
The Americanization of Mexico/La Baja

CaboRon - 3-29-2009 at 06:34 AM

I found this to be a very interesting book ...:saint:


The Americanization Of Modern Mexico

By Joseph Contreras

Rutgers Univ. 276 pp. $24.95

When I traveled to Mexico City in 2005 to check out my new digs as The Washington Post's bureau chief there, Mexican friends recommended that I shop for groceries at Walmart. Never mind that there was a beautiful, traditional open market offering luscious, tree-ripened mangoes and other delights within walking distance of our house in Coyoacan, one of the city's oldest neighborhoods. Also within walking distance were two Starbucks, as I found out when Mexican sources frequently suggested meeting there. I wanted authentic Mexican experiences; they wanted Frappuccinos.

Joseph Contreras, author of the provocative and highly informative "In the Shadow of the Giant," discovered much the same. A longtime foreign correspondent who is now a U.N. public information officer in Sudan, Contreras served two tours of duty as Newsweek's Mexico City bureau chief. During his first, in the mid-1980s, there was precisely one McDonald's in all of Mexico, he notes. When he returned on a reporting trip in 2000, there were 292.

A seismic event, of course, had occurred in the interim: The North American Free Trade Agreement had taken effect in 1994 and vastly increased commerce between Mexico and its richer northern neighbor. Contreras, perhaps reaching just a bit, asserts that the pact has transformed Mexico into "a de facto economic colony of the United States."

By 2006, when he moved back to Mexico City, Walmart was Mexico's largest private employer. Citigroup owned one of the country's largest banks. About 400,000 Americans had bought second homes in Mexico. And Mexicans, he notes, were slurping Coca-Cola at a higher per capita rate than consumers in any other country, including the United States. "Invaded," he writes. "That single word best captures what is happening to Mexico in the twenty-first century. In varying degrees American fashion, food, phrases, status symbols, social diseases, department stores, tourists, pensioners, religious denominations, and belief in the gospel of free trade have all established firm footholds inside today's Mexico."

The son of Mexican immigrants, who grew up in a Los Angeles suburb, Contreras despairs when Mexican friends order frozen margaritas, "an Americanized travesty of a national treasure." He laments the destruction of the elegant Casino de la Selva hotel in Cuernavaca, which figured prominently in the classic novel "Under the Volcano," to make room for a Costco.

But he is most troubled that Americanization "has infected" Mexico with "three quintessentially American social diseases": HIV, illegal drug use and obesity. He asserts that Mexican airline workers brought HIV to Mexico from the United States, although he rightly praises Mexican health officials for fostering progressive prevention strategies that have kept the infection rate among the lowest in the region.

He is less impressed with Mexicans' eating habits, blaming American-style fast food and junk snacks for the fact that more than half of Mexican women between the ages of 18 and 49 are now overweight. At the same time, America's "insatiable demand" for illegal drugs has given rise to cartels responsible for thousands of killings in Mexico each year. Inevitably, some of the drugs headed for the United States stay in Mexico, leading to huge increases in addiction rates and making drug trafficking one of "the nation's top growth industries." "That grim outlook won't improve," he writes, "until Washington either legalizes narcotics such as cocaine and marijuana or undertakes a concerted effort to reduce illegal drug use."

Overall, however, Contreras believes that Americanization has done Mexico more good than harm. He credits U.S. influence with promoting rights for Mexican women and gays, advancing judicial reforms and strengthening the nation's democracy after decades of one-party rule. Still, he worries that the U.S. political establishment will always view Mexico as "a problematic neighbor" and "the international equivalent of an appendage."

The dictator Porfirio Diaz, who ruled Mexico for three decades in the late 1800s and early 1900s, is often credited with saying, "Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States." If Diaz were alive today, Contreras writes, he might say, "Poor Mexico, so close to the United States, so far from a relationship based on true equality and respect."

Manuel Roig-Franzia was The Post's Mexico bureau chief from 2005 to 2008 and now writes for the Style section.

EnseNADAslim - 3-29-2009 at 10:01 AM

Hummm, interesting article. I think both countries are some what dealing with the same thing as the US deals with the illegal immigration problem and we can all see how it has affected the US. Everywhere you go everything must be spelled out in Spanish along with English...
But, back to this topic. You see it going on here in Ensenada with the rise of all the fast food places, Costco, and now the new Plaza complete with a crappy Home Depot, Walmart, Oggies, and even a Dairy Queen--I mean come on give me La Michuacana or give me death.
The locals however seem to love some of these new changes and maybe for some of us we want to see that quiet little village with the local sleeping under his Cactus, but for the Nationals it mean progress, but it would be nice to see them do it without the influence of Costco and Dairy Queen.
BTW,,,I hate going to Home Depot, Walmart, and I only go to Costco if I have to, and Dairy Queen-----I'll take un Paleta de Fresa con Chocolate y peanuts.
Interesting article Capt. Ron, thanks:cool:

SteveD - 3-29-2009 at 10:25 AM

It is the individual Mexicans that choose to buy the US goods and go to the US based stores. One of my sons is a manager at a Starbucks (in LA County) and he told us that Mexican families (dad, mom, grandmother, kids) will come into his store and everyone, including the kids, gets something to drink! They love it! As for the "Americanization" of Margaritas, try to get one the old traditional way. Mixed in a metal bar shaker and strained into the glass - no ice! Bartenders give you a funny look like you mind is going from old age and youv'e been in the sun too long (probably true!)

Stickers - 3-29-2009 at 11:24 AM

I live in Southern California and I never go to Starbucks because I don't like the place. I also never shop at Walmart . I go to open air farmers markets that are common now in California whenever possible. I eat at little family run Mexican diners and taco trucks because I like them. I am not obese, I don't have a drug habit and I don't blame "others" for my problems. Mr Joseph Contreras article is demeaning to Mexicans.

Blaming the U.S. for HIV in Mexico?? That one takes first prize.:lol:

Skeet/Loreto - 3-29-2009 at 11:53 AM

Stickers! You are "One of a Kind"!!!
I live in the Texas Panhandle and I do go to Starbucks as I like to check out what a Liberal looks and Acts like!

That is the largest problem with the Liberal Thinkers{ Questionable}, that is the Blame Thing. When they strengthen their Minds and learn not to Blame they will be tough to deal with.I do not think it will ever happen as they will become the "Lost Gimmie Generation".

HIV blame on Mexico?- 15 years ago it was being blamed on Africa.

Read Ruggles "Mexifornia".

Bajahowodd - 3-29-2009 at 12:00 PM

In addition to americanizing the Mexicans, centers like the one with Home Depot and Walmart attract the local and transient gringo population, because it feels so much like home to them. Persoanlly, it that area, i prefer the Commerical Mexicana.

That being said, I remember how thrilled the local gringo community was (mostly time share salespeople and real estate agents) were when McDonald's. Pizza Hut and KFC came to town. Apparently, the locals were not quite so enamored, as only McDonald's survives.

Udo - 3-29-2009 at 02:37 PM

Ron, you're on list of "need to vist" when I'm in Cabo later this year. I'll u2u.
Thanks for posting the story. Everyone who reads it will have a different view of it. I kinda like the obesity angle.

SteveD - 3-29-2009 at 02:39 PM

First, name calling never solved anything and trying to put a single lable on a whole group of people is wrong in more than one way. I concider myself a Liberal but I also believe in personal responsability. Finding someone or something to "Blame" everything has become a national epidemic. The News media, especially on TV, leads the pack. Listen to a Congressional hearing. All finger pointing and no problem solving. An article in the paper today was about having outbreaks of childhood diseases. Supposidly "intellegent" parents won't let their kids get the shots they need because they "Blame" the preservitive in the shots for Autism. The preservitave was removed several years ago, but don't let facts change your mind.

I also don't go to Starbucks even though my son is a manager. I just don't like there coffee and the price is too high. I don't go to Walmarts because they don't have anything I want. Cheaper isn't better. We have a local hardware store near our Baja house that we go to, also local markets. I don't go to McDonalds in the states so why would I go to one in Mexico? We even saw one on the Champs Elysees last year, a block down from a Starbucks!

That's my rant for today!

flyfishinPam - 3-29-2009 at 06:57 PM

liberal, conservative... labels

so how are people labeled? Is someone a liberal because they have one idea that differs from a conservative? or is one conservative because they have 55 beliefs which are considered conservative versus only 40 that are considered liberal? or is it because one looks a certain way or considered more of less compassionate of their fellow human beings?

after the division comes the conquest. aren't you seeing this?

am I incorrect when I perceive people in the USA to be mostly against the economic actions taken by our government over the past seven months? maybe I'm missing something but weren't there both liberals and conservatives among the powers that be, who made and are making these decisions? I see that the majority of us who feel this way are not being represented and that is frustrating

I think that most people are productive citizens, if this wasn't true then our society would not be as functional and efficient as it is and has been for many years. I also think that among the most productive citizens, we do not wish to work harder only to continue to pay for those who are unproductive by choice. But we can't seem to come together due to this constant division, bickering and labeling that's been taking place for many years. We are our own worst enemies.

P.S. Hi oldlady, thank you for the lovely lunch in La Paz I look forward to our next meeting!

Cardon Man - 3-29-2009 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by flyfishinPam

after the division comes the conquest. aren't you seeing this?

Well observed.

comitan - 3-29-2009 at 08:42 PM

Obesity blaming it on American fast food????? That person knows very little about what and how much Mexicans eat.. Now I'll tell you,they eat like they will never have another meal, They eat everything thats full of fat!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I must also say this is just a generalization.

Mango - 3-29-2009 at 09:01 PM

Well said flyfishinpam.

Mexico and the USA have had intertwined cultures for years. Both the USA and Mexico had/have large native american populations the became intermixed with immigrants that came later.

Half of our country used to be half of their country. They watch our movies, we eat their food. Etc .. etc.. etc..

I never really realized how intertwined our cultures were until I watched a few Germans in a restaurant on the mainland try to figure what a tostada was. It's just second nature for many of us gringos to pronounce "San Jose" in Spanish and not "San JO-ze"

Assimilation has been going on for years and will continue.

"Attention all planets of the solar federation, we have assumed control." - Rush, 2112



djh - 3-29-2009 at 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
What is so wrong about being Respectful, Honest, Kind??

NOTHING wrong with those Skeet. YOU really should try them out! Especially that RESPECT part!


Skeet/Loreto - 3-30-2009 at 06:48 AM

You mean that because I describe a poster as "Liberal" that i do not respect his Right to be a Liberal?? Look again, I am only describing my take on the "Actions' of People who in my mind are "Liberal"

First;People who only think of themselves as "Right and Important"

Second; People who Blame others for their own Shortcomings.

Third: Those who will not work and want Half of my earnings.

Fourth; Those who spout off that Europe is better than the States.

Fifth: Those who want to destroy our Culture.

oldlady - 3-30-2009 at 07:18 AM

Skeet, if they agree not to chastise you for being rich ,or old, or thrifty, or religious, allow you to keep you guns, bring up and educate your grandchidren any way you see fit and let you have free access to any health care you want, make the bargain while you can. Give 'em half your earnings, they're gonna take it anyway.

Bajahowodd - 3-30-2009 at 10:53 PM

It seems to me that there is a connection between folks who post here ascribing political labels, i.e. liberal, to a certain attainment of age. I am no scholar on such matters, so I won't attempt to explain why. I really just wish that the posts on obvious apolitical threads could avoid the infusion of political jargon. Methinks that if anyone here wishes to have a spirited debate about liberal v. conservatives, they should start a thread in off-topic.

EnseNADAslim - 3-31-2009 at 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
It seems to me that there is a connection between folks who post here ascribing political labels, i.e. liberal, to a certain attainment of age. I am no scholar on such matters, so I won't attempt to explain why. I really just wish that the posts on obvious apolitical threads could avoid the infusion of political jargon. Methinks that if anyone here wishes to have a spirited debate about liberal v. conservatives, they should start a thread in off-topic.

AMEN!!! Funny how some work that stuff in no matter what the topic is.
Now back to this thread. A good point was brought up in regards to fast food and how it's affecting Mexico and the whole Obese thing. Now,,,what's carnitas cooked in? Tortialls made with lard??? Adobada tacos??? All very good and Love it all, so yea, I'm not sure that McDonalds is to blame.
I think just as you can say Mexico is being Americanized,,,,The US is being Mexicanized. Now,,,,back to eating some Carnitas and Adobada!

BajaGringo - 3-31-2009 at 01:43 AM

I am personally finding a balance in the whole diet thing. I do love Mexican food and having married a local I doubt that it would matter much anyway. What I have done is slowly change my habits and walk more than I used to. I remember when I would always get into the car and drive the eight or ten blocks down to the local market - now I walk. When downtown running errands I just park centrally now and walk everywhere. When down at the new place in San Quintin I have lots of opportunity to walk. The net result is I am eating Mexican food and losing weight. I suspect that changes in lifestyle habits have more to do with putting on weight than any changes in the menu...


Bajaboy - 3-31-2009 at 08:08 AM

Originally posted by BajaGringo
I am personally finding a balance in the whole diet thing. I do love Mexican food and having married a local I doubt that it would matter much anyway. What I have done is slowly change my habits and walk more than I used to. I remember when I would always get into the car and drive the eight or ten blocks down to the local market - now I walk. When downtown running errands I just park centrally now and walk everywhere. When down at the new place in San Quintin I have lots of opportunity to walk. The net result is I am eating Mexican food and losing weight. I suspect that changes in lifestyle habits have more to do with putting on weight than any changes in the menu...


Good points...another factor that came to mind is watching television.

MitchMan - 4-15-2009 at 11:44 AM

Hey Skeet/Loreto !
So you say Liberals like to play the "Blame Game". Ever listen to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Dennis Prager, Bill O'Reilly, Hugh Hewitt, or Fox News? If "Blame" didn't exist, Rush Limbaugh's radio show would be over after the first 5 minutes. In fact, Conservatives ("Cons" for short) use blame so much, that most of their conversations are diatribes against their political opposition filled with slogan philosophy and name calling. Rush Limbaugh, your mentor and ideological leader of the Cons, is the king of pet phrases and name calling.:P

[Edited on 4-15-2009 by MitchMan]

TMW - 4-16-2009 at 06:31 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
Hey Skeet/Loreto !
So you say Liberals like to play the "Blame Game". Ever listen to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Dennis Prager, Bill O'Reilly, Hugh Hewitt, or Fox News? If "Blame" didn't exist, Rush Limbaugh's radio show would be over after the first 5 minutes. In fact, Conservatives ("Cons" for short) use blame so much, that most of their conversations are diatribes against their political opposition filled with slogan philosophy and name calling. Rush Limbaugh, your mentor and ideological leader of the Cons, is the king of pet phrases and name calling.:P

[Edited on 4-15-2009 by MitchMan]

Do you have any real proof of this? I think the people you listed are only explaining what really is going on in the world. You know the things the drive by major media outlets fail to tell us. Things like Sen. Dodd putting the amendment into the bill to pay out the bonus money. Rush told about that three days before the major networks did. If the Con's, as you call them, had not talked about Obama bowing to the king would we have ever found out? Maybe not. Of course Obama's people are saying it was not a bow. Have you seen the video? looks like a bow to me, unless he was tying his shoes straight legged.

MitchMan - 4-24-2009 at 05:24 PM

I disagree with your assessment that the people I mentioned were merely "...explaining what really is going on in the world". If their agenda and practice is to explain, then why are they so one sided? Explanations of "things going on in the world" are not limited to the Con's perspectives.

I listen almost exclusively to conservative talk radio and I watch alot of the conservative talk shows on TV. Their talking points leave out alot of "things going on in the world" that are unfavorable to the Cons'perspectives. When they do give air time to something that doesn't support their point of view, they invariably put a biased spin on it and then move on quickly.

BTW, Sen. Dodd's amendment was most certainly aired on what you probably refer to as "drive by major media". That was all over the news on every TV channel more than once. Also, Obama's gesture was most certainly a bow. It looked funny (odd) and awkward and I think that the king was a bit surprised. I think that it would have been better if Obama hadn't done it. But, you know what TW, I can't think of a news item that is more UNIMPORTANT and without import than that to make an issue of. But, that is the kind of thing that Cons go on about, over and over, especially Limbaugh and Hannity who are exclusively one sided on everything that they say.

Now, educated guys like Hugh Hewitt or Michael Medved or Dennis Praeger, they will mention the bow, but they won't go on and on about it. Their motis operandi is to take more substantive issues, disect it intellectually, posit their point of view, and then support their point of view with facts and circumstances as they see it. I can appreciate that. That's why I listen to them. I just disagree with them on most all things, but I appreciate intelligent dialogue. Can't say that about Limbaugh.

Skip_Mac - 4-25-2009 at 09:17 PM

Thanks Mitch, It's nice to see a balance of opinion here once in a while. The "white wing whacko" tirades are sooo tiring. I would prefer a politics free Baja Nomad forum, but since the tightie righties won't let that happen... a balance is the best option.

Bajahowodd - 4-26-2009 at 12:08 AM

You need to take most of this crap off-topic. As for the Mexicanization of America :yes:, There have been many posts about the food. Sadly, as there has been a widespread poverty in Mexico for decades, there arose a survival diet of tortillas, rice and beans, complimented with what little other protein that was available. Think of the main ingredient of menudo, for example. Many peasant dishes seek to use leftovers of the protein. Way too much of what our friends in the United States, think of as "Mexican Food", is really, survival food. Loaded with carbs and fat, and cheap. The much smaller ruling class in Mexico, enjoy many items devoid of beans and lard. Yes. There are a zillion great Mexican dishes consisting of fresh seafood, prime meats, fresh vegetables and gourmet spices. Unfortunately, for way too many gringos, Mexican food is synonymous with refried beans, cheese and lard.

toneart - 4-26-2009 at 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Skip_Mac
Thanks Mitch, It's nice to see a balance of opinion here once in a while. The "white wing whacko" tirades are sooo tiring. I would prefer a politics free Baja Nomad forum, but since the tightie righties won't let that happen... a balance is the best option.

In the martial arts, a very effective tactic is to use the momentum of your enemy as they charge full steam ahead (which is all THEY know how to do). All you have to do is take one step aside and their own momentum carries them over the cliff.

They start it. We don't have to participate in the name calling, etc., but as long as they continue to bring it to this forum, it is fun once in awhile to poke them in the eye with a stick. Ooops! I forgot to step aside.

Here's to the "tightie righties"(thank you, Skip_Mac): :P Sorry, there isn't a smilie for the middle finger.

ELPESCADOR - 8-2-2009 at 03:02 PM

As a Mexican, born and raised in Rosarito and Tijuana, currently living in Monterrey, I've found that we Mexicans like what a starbucks and a Costco represent; it's not that we are losing "nuestra mexicaneidad" our mexicanity, its just we're enjoying different aspects and at the same time we look at it as progress, as mentioned before.
You can go to starbucks one day, the next day you can go to La Michoacana por un litro de agua de horchata; or both the same day. You can have tacos de cabeza one day, and a carl's jr. burguer the next (with a lot of jalapeños or some salsa)
I do believe that obesity and some other problems are our own responsibility, not any other country.

ps. look up for the story on Cheetos Flaming Hot (with lime).


DENNIS - 8-2-2009 at 03:46 PM

Five O'clock Charlie is a little early today.

arrowhead - 8-2-2009 at 05:12 PM

Gee, watch all the little fishies jump at the bait.

Reaching The Goal of Americanization

MrBillM - 8-2-2009 at 06:49 PM

I'm waiting for the day when you can pull into any good-sized Mexican town to find Arby's, McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, KFC (or, better, Popeye's), Waffle House AND the food tastes the same as it does in the U.S.

Nirvana will have been achieved.

Packoderm - 8-2-2009 at 07:50 PM

You can have any restaurant you want, but if the air smells like sewage while walking down the street, Americanization has yet to take hold.

Righton Mitch

Bronco - 8-3-2009 at 02:48 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
Hey Skeet/Loreto !
So you say Liberals like to play the "Blame Game". Ever listen to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Dennis Prager, Bill O'Reilly, Hugh Hewitt, or Fox News? If "Blame" didn't exist, Rush Limbaugh's radio show would be over after the first 5 minutes. In fact, Conservatives ("Cons" for short) use blame so much, that most of their conversations are diatribes against their political opposition filled with slogan philosophy and name calling. Rush Limbaugh, your mentor and ideological leader of the Cons, is the king of pet phrases and name calling.:P

Im with you but the problem is I can't find a logical,intelligent,humorous,reasonable,truthful and of course honest liberal on the radio. Maybe I should get a TV, I heard of a guy name Combs ? Nah hate TV.


[Edited on 8/3/2009 by Bronco]

A Guy Named Combs ?

MrBillM - 8-3-2009 at 06:31 PM

Probably a Bald guy, right ?

MitchMan - 8-19-2009 at 01:13 PM

I am with you Bronco. I can't find any liberals on the radio either. Very sad.

About Americanization of Mexico, well, I guess it is inevitable. Just got back from a month in Europe and things are getting very Americanized there as well. I think that due to the absolute effectiveness of the internet, the media being broadcast all over the world, movies and affordable transportation, much of the world is becoming very Americanized. Actually, I think it is westernization that is happening and that the world culture is becoming homogenized. Think of it, most all clothing worn is modern western clothing, fast food is everywhere and is becoming the choice of the younger generation everywhere, we all know and listen to the same pop music artists, movie stars, and we all drive the same cars. Life style is very similar. Mexico is no exception here. The world economy is finding its way into many countries. Mexico used to be cheap, it's not anymore. Food is generally the same price, manufactured goods are more expensive in Mexico, real estate prices are creaping up according to a world market effect.

The way I see it now, is that the western countries are becoming one culturally in many visible ways and the economics (costs) of things are following suit. I recently drove from San Diego to La Paz. Stopped off at various restaurants to eat and noticed a lot of french fries, cokes, and hamburgers being eaten by the locals. It is harder and harder to find a restaurant that serves authentic, low costing , down home mexican food. Hell, I am even having trouble finding a decent serving of frijoles and menudo. 20 years ago, much easier.

In England, every fourth restaurant is a pizza parlour or Italian restaurant. I had to look really hard to find the classic "fish and chips" we thought they ate everywhere. Found only one place in Scottland, Edinburgh.

[Edited on 8-19-2009 by MitchMan]


MrBillM - 8-19-2009 at 09:50 PM

Mexico will NEVER be Really Americanized, despite how many Gringo-Food restaurants appear to make it possible to avoid Tacos etc.

I realized that watching a favored History Channel rerun tonight on "American Eats". The subject was Barbecue.

The GREATEST of American Cooking.

Since it's difficult to find good B-B-Q NORTH of the Border in California, it's pretty unlikely to EVER happen in Baja.

And, who could REALLY be sure what they were eating ?

As an aside, one of the GREAT lines I'd forgotten about from that segment was when one of the aficionados described the McDonalds McRib sandwich as Faux-Cue. He said that whenever offered one he always says "Faux-Cue".

David K - 8-20-2009 at 07:25 AM

Originally posted by MitchMan
I am with you Bronco. I can't find any liberals on the radio either. Very sad. ...

Because who wants to hear "how BAD America is" for three hours?

'Informative, Funny, Uplifting, America's greatness and opportinaties for all' are what one hears on successful talk radio shows.

TMW - 8-20-2009 at 07:26 AM

Originally posted by MitchMan

I recently drove from San Diego to La Paz. Stopped off at various restaurants to eat and noticed a lot of french fries, cokes, and hamburgers being eaten by the locals. It is harder and harder to find a restaurant that serves authentic, low costing , down home mexican food. Hell, I am even having trouble finding a decent serving of frijoles and menudo. 20 years ago, much easier.

[Edited on 8-19-2009 by MitchMan]

Come to Bakersfield and drive down Union Ave, plenty of frijoles and menudo. Everywhere there is Rico Menudo.

Skeet/Loreto - 8-20-2009 at 07:43 AM

Just got back from a trip to Calif.
San Francisco people now call themselves "Socalist"

Gilroy is now the Asian Captial of Calif.

The Mexicanos own all the good Jobs in the Central Valley/

And you can get great menudo in Los Banos.

And I was still ask to Translate while in the Wells Fargo Bank in Los Banos.{where most of the employees are Mexicano".

It is not about Mexico getting Amercianised, it is about America getting Mexicanised!!!!!

You Young Punk Liberals have only yourself to blame for these days,, your lack of Morals, DOPE, and inability to think has caused all of your problems.

Only God can hepl you Now. Amen


Blame game

Lee - 8-20-2009 at 08:04 AM

Originally posted by CaboRon
I found this to be a very interesting book ...:saint:


The Americanization Of Modern Mexico

By Joseph Contreras

Rutgers Univ. 276 pp. $24.95

....... But he is most troubled that Americanization "has infected" Mexico with "three quintessentially American social diseases": HIV, illegal drug use and obesity... He is less impressed with Mexicans' eating habits, blaming American-style fast food and junk snacks for the fact that more than half of Mexican women between the ages of 18 and 49 are now overweight.... At the same time, America's "insatiable demand" for illegal drugs has given rise to cartels responsible for thousands of killings in Mexico each year.... Overall, however, Contreras believes that Americanization has done Mexico more good than harm.

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto

Just got back from a trip to Calif.
San Francisco people now call themselves "Socalist"

Gilroy is now the Asian Captial of Calif.

The Mexicanos own all the good Jobs in the Central Valley/

And you can get great menudo in Los Banos.

And I was still ask to Translate while in the Wells Fargo Bank in Los Banos.{where most of the employees are Mexicano".

It is not about Mexico getting Amercianised, it is about America getting Mexicanised!!!!!

You Young Punk Liberals have only yourself to blame for these days,, your lack of Morals, DOPE, and inability to think has caused all of your problems.

Only God can hepl you Now. Amen

This seems SO complicated. Author Joseph Contreras blames the USA for major problems in Mexico: HIV, obesity, illegal drugs, and cartel violence.

Skeet also blames the USA (specifically, the San Francisco crowd, the Asians in Gilroy, the Mexicans in the Valley, and Wells Fargo Bank.

Is Mexico getting Americanized? Or, is America getting Mexicanized?

For good measure, let's bash the young, immoral, dope-smoking, non-thinkers who wallow in the problems they're created.

Is there any hope for Humanity?

Seriously, California and Mexico deserve each other. Mexicans want in. I'm not sure what Californians want. Maybe that the Mexicans should leave? Perhaps they should take the young Californians with them?

Where's Rodney King when we need him?

Terry28 - 8-20-2009 at 08:35 AM

Skeet, You are so full of caca your eyes are brown....

k-rico - 8-20-2009 at 08:51 AM

Have you guys tried Mexican KFC? I have, the secret recipe lost something in the translation. YUK!!

Colonel Sanders would not be happy.

And the take out pizzas are way too expensive, except for dos para uno Martes at (I think) Mama Mia pizza.

And what's with Mexican ground beef (carne de misterio)?

Mexicans do make good hotdogs though!!! As we all know.

[Edited on 8-20-2009 by k-rico]

Skeet/Loreto - 8-20-2009 at 09:04 AM


I just stated the Facts about those things that I observed while on a trip and then had an Opinion as to the Cause of that sad State of Affairs.

My Eyes are BLUE.

You can easily see that most Liberals are Weak Minded', They are unable to solve Problems, can only talk about them,
Then you watch them spending most of their time oan a Machine of some sort, No wonder they do not understand what is going on around them.

Most can only respond with a "DUH".

Look at the recent scores of School Test> That is a direct result of you Youngsters watch too much CNN.

Pompano - 8-20-2009 at 09:41 AM

Originally posted by MitchMan
I am with you Bronco. I can't find any liberals on the radio either. Very sad.


In England, every fourth restaurant is a pizza parlour or Italian restaurant. I had to look really hard to find the classic "fish and chips" we thought they ate everywhere. Found only one place in Scottland, Edinburgh.

[Edited on 8-19-2009 by MitchMan]

Hi MitchMan,

I can show you where to find many liberals on the radio...conservatives too...if you want them. ;)

We travel quite a bit, and love to listen to many different news sources...(became news junkies) we most often listen to Sirus and XM radio.

For liberal-sided news try Ch. 167 on XM Radio.
(For conservative-sided news - Ch. 166 on XM Radio.)
XM also offers CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, BBC..all of which are better liberal choices...and of course, FOX NEWS would be considered more conservative.

I am sure you will find many liberal choices on that dial to pick from...good luck and good listening.

As an aside, I happen to know one of the liberal 'talking heads'... Ed Schultz of "The Ed Show" on MSNBC. He's from my home area, where he was originally a sports announcer and had a call-in general topic radio program. He has changed a bit from that venue these days. Very liberal and an unique 'extreme lefty' as he says and a good speaking voice. Unfortunately, his MSNBC tv show ratings are dropping so don't know how much longer he will be on the air, but if you want a more liberal stance on the news try to catch him if you can.

Anecdote: He hunted at my ND goose/duck place some time ago. Flew his small plane there and busted a running light on my motorhome with his wingtip as he taxied into a parking spot. He always says...'Yeah, I'm a shotgun-toting/fishing fiend leftie for sure.'

I get a lot of enjoyment from tuning into the big redhead..a familiar voice from the past in faraway places. As to his political point of view..well, let's just say I enjoy listening to him for the entertainment value he provides on a long drive. His blood pressure shows in his animated face, too!

Anyway, MitchMan there are lots of choices out there for you. Seek and ye shall find.

...and..all is not changed in Europe...while in Manchester, England visiting a family member, I went walking daily along the marina there and found a half-dozen fish 'n chips vendors..the old-style with newspaper cones for the greasy fried goodies.

[Edited on 8-21-2009 by Pompano]

Uh ?

MrBillM - 8-20-2009 at 05:06 PM

"..............the fact that more than half of Mexican women between the ages of 18 and 49 are now overweight..........."

AND, this is SUPPOSED to be a CHANGE from WHEN ? From McFries ?

Hah !

MitchMan - 8-20-2009 at 05:09 PM

Very cool post, Pompano. Thanks for the great references to liberal stations. Much appreciated. Next time in England, I am going to make a B line to Manchester.

I do watch the Ed Show and religiously watch Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann. I also watch, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Fox News as well as CNN, MSNBC and the others. I catch mostly right wing shows because I like to keep my eye on the opposition and because it's entertaining and amusing to observe rank racism, uncontrolled selfishness and averice, jingoism and uncontrolled chauvinism perpetuated by intellectual dishonesty and an inability to comprehend complexity so outwardly expressed.

MitchMan - 8-20-2009 at 05:48 PM

The answer to your question, David K, is no.

However, your second paragraph gives me some hope and may reveal that your heart is in the right place. Could you actually be egalitarian in nature? Most of my friends (for all of my life) have been right wing, conservative and religious Christian fundamentalists. Most of them probably share your points of view. In order to be my friend, their hearts had to be in the right place, not like many other right wingers whose hearts are definitely in the wrong place.

The frequent error that many of my friends make is in their inability to view facts and circumstances in the proper depth, but instead make surface conclusions based on an adversary sentiment. Their hearts are in the right place, and that makes the error of their ways forgiveable, but the error lies in insufficient deliberation and an adversary mentality. Their lack of a basic understanding of economics doesn't help either.

DENNIS - 8-20-2009 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
I catch mostly right wing shows because I like to keep my eye on the opposition and because it's entertaining and amusing to observe rank racism, uncontrolled selfishness and averice, jingoism and uncontrolled chauvinism perpetuated by intellectual dishonesty and an inability to comprehend complexity so outwardly expressed.

Wonderful.....isn't it.

LOU DOBBS FOR PRESIDENT. The fence depends on your vote.

RANK Racism ?

MrBillM - 8-20-2009 at 09:13 PM

Don't get your Knickers in a twist.

Heck, I seen plenty of Dem Der Colored Officers.

What about that Colon Guy ?

Skeet/Loreto - 8-21-2009 at 06:33 AM

Do you mean all the Left Wing Proffessors at the Universitys?

Do you mean all the DRUGGIES?
Do you mean Al Gore?
Do you mean Bill"Zipper" Clinton?

Just look at all the Liberals and how they dress, their Tatoos, their Rings of Metal.!

Look at their actions with clothes hanging on their Butt, cell Phone hanging out their Ears!

All the GreenPeckers and Sierra Club ****s trying to get you to send them Money for Glueable Warning!

No Mitchman you have it wrong with all of you "Funny' Words, The right ones have :
The Morals, The Money, The heart to Fight.

You need to go back to school or get out of your Box.


Martyman - 8-21-2009 at 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
Sierra Club ****s

Sierra club ****s???
Where do I meet them?
I love hippie chicks.

Mexican food

wessongroup - 8-21-2009 at 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
You need to take most of this crap off-topic. As for the Mexicanization of America :yes:, There have been many posts about the food. Sadly, as there has been a widespread poverty in Mexico for decades, there arose a survival diet of tortillas, rice and beans, complimented with what little other protein that was available. Think of the main ingredient of menudo, for example. Many peasant dishes seek to use leftovers of the protein. Way too much of what our friends in the United States, think of as "Mexican Food", is really, survival food. Loaded with carbs and fat, and cheap. The much smaller ruling class in Mexico, enjoy many items devoid of beans and lard. Yes. There are a zillion great Mexican dishes consisting of fresh seafood, prime meats, fresh vegetables and gourmet spices. Unfortunately, for way too many gringos, Mexican food is synonymous with refried beans, cheese and lard.

My wife's family moved to Tijuna in the 1920's from Sonora. In the family there were many "cook's or chiefs".

My wife's aunt created a cook book back in the 1960's from their recipies and then published in 1977.

Found her take on the subject interesting..

If you want the whole cook book, it is there to down load, it's a big file and will take a while..

Enjoy, some are my favorites, when it comes to "Mexican Food"

Were there any Indians ?

MrBillM - 8-21-2009 at 04:03 PM

Or, were they all Chiefs ?

"My wife's family moved to Tijuna in the 1920's from Sonora. In the family there were many "cook's or chiefs".

Bajahowodd - 8-21-2009 at 04:21 PM

My point is that Sonoran food all too often consists of that of which I complain. Hey. I love a nasty plate of refried beans cooked in lard. Beef, beef and more beef. I love so many of the items that are considered tradicional. But the point I was trying to make is that a steady diet of that stuff is not healthful. There is way too often not vegetables. Sonoran food is certainly seductive with its flavors and heartiness, but geez, how about some grilled fish and some vegetables occasionally?

And on another topic that somehow found its way into this thread, I have to agree with Mitch with the idea that one should not just be a member of the choir, but check out what others are saying.

DENNIS - 8-21-2009 at 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Sonoran food

I've read that beans, rice and corn together constitute complete protein. Man can survive and flourish [ever seen a Mexican flourish?] on this diet.
Just thought you'd really like to know this.


wessongroup - 8-21-2009 at 04:51 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
Or, were they all Chiefs ?

"My wife's family moved to Tijuna in the 1920's from Sonora. In the family there were many "cook's or chiefs".

Thanks for the correction... don't know what I would do with out someone correcting my gramer and/or spelling...

To point, they were native peoples of the region and were quite good at getting by creating good food ... a trait I find admirable. As to being Chiefs or Chef's they claim both for your record.

Next time I will use spell check and thesaurus to keep all in their seats with their hands down, it was offered in the spirt of friendship and for information on Mexican food and it was given fee.

Again thanks for the valuable input about the history of Mexican food and the correct spelling.

Really great

Bajahowodd - 8-21-2009 at 05:05 PM

Thanks, Dennis. I needed that.:lol:

Actually, nutritionists do consider the combination of rice and beans as an excellent food. The problem occurs when you introduce lard, chorizo and other fatty items.