Originally posted by beercan
--- "her land"?? ---This is private land owned by the Orozco family and as I understand it , even Mexico has some land laws and recognition of private
property rights . What business or right is it of yours to even spout as you are doing with worthless and ungrounded opinions? How bout running a new
freeway thru your home ? Are you just gonna "give it up " or do you expect compensation ? Just so happens that most of the residents here are happy
that the new road by-passes instead of splitting the village .
"new highway avoids the place" ----By choice and agreement !. Less traffic= less noise, less pollution, safer streets.
"I would like nothing more than to say good things about the place... but, I won't if there is no evidence".----We don't need your mis-guided and
ill-informed opinions. Apparently my statements of fact are falling on your deaf ears and if you want to continue , then **** *** . If you don't like
the way a business is run, then stay the hell away.
Quote: | by DavidK
Elizabeth and I had some good birria at the taco stand there in '05 and '06... that was along the road. Interesting that even the new highway avoids
the place... so any Mexicans who hoped for more business in Puertecitos are out of luck, unless people detour through town. I heard it was the 'owner'
of Puertecitos (Clara?) who refused to permit the paved road to pass through 'her' town...? If Clara has changed that the WHY don't YOU guys show us?
Is there still a fee to enter 'her' land or will she appeal to our dollars with services we would use? I would like nothing more than to say good
things about the place... but, I won't if there is no evidence.
[Edited on 3-17-2009 by BajaNomad] |