Trip report part 2
Friday Feb 20th Ojo de Liebre Campground
We woke up Friday morning to scorpions and rattle snakes in our sleeping bags.
I must have slept on a cactus, cause I had ^%#$ sticking everywhere.
There was a group of Germans at least 15 waiting at the restaurant to go see the whales. No one we talked to spoke English. We decided we’d wait for
the next boat out, hoping maybe, we’d have some company that spoke English. No such luck. A guy and his wife from Italy. All’s I could get out of
them was “Italiano from Milano.” He spent more time looking out of the view finder on his camcorder then he did just looking around. He missed most of
the trip. Every time his wife saw a whale she’d say something and he’d turn to look and miss it. I made a comment to Barb that when he goes to show
the video to his friends/family everyone is gonna be seasick and all they’re gonna see is water and sky. I tried to explain to him how to look around
and point the camcorder without looking through that little lense, but he just nodded his head and looked at me with that smile. You know that smile.
The one that tells you that no matter how sloooowww you say it. He aint gonna get it. So I gave up and enjoyed the boat ride.
After awhile a whale with huge white teeth stopped by and invited us over for lunch turns out, we were the lunch. We saw some whales that were trying
to have sixx but couldn’t find any privacy. We saw some whales that I think, don’t like water, they kept jumping out.
After a fairly uneventful boat ride, we came in.
Off to Asuncion
Before our trip I tried to explain to our friends where Asuncion is, but all I got was that Smile. You know that smile. The one that tells you
that no matter how sloooowww you say it. They aint gonna get it. So I gave up and told them down by Cabo. These are the people that think that
Ensenada is half way to Cabo. These people have college educations? . GODS HELP US.
We stopped at the Pemix in Visciano to gas up. Some drunk comes up to us and asks if we could spare any food. Went on to tell us how he’d been living
in Salem, Oregon and had been deported. I was getting dizzy watching his eyes roll around while he talked. We gave him some cheese and sandwich meat
and he stumbled off across the street.
Shari had told me to call once we got to Visciano, to let them know we’re on our way out there. Just in case something happened, someone would come
looking for us. I have no idea how to make a phone call from a Mex. Payphone. Tried to ask for help using the phone all I got was, You guessed it.
The road from Visciano to Asuncion is paved part way. I say this with a slight hesitation. There are pot holes on that road that swallow up cars, rip
away suspensions and flatten tires. Do I go slow? Or, do I go really, really fast? I chose fast. I’m sure I left some parts of my truck along that
road. Oh yeah! And a kidney or two. We stopped to watch giant foam globs float across the road. From a distance we thought they were animals, maybe
sheep or something as we got closer it turned out to be foam, shaped like animals, floating in the wind coming off the water.
We came to where the road is not yet paved and followed the detour arrows. Ended up in the middle of the desert following a road that looked like
some drunk on a tractor plowed it. It made no sense at all seems it could’ve just gone straight, but no, It wound around like a snake.
The thing I love the most about dirt roads in Baja is, when you come to a fork in the road there is never a road sign saying which way to go. We went
straight, found out later we should’ve gone to the left. Now both roads will get you there but one is the easier softer way, and the other, Well,
lets just say “Six flags “ Got to Asuncion around 3:00pm Friday.
[Edited on 2-26-2009 by BajaDanD]
Paulina - 2-25-2009 at 06:20 PM
Whew, what an adventure! Were the Germans all nekid, or where the women toppless, only wearing grannie panties and the guys all in speedos? I've heard
that's how they are in Baja and to aviod them at all costs. You escaped them by the skin of your teeth, it sounds like.
Edit: Is your Mastiff still a pup in that photo?
[Edited on 26-2-2009 by Paulina]
Hank @ ojo de liebre
BajaDanD - 2-25-2009 at 06:33 PM
No he's full grown 150lbs So. African Mastif also called a Boerboel
[Edited on 2-26-2009 by BajaDanD]
Diver - 2-25-2009 at 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Paulina
Were the Germans all nekid, or where the women toppless, only wearing grannie panties and the guys all in speedos?
Germans ? I thought those were Montreal, Canadians !
We took the "right" turn with our camp trailer on our first trip into Asuncion,
what a roller-coaster ride !!
Right turn
BajaDanD - 2-25-2009 at 06:40 PM
We tried to find it on our way out but missed it somehow That was one fun ride My wife loved it Shes the only person I know who gets carsick while
drivingPaulina - 2-25-2009 at 06:43 PM
Originally posted by BajaDanD
No he's full grown 150lbs So. African Mastif also called a Boerboel
I'm going to have to look the Boerboel up. I've never heard of them before. The reason I asked if he was a pup is because our male English Mastiff
topped out at 240 lbs. The female was 180. I'm trying my darndest to talk Dern into another one, but not doing so well.
Maybe he'll go for the smaller Boerboel version...BajaDanD - 2-25-2009 at 06:51 PM
Males top out around 150 females around 110 more agile and active then an English mastif.
They live a little longer and are healthier "usually"
Paulina - 2-25-2009 at 06:54 PM
He's beautiful! Do they normally dock their tails? The life span of the E.M was one of Dern's concerns as well. It's nice to know that yours will be
with you for quite a few more Baja trips. If you continue to keep him out of your Tecate, then even longer!BajaDanD - 2-25-2009 at 06:56 PM
The Germans were all in their 60s-70s thank God they weren't NekedBajaDanD - 2-25-2009 at 06:58 PM
Here's that toothy whale look how white his teeth are
BajaDanD - 2-25-2009 at 07:13 PM
Tail docked is normal standard. There are some however that do not dock their tails. In most of Europe it is not allowed. Some breeders do and some
dont. They are used as farm dogs in So Africa mainly as gardians. Boerboel means farm dog. Most farm dogs have docked tails. Sooner or later. You can
get them either way. but most come with docked tails.
He cant decide if he wants the Calico bass or the Sheepshead
Paulina - 2-25-2009 at 07:24 PM
Ok, I think I'm making headway! Dern said, "Now that's a good looking dog." I'm off to do a Google search...
BajaDanD - 2-25-2009 at 08:04 PM
Those arnt teeth they're barnicles you say
Well when that big old whale came out of nowhere and poped its head out of the water right next to the back of the boat all I saw was teeth. Scared
the %$#@ out of me thats why the picture is at such a wierd angle. I was jumping out of the way of its teeth
[Edited on 2-26-2009 by BajaDanD]Paulina - 2-25-2009 at 10:19 PM
Please check your u2u as Dern seems to be giving me the green light for a Boerboel I'm so excited! I need to start saving my $.
P.nancyinpdx - 2-25-2009 at 11:59 PM
Thank God you weren't Jonah when he was bein' naughty!David K - 2-26-2009 at 07:54 AM
Nice report, nice truck, nice fish!
Tell us about that palapa with a #7 sign above it...
Is this the new Bahia Asuncion campground that was lightly mentioned once here?shari - 2-26-2009 at 08:06 AM
Hey Paulina....that is one gorgeous dog...BUT...get the tail docked....I cant even imagine the damage a ginormous perro's tail like that could do. His
head was bigger than a VW bug! Easily wins the prize for biggest dog ever here....cow size.Paulina - 2-26-2009 at 08:26 AM
Thanks Shari for reminding me that I will need to tail proof the house. I know what big dogs and their tails can do. A bit off topic, but here is my
first English Mastiff. His name was Rhubarb. He weighed in at 240 lbs.
shari - 2-26-2009 at 08:30 AM
wow...guess rhubarb got kinda excited by the boa eh!Paulina - 2-26-2009 at 08:32 AM
He was a bit of a show off at times...I get what you mean about the tail docking. I guess it's a standard now so that will help some.Skipjack Joe - 2-26-2009 at 09:56 AM
Maybe the dog should be kept outside. That way it gets to keep it's tail.Paulina - 2-26-2009 at 12:53 PM
Igor, Duct tape.
Some people even crop their ears. No way I would do that!
So Dan, wheres report #3? I can't wait to hear what happened in Asuncion!Skipjack Joe - 2-26-2009 at 05:04 PM
Duct tape is so useful.
BajaDanD - 2-26-2009 at 09:03 PM
They dock the tails when they are 2 days old These are not the kind of dog that you can just put outside all the time. They are like velcro need to
be around people, at your feet. I cant go to the bathroom without Hank following me. They are not Labs. Nothing wrong with Labs. My dogs come in and
out as they please through the doggy door. If My wife or I am at home they almost never go outside on their own except to pee/poop. They dont want
to miss out on what ever is going on in the house. They are a one person or one family dog. Great with kids not so good with strangers. They are a
guardian breed
Boerboels ears are not and should not be cropped there are no breeders or owners that I know of, who have cropped their dogs ears.
The tail docking comes from their use as a farm dog /guardian They were/are used in So Africa to protect farms and homesteads form Bandits. They also
needed to be versatile on the farm No point in feeding a dog that cant earn its keep Just guarding was not enough. There are vary few Vets around.
Tail injuries dont heal well eventually having to be cut off bit by bit. Vary painfull to a grown dog. Much easier to do it when the dog is days old.
[Edited on 2-27-2009 by BajaDanD]
Palapa # 7
BajaDanD - 2-26-2009 at 09:15 PM
That is at Ojo de liebre campgrounddocsmom - 3-2-2009 at 11:00 PM
Doggy door? That's hilarious! It must be almost a big as my garage door to fit that gorgeous hunk o dog!!!!!!!!!!