. Stone foxes you will have to trap yourself.

Pompano - 12-29-2008 at 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Russ
Eduardo use to bring out a fantastic roasted chicken dinner to Punta Chivato. One whole roasted chicken, salad, corn tortillas & salsa. I loved that chicken! But when the road and dwindling demand took a toll he smartly ended his venture here.:no:

Russ, I remember Eduardo bringing those same chicken specials to Coyote Bay and other places near here...Posada, Santispac, etc. Too bad the venture failed, but like you said, the business was just not there. And I loved that pollo, too.


Mexray - 12-29-2008 at 09:41 PM

...Many moons ago, on my first trip to Anchorage as a brake lining Rep, my one large account, took me to 'The Great Alaskan Bush Company' for a welcoming 'luncheon'...well there were soothing drinks to cut the chill while watching the 'gymnasts' hop around their vertical poles... :lol:

I couldn't help buying several T-shirts with the 'company' logo silkscreened on the front...Patricia took umbrage back home when I tried to wear my new 'company' T-shirt to a neighborhood soccer game....:o

[Edited on 12-30-2008 by Mexray]

Pompano - 12-29-2008 at 09:54 PM

Ray...I could write volumes about just those kinds of places..but fear the moderators would not approve. I remember the Red Dog saloon in Naknek as a particulary 'fun' hangout. If you didn't have a good time there, you were dead. Enough..I will be in trouble again!

motoged - 1-30-2009 at 01:58 PM

Originally posted by BajaBruno
<snip....But then, the last time I was in Canada (a country of wonderful people, by the way) single males were corralled on the opposite side of the bar from unescorted women by a line painted on the floor, which seemed quite provincial for my hormones at the time.

Well, you are dating yourself as they changed that in the 60's...C'mon back sometime...we are still wonderful...and have lotsa beer to choose can even get Mexican beer up here in the Great White North;D

Bajahowodd - 1-30-2009 at 02:35 PM

Cooking in the bano or whizzin in the kitchen?

Cypress - 1-30-2009 at 04:25 PM

Eduardo's! Very good Chinese food!!!!:bounce:

Phil S - 4-15-2009 at 11:31 AM

Pompano. your stories remind me of a trip to Trembler Lake, out of Fort St. Jamess, west of Prince George. ft. St. James taverns, were one scary scene back in the 70's when I was up there. We spent three months at a Will O Winn Lodge on Trembler lake (next lake north of Stuart lake (or Stewart ????) fishing & fighting off mosquitos. But back to the bars. Brother & I walked into one of them in F. S. J. and we didn't bother to stay. I'd never seen a bunch of scary mean looking (scars on their faces) bunch in my life. We drove to the nearest grocery store, and bought a case of beer, and went back to our motel!! Wondered where theyd parked their Harley 'hogs'!!!!!

Phil C...on those Far North taverns..

Pompano - 4-15-2009 at 07:41 PM

Some are just really nice places. Maybe you picked a wrong biker bar, but hey..they're okay if you don't back into one of thier Hogs with your truck/trailer and scrunch it up like rumpled piece of tinfoil and then take off like a bat out of hell down the road

...on second though, you should really stay away from a certain bar in Fort St. John.

The place has gone to the dogs and horses anyway.


[Edited on 4-16-2009 by Pompano]