

boe4fun - 2-1-2009 at 08:38 PM

Hola, If any of you off roaders are going to be going by Coco's Corner it would be of help if you could let him know that we'll be by his place around Sunday Feb. 23rd to measure him for his prostheses. Please let him know that it is very important for him to wear the "stump shrinkers" that were given to him when he was staying in Ensenada with Pablo Ibarra. He should be wearing these full time (24/7) - he was given several so he could launder them without missing time wearing the others. I emailed Alfonsina's some time ago to see if they could get word to Coco, but I have never received a response from them. If any of you should contact him, you can U2U me to let me know. Thanks in advance, Paul Boe