CP - 1-5-2009 at 03:30 PM
Is there anything toxic about any part of the agave plant? I found info online about agave nectar and eating the flowers and stalks but nothing about
the young offspring. I have an ongoing plethora of crispy white baby shoots that might make a nice addition to our rather limited variety of
available vegetables.
I know that undesirable substances can be concentrated in some parts of a plant so I wanted to just ask you all for comment before I start cooking.
I am thinking along the lines of using them like I would bamboo shoots.
I admit I did gnaw a small bit on one this morning when I was doing yard work... tasted OK but then thought I'd better look into it some more before
going any farther.
Thanks for your comments!
bajajudy - 1-5-2009 at 05:06 PM
I know your's arent this big but it does mention the root being poisonous.
CP - 1-6-2009 at 08:49 AM
Thank you very much...I did not know this.
Oso - 1-8-2009 at 04:48 PM
Don't know about eating it, but in my wife's tierra, they use the large pencas de maguey (leaves from the big "century plant" kind
of agave they get pulque from.) to cover or wrap mutton or goat for deep pit barbacoa. It keeps the meat from burning, lends
moisture/steam and flavor.