Originally posted by ZThomas
Thanks for the great report! Neat to see pictures of Pez Gordo and my folks, too.
I'm don't necessarily subscribe to the sky-is-falling view of the Cortez fishery, but it is sad that you can drag a MirrOlure around Ildefonso now and
get nothing but a green jack. I haven't been fishing down there near as long as you -- or lots of others on here -- but even I remember when you
couldn't go 200 yards without a big leopard grouper or pargo on that west side of the island.
That boat is actually a Dusky 256, not a Mako.
Say hello to the Jungla bunch for me. Sure wish I was there instead of here. Gotta wonder the same thing as Jim, though--what kind of an early start
is that, with full sun at launch time?
ZT |