
Casting spinners in Baja?

Cardon Man - 1-30-2009 at 01:47 PM

I've recently taken to casting spoons from shore after a long hiaitus from such lures. My favorites being the ubiquitous Kastmaster and Kroc's. While fishing this morning I realized that I have never once cast a spinner in Baja water. Back in the great northwest spinners like the Blue Fox Vibrax brought me together with many salmon and sea runs in the salt. Have any of you out there done any spinner chucking in Baja? And if they produce for you?

Hook - 1-30-2009 at 01:51 PM

I am a huge fan of spinners in fresh water, especially in streams where it can be a real challenge. Mepps were always my favorite, as their spinning mechanism never seems to get hung up.

In Mexico, long casts are often necessary. The spinner blade and body seem to inhibit casting. That's why I stick to Kasts and Krocs.


Cardon Man - 1-30-2009 at 02:00 PM

hook...That's a good point about the casting of spoons vs. spinners. I agree that a kroc or kastmaster can be cast a long way on the right tackle. That's a huge plus in most Baja beach fishing without question. However, for those times when the action is close in I have to wonder what a good spinner might do? I'm going to dig around and see if I have any and put them to the test.

Hook - 1-30-2009 at 02:03 PM

I'm sure they'll work great. It's an even more irresistible look than a spoon.

Russ - 1-30-2009 at 02:12 PM

I've tried all kinds of spinners along the beaches and around the rocks without any luck. I'm totally surprised! I still throw them once in awhile cuz I just won't except they don't work. They should be really hot?????.:no:

Cardon Man - 1-30-2009 at 02:35 PM

Russ...that's quite surprising indeed. Could it be that Baja fish are completely repulsed by spinners? :o

Well, that's exactly what I did not want to hear about spinners. Guess I'll still give a try. Hopefully, some one else will chime in with an encouraging story of hot Baja spinner fishing.

55steve - 1-30-2009 at 05:52 PM

There's a few jig/spin combos being made especially for salt water - they are very similar to their freshwater cousins - I recently got ahold of a few new ones and when I manage to dig them out I'll post a pic. I have never tied one on my line though since I seem to get into the Baja mindset and always stick to the tried and true stuff.

Found them - more of a "blade" setup though.

[Edited on 1-31-2009 by 55steve]

HPIM0240.JPG - 47kB

Skeet/Loreto - 1-31-2009 at 07:59 AM

I used Spinners by casting into the Beach and pulling out as slow as possible. Had lots of good Luck North of Loreto to Conception.

Also at times a very slow Troll around the Rocks close in can be a good Producer of Small Cabrilla in the 5 to 10 Lb. size.


Crocodile lures

RonnieRockCod - 2-2-2009 at 07:29 PM

I heard on reliable authority ( Let's Talk Hook Up) that Croc lures will cease production. Better stock up. Good luck, RRC.

BajaBruno - 2-2-2009 at 11:12 PM

I'm not much of a fisherman, though it's my main focus in Baja, but I've had no luck casting from shore, despite several incidental attempts. I don't see the locals doing it, either, except for catching bait sometimes, but that may just be a fact of where I hang out.

Shore fishing

Cardon Man - 2-4-2009 at 01:06 PM

Originally posted by BajaBruno
I'm not much of a fisherman, though it's my main focus in Baja, but I've had no luck casting from shore, despite several incidental attempts. I don't see the locals doing it, either, except for catching bait sometimes, but that may just be a fact of where I hang out.

That's surprising BajaBruno. Must be the particular location that's got a skunk on it. In my experience there's a good deal of fishy shore line on this peninsula! Keep on fishing...

No Kroc spoons?

Cardon Man - 2-4-2009 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by RonnieRockCod
I heard on reliable authority ( Let's Talk Hook Up) that Croc lures will cease production. Better stock up. Good luck, RRC.

Damn...that's a shocker! I would think that those spoons must be a big seller for Luhr Jensen.

Cardon Man - 2-4-2009 at 01:09 PM

Well, found some spoons and still have not tried them! I got distracted by the fly rod the last few mornings. I'll be sure to report on the spoon action when it happens.