
Eateries in Los Barriles

kitjv - 2-26-2009 at 05:31 PM

We will be in the Los Barriles area for about 3 weeks starting in late March. I am interested in restaurant recommendations in the area. Obviously I am looking for particularly good, authentic food, but also places that have Baja character. I tend to shy away from those touristy places that cater to Norte Americanos demanding dining experiences as they have at home.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Bajahowodd - 2-26-2009 at 05:37 PM

Try Tio Pablo's. Disclaimer- I haven't been there for two years. It is/was fun.

Floatflyer - 2-26-2009 at 06:45 PM

Tio Pablo's is arguably the most gringoized restaurant in Los Barriles. Tacos Viejo offers very good food at very good prices, a locals can't miss for breakfast and lunch.

Cafe Maria's, Restaurante Pisces (behind Chapito's Market), El Barrilito, and Otra Vez are several other proven good eateries.

kitjv - 2-26-2009 at 07:22 PM

Floatflyer: Thanks for the suggestions. I suppose there is nothing wrong with "gringoized" places. However, when I travel outside the U.S. I want to experience what I cannot experience at home. Otherwise, I might as well just watch the travel channel.

Fred - 2-26-2009 at 07:26 PM

Tio's is overpriced. I would try either of the two at "three dog corner".

vjfamily - 2-26-2009 at 08:02 PM

We really enjoy Baja Cactus on Hwy 1 heading towards La Paz) really good local food at good prices. We also like eating outside at RoadRunner in the Plaza as you enter Los Barriles. the Heuvos
Rancheros are my favorite. Sylvia's Taco stand (across from the Kindergarten) makes great fish tacos. We also enjoy Cafe Maria's. Have a great visit, Joanna

kitjv - 2-26-2009 at 09:32 PM

Thank you, Joanna.

Fred - 2-26-2009 at 09:38 PM

I second Baja Cactus. You can take your own cooler in with you. Also on HWY 1 South of town is the corral. Great carne. Also now there is a new pizza place on HWY 1 just at the turn off.

spike - 2-27-2009 at 10:29 AM

When we are in LB we love going to La Palma. I'm not sure about "authentic", but it is cooked by what looks like a Mexican Grandma, so I'll take that as authentic. It's Baja casual, but very good. The sopes are very good. We've been going there for 6 years and have never been dissappointed.


dtbushpilot - 2-27-2009 at 10:42 AM

The pizza place is great, not cheap but well worth the price. My favorite "sit down" restaurant is Campestre Trini's. Nice people, great food, they will cook your fish for you.

The Roadrunner is great for breakfast and free wifi. If you get the urge for a good burger and fries go to Buzzards. They have new owners and they are doing a great job.

In Buena Vista Japone's is very good and very inexpensive. They are across the street and a bit North from Tienda Popular Next door to him (to the North) his mom has a little place that makes the best papas with carne asada that you will ever eat. No menu, no decissions to make, just papas....dt

gnukid - 2-27-2009 at 10:57 AM

The taqueria La Palma is quite good I think open for dinner only, its located in the block behind Chapitos basically on the corner across from a water store, for tacos and beers its practically unbeatable.

The hot dog stand is excellent as you head north through town on the corner, generally also open late only.

You can buy fish to cook at the pescaderia a bit pricey and mostly frozen, cooked chickens and fresh tortillas in the center of town-hard to beat home made food.

You might enjoy carnitas to go from across of Chapitos. They might have tamales too.

Cactus on the main road is good, the fish dish is recommended as standard fare at 60 pesos for a nice simple meal. They also make brochette with shrimp and steak.

On the other hand, Rancho Buena Vista is closed but the bar is open at times, Spa Buena Vista is open with a hot tub too with naturally heated hot springs water plus a booster to up the ante, but the food is definitely, definitely something to skip, inedible and radically overpriced.

oldjack - 2-27-2009 at 11:36 AM

Good food in Los Barriles... but consider that it is all gringo-style mexican as that is who the market serves.... I go to San Bartolo to El Paso Restaurante for their really mexican-style foods... especially their tamales...
Tio's is a "fun" place to eat but not very authentic... Otra Vez and Barrilitos are just for tourist or snowbirds that want the same thing the get back home.... Marie's is a great little restaurant that has good value and if you get something off menu you get a little more authentic style meal... after being a very frequent visitor to Los Barriles for the past ten years... my best meals are the one's I have at my Mexican friend's homes....

akbear - 2-27-2009 at 11:38 AM

I'll second all of the above & add La Trinidad Trailer Park in La Ribera on the week ends. Also Smokey's Grill & Cantina, sports bar downtown.



LB - 2-27-2009 at 12:08 PM

My best meals are my own cooking. But when we want to find GOOD food, we
head to: Three dog Corner for Grand Burros, the daughter is back ,:yes:. Also enjoy the salads at RoadRunner. The lasagna at the Italian place at Palmas is the best, however the owner Claudia bought Otra Vez and is changing the menu to include Italian Dishes. As for real Mexican Cooking....taco stands where
you find the Mexicanos eating often are a good bet. Tios is bland food without
a menu change in many years. Got sick at a couple town places this year, so
we are careful (they were not taco stands!!)

kitjv - 2-27-2009 at 04:50 PM

Thank you, all, for the suggestions. However, I must admit that our own homecooked meals are the best. This is why we are renting a place with a ull kitchen. Besides, my wife is Mexicana. So she has the cooking dialed in pretty well.

But every so often it's a treat to leave the kitchen & eat elsewhere.

windgrrl - 2-27-2009 at 07:19 PM

Try Piscis behind Chapito's - outstanding and generous. Tio Pablos' for ice cream, food is definitely expensive, but always reliable and lots of vegetarian choices. Karaoke night is not to be missed. La Palma always and especially for sopes. Campestry Triny Near the laudromat for seafood I hear from a reliable source, but dind't eat there this year. Caleb's for breakfast. El Japonese taco stand for fries!

Not hard to eat out all the time here!

windgrrl - 2-27-2009 at 07:21 PM

...anf Don Roberto's - the pizza place delivers anf it's awesome after a day of sailing not to have to cook!

Eli - 2-28-2009 at 03:55 PM

I too vote Maria's to be a real good example of a local eatery, and the prices are as reasonable as most anywhere these days. Got to admit though, her menu (not prices) reflects the many years that Maria worked at Tio Pablos while she scraped and saved to create her own sweet little cafe.

Just about every day I eat brunch at Calebe's; one the food is good, two it is right next door to my gallery, so of course it is practical for me. Calebe's has a great little bakery, yummy smells overtake me just about every time I walk in the door. Although it is a "Gringo" style restaurant, (it is run by a gringa/ mexicano couple) they have the best Chili Relleno's and crispy yummy Chilauquiles that I have ever eaten anywhere. Also, the views of the beach from the upstairs seating is awesome and the structure itself is unique and beautiful, a very nice atmosphere indeed.

Bajahowodd - 2-28-2009 at 04:23 PM

Never understood why folks would eat pizza in Mexico. I never look for tamales when in Rome. Does anyone know that there IS an El Torito in Istanbul? I might just alter my regimen out of curiosity.

Eli - 2-28-2009 at 04:35 PM

I don't know, Bajahowodd, each to his own. I have lived here for 20 years, I sure am glad we have international cuisine options. I sure do like to eat pizza, Chinese, hamburgers, Mole, Tamales, Carrot Cake, Rib Eye Steak, a Ruben sandwich would be nice. Lets face it, I just like to eat! Same for me as all the Nationals I know, good food has no borders.

Bajahowodd - 2-28-2009 at 04:47 PM

Eli- I was looking at it from the perspective of a traveler, not a resident. I understand what you are saying. Just meant that if I had like a week in Mexico, I wouldn't look to be doing Chinese. I remember how happy everyone was in Cabo when they opened the McDonalds.

bajafreaks - 3-12-2009 at 07:49 PM

We will be actually visiting town while you are there.
El Viejo's tacos -truly the best.
El Barrilito's (the cilantro fish,outstanding).
La Curva -end of town at the "curve" heading north, great food.
Hope you have a good time.

Floatflyer - 3-21-2009 at 03:40 PM

RE: Otra Vez previous recommendation. Went to Otra Vez this afternoon with another couple for lunch. New ownership. I had fish and chips, fair with 3 small pieces of fish. Wife had a hamburger, can't figure what kind of a meat patty it was but was not good. Dog ate 3/4 of it. French fries smelled of fish.

Other lady had a slice of pizza. Bottom of crust was not cooked. Mystery cheese used. Other guy had fried pizza. Was ok at best.

Verdict is that we would not eat there again and would take it off our "recommendation" list.

Fred - 3-21-2009 at 03:51 PM

IMO Orta Vez has been up and down with the quality of food. 10 years ago in was much beter.