
Biggest Yellowtail of the Year(so far) in Asuncion

shari - 2-22-2009 at 01:04 PM

Wooooo has sucked the last couple weeks...cold winds, big seas, no fish...even commercial guys got skunked. But seeing as we were having a big sunday BBQ, we needed some fish so David and Kevin...recent Asuncion residents set out with high hopes.

I got a call from Kevin's cell phone saying we should meet them at the beach with the camera....oh the suspense! By the time I got to the beach there was already a crowd gathered around the little tin boat so I knew something was up....OMG...oops I'm getting ahead of myself...OK so...this is their tale....
skipmac was gonna go but forgot to get his fishing Kevin happily replaced him (lesson learned) the boys set out in a gorgeous sunrise and were happy to get into some nice calicos while trolling rapallas by Asuncion Island. But that attracted a big sealion who swam close to the boat...when...BAM...David thought he hooked the bugger...but he didnt want to lose the nice silver rapalla Kevin had just given him that morning

so he reeled it in and was thrilled when he saw silver come up and realized it was a big yellowtail...that's where the wooooo hoooo part comes in! This bigboy weighed in at 15 kilos which now makes David the new record holder for 2009...sorry Timo!
You can imagine how thrilled David is about his big fish!...

skipmac was happy to hold the monster anyway!

so gotta go make the sashimi...later your heart out....sorry, that was cruel wasnt it!

jorgie - 2-22-2009 at 01:08 PM

Shari, have you applied to be able to sell fishing licences ????
Must be possible , or ??:(

shari - 2-22-2009 at 01:12 PM

We are trying to figure out how to get them online through my bank...was gonna try to get skipmacs last night but was at a birthday party till late...and because we'd heard that the fishing had gone for a poop...well...we werent in a big hurry to get it....ooops...will try today or maybe manana!

Timo1 - 2-22-2009 at 01:19 PM

Wow wow and another wow
Way to go Dave!!!
I was just out chippin ice and came it to warm up...This did it !!!
If anyone deserves to be holding a fish like that...its you Dave
All I can say is...Davey boy ...the year ain't over yet:lol: ;D

Diver - 2-22-2009 at 03:02 PM

Nice fish Dave !!
And thanks for the photo, Shari !

Originally posted by Timo1
All I can say is...Davey boy ...the year ain't over yet:lol: ;D

Well, we all know that my yellowtail lures are in very good shape; almost new ! :lol:

24baja - 2-22-2009 at 04:58 PM

Beautiful fish, we can't wait for our trip in March.

4baja - 2-22-2009 at 06:02 PM

looks to be around 28#, nice fish!!

Diver - 2-22-2009 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by 4baja
looks to be around 28#, nice fish!!

15 kilos = 33 lbs !
VERY nice fish !!!

I was lucky enough to eat some of Ifly's +/- 50 pounder.
That is some GOOD sushi !!

Santiago - 2-22-2009 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by 4baja
looks to be around 28#, nice fish!!

Back in the day it was real important to know what a key weighed and if I remember right it was 2.2 pounds: 15 X 2.2 = 33 pounds. However, if anyone is a good judge of fish flesh it's 4baja so we're left with the assumption that Shari's scale is off???:lol:

Diver - 2-22-2009 at 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Santiago
However, if anyone is a good judge of fish flesh it's 4baja so we're left with the assumption that Shari's scale is off???:lol:

My deepest apologies !! :lol:

Pescador - 2-22-2009 at 07:36 PM

It really does not matter what the scale says, that fish is gonna weigh at leat 50 pounds by the time David hits the border and by next year it may even grow past that. As my daddy said, never let the facts get in the way of a good fishing story. :):):)

fishbuck - 2-22-2009 at 11:00 PM

In that little tin boat? The weather must be very good!

Nice work Dave!

Barbareno - 2-23-2009 at 07:23 AM

Bet David had a riot out there. I can hear his giggles.


Lauriboats - 2-23-2009 at 08:05 AM

So cool, tell Kevin congratulations. Lauri

Bajaboy - 2-23-2009 at 08:17 AM

Sounds like a great way to spend a day. Nice work, Gents!

shari - 2-23-2009 at 08:25 AM

I didnt actually witness the weigh in so probably is was a nice calm day with a bit of a swell but not a problem...when Dave got it up to the boat and gaffed it, he was surprised how heavy it was, "a 2 hander" and Kevin was wondering if it would fit in the boat! Needless to say they are out there again right now looking for a brother YT.

Thanks, Shari y Juan...

Mulegena - 2-23-2009 at 11:59 AM

for the wonderful gift of frozen yellowtail you shared with us here in Mulege on your recent visit.

Wonderful barbeque!! Sabroso!!

fishbuck - 2-23-2009 at 02:29 PM

That is a bit frustrating!
I wish I was there with a little tin boat. The weather is so good and the fish so close.
Here it is Monday and I still haven't decided whether I will come down for whale watching next weekend.
I flew my plane on Saturday. It's ready and I am ready. But I don't have anyone else to go and share the cost. So I will probably cancel the reservation.
That means driving again. And I haven't wrapped my brain all the way around that yet. You know, that 100mph part and all.

And that yellowtail picture isn't making this decision any easier. ;)

Yellow, how bout so old Moss backs.

Bronco - 2-23-2009 at 02:53 PM

35-40 # they stay here all year round - till T. woods, and golf buddies destroy another eco-system

shari - 2-23-2009 at 03:11 PM

It was our pleasure mulegena....yesterday's big boy is now in the smoker.....umm yummm...what was left over from the sashimi that was lovingly prepared by the junk queen herself(and Kevin)...nancy darling pridham of Galleria Bahia fame...but that is another story...
The party was as usual a combo...a despedida...going away party for Victor and Sandra...and a celebration of finding their dream home here, the start of a new chapter of their lives...and they sure looked happy (considering they are leaving tomorrow) but not for long...the happy couple are seen below behind the radiant Nancy. Nomads present were, me, bajadand, ibannie, redmesa, skipmac, jdtrotter and some spineless lurkers!! It was fun for some new and old nomads to get together....and the food was spectacular.

[Edited on 2-23-2009 by shari]

Tiomiguel - 2-23-2009 at 03:28 PM

Wow, I thought you said the fishing was bad this time of year. Great Job Dave and Kevin. That is a monster for sure. Should be able to feed the troops for some time now. THe first picture of your boat getting back on the trailer makes it look like the fish was in the stern and making it pretty heavy to get the boat out of the water. Wish we were there instead of here in the snow and freezing cold.

ELINVESTIG8R - 2-23-2009 at 07:36 PM

shari - 2-23-2009 at 08:49 PM

fishing has really been crappy for the last few weeks...Juan says these big yellowtail are solitary types and they didnt hook into any more..lots of calico though. I'm sure BajadanD will tell you his kayak fishing story soon...calico every cast near san roque.
tonight at sunset there were lots of guys hauling in boca dulce one after another from the beach...gorgeous night.

Pacifico - 2-23-2009 at 09:03 PM

Very nice!!! You're giving me the fever!!!!

fishbuck - 2-23-2009 at 09:05 PM

Ya we call those "home guard" yellowtail. At some point they don't migrate like a "normal" yellowtail.
They pick an area and stay there. They usually start to change appearance a little too.
A home guard tail with get fatter and more shoulder than a pelagic kelp patty yellowtail. Pelagics tend to keep the sleek and speedy look.
A home guard is more "grumpy" and tough where a pelagic is more "wild eyed" and crazy.

shari - 2-23-2009 at 09:14 PM

it was like hawaii tonight here...nice sunset with lots of folks on the beach...reeling in croakers one after another

lucky dog!

And this is Ibannie's fine camper in Timo's old spot...

[Edited on 2-24-2009 by shari]

[Edited on 2-24-2009 by shari]

BirdDog - 2-24-2009 at 11:45 AM

Damn Shari you sure are good at making me envious.:biggrin:

DianaT - 2-24-2009 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by shari
it was like hawaii tonight here...nice sunset with lots of folks on the beach...

Last night was one of the warmest evenings we have ever spent here in Bahia Asuncion on what some call the Alaska side of the hill, and the sunset was by far one of the best---so many different colors. Not to sound like the BA Chamber of Commerce, but it really was amazing and unexpected. It had been cold and windy in the afternoon.


Skip_Mac - 2-24-2009 at 06:19 PM

Whew that YT was the heaviest thing I have hefted since my ex's Sacramento River 32 lb Salmon. I caught more, she caught bigger.

Dave and Kevin did a fine job and allowed me to get a picture, since I talked up the fishing here so much to my co-workers when I was furloughed from the office.

Anyway, I am seeing a lot of fish taken in the evening by two people, fishing from the sandy beach at the "Hawaii" side of Asuncion. For myself, I got my first two calicoes on sardines fished from shore on pocket beaches in the rocks north of San Roque.

Stunning day, weather and fishing. My error this trip was thinking I would have time to fish, kayak, read and look over the local geology. I am meeting too many wonderfully positive, welcoming and helpful I am spending a lot more time socializing than I anticipated. Not a problem, just a welcome surprise. Food in the smaller local places has been exceptionally good as well, another unanticipated surprise after years of hearing about digestive issues...None here...Mucho Bueno

Hey, maybe I'll get laid off. My March rent in Berkeley is already paid so.....


BajaDanD - 2-24-2009 at 11:17 PM

I didnt see it whole until now I did however get to eat some of it. Yummy

I fished out at San Roque off my Kayak and coought tuns of Calico bass released all but these 5
Full trip report to come later

[Edited on 2-25-2009 by BajaDanD]

Mex Feb2009 084 (2).JPG - 46kB

Sunrise at San Roque

BajaDanD - 2-24-2009 at 11:18 PM

Mex Feb2009 125.jpg - 39kB

snack before dinner

BajaDanD - 2-24-2009 at 11:22 PM

[Edited on 2-25-2009 by BajaDanD]

[Edited on 2-25-2009 by BajaDanD]

[Edited on 2-25-2009 by BajaDanD]

[Edited on 2-25-2009 by BajaDanD]

Mex Feb2009 121.JPG - 46kB

BirdDog - 2-25-2009 at 08:27 AM

Wow Bajadan! Those are some nice calico. Would have been a blast out of the kayak. Now you and Diane have to make me envious. Is there no end to the torture.:lol:

[Edited on 2-25-2009 by BirdDog]

shari - 2-25-2009 at 08:27 AM

from now on we are going to put everyone who wants to move here through a rigorous test...can you fish(and share it with everyone)...can you make sashimi and special secret sauces...can you laugh in the face of....well...anything, can you attend afternoon delights, can you make cinnamon buns, can you say get the picture?

BirdDog - 2-25-2009 at 08:29 AM

Originally posted by shari
from now on we are going to put everyone who wants to move here through a rigorous test...can you fish(and share it with everyone)...can you make sashimi and special secret sauces...can you laugh in the face of....well...anything, can you attend afternoon delights, can you make cinnamon buns, can you say get the picture?


jorgie - 2-25-2009 at 09:04 AM

Hey BirdDog,how long will it take you this time and when are you leaving ??

teamsaleen - 2-25-2009 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by shari
....yesterday's big boy is now in the smoker.....umm yummm...

[Edited on 2-23-2009 by shari]

Hey Shari, how's that smoker working out for you? We have been reading your posts over the winter and wish we were there! We really enjoyed our time there and fishing w/ Juan. Sounds like the smoker has seen a lot of use! Hope to see you again sometime this year!
Merrill & Nikki

BirdDog - 2-26-2009 at 08:23 AM

Originally posted by jorgie
Hey BirdDog,how long will it take you this time and when are you leaving ??

We won't be down until October. Mom and dad are coming with us so we are flying into La Paz and taking the scenic drive north. Won't take nearly as long as driving which was a full 5 days. If you can make it then let me know I'll have a couple of cold ones for ya.

[Edited on 2-26-2009 by BirdDog]

shari - 2-26-2009 at 08:28 AM

hey there teamsaleen....welcome to nomadlandia...nice to see you finally posting...and woooohoooo the smoker has seen lots of action indeed...most of David's YT got smoked and will be served at our birthday bash(es). We are thinking of putting a small electric hotplate in the bottom as the propane flame is a bit too hot I think...but have heard no complaints from everyone who ate all the smoked Yt, tuna and bonita this season! We thought all we smoked would last us through till the fall when the season started but it's all gone now except for the last YT...juan loves it.

jorgie - 2-26-2009 at 08:41 AM

Shari, I know where ya can get an electric new

shari - 2-26-2009 at 09:13 AM

jorgie...i really think you should get out of that snowstorm and deliver the hot plate to