
Need Talavera Store Name in La Paz

LRW - 3-27-2009 at 08:50 AM

Started a project 4 years ago and it's just getting done. We're 6 talavera tiles 'short'.....

The tile was a custom tile from a shop in La Paz. Ugets or something very similar. She had a detailed website at that time, however now we can't pull anything up nor find anything on this place. If anybody knows if she's still in business or has a website address, it'd be greatly appreciated.

There was also a 2nd talavera store in La Paz too...if anybody knows that one I'd like that as a backup. We're 4 hours north of La Paz so it's not a quick jaunt for us..


oldlady - 3-27-2009 at 09:39 AM

I believe there is one on Constitucion about 3 blocks east of the post office.
The do have some tiles there. Maybe some of the urbanites will come up the exact store you are looking for. Good Luck!

longlegsinlapaz - 3-27-2009 at 09:55 AM

Uguet is still in town, but she's moved from the store she had a block behind the malecon. I saw her new place in an out-of-the-way location while I was headed elsewhere one day, but for the life of me, I can't remember WHERE!!

Thank goodness for telephone books!:bounce: I just spoke with Uguet at: 612-122-4623.

Her new location is on 5th of February @ Chiapas (sp?)....about 3 blocks above McDonalds...headed away from the water. It's on the right side of the street.

I know that she does have stores in other locations in Baja Sur, so you may not have to drive as far as La Paz.

LRW - 3-27-2009 at 03:25 PM

Thank you...I tried every spelling I could think of for Uguet....excepting the REAL one.

Muchas gracias.