
classic Alfi's.

capt. mike - 3-29-2009 at 06:39 PM

Bajafun777 - 3-29-2009 at 06:49 PM

Great photos and definately great flying!!! Now, even thought you love flying this type of non-runway landing is definately driven by strong faith in ones abilities. Keep having fun!! Later------ bajafun777

Ken Bondy - 3-29-2009 at 07:49 PM

That was absolutely awesome Mike!!!

capt. mike - 3-30-2009 at 06:18 AM

glad you liked it. i lifted off the BBP trip report on the 2009 raid on mulege whales trip. he took some killer vids of whales at SIL too.
the plane is a CT Designs LSA from Germany. 125 mph on 3.5 GPH! plenty of room for 2. pure sport flying. has it all.

Great flying video, Mike!

Pompano - 3-30-2009 at 06:28 AM

As you know,...It's all about teamwork.

[Edited on 3-31-2009 by Pompano]

Iflyfish - 3-30-2009 at 07:48 AM

How cool is that. Great video. We got our Volvo stuck in the vado where the bridge now is before it was installed. We sucked brackish water into the engine and thank the goddess one of the people who lived there towed us out and flushed the engine with WD40. They called us "The Volvo Brothers" in Gonzaga Bay. What a great adventure, what a great place and what wonderful people. What a great flashback. I love your videos.


Natalie Ann - 3-30-2009 at 11:29 AM

This is my favorite Baja flight - into Gonzaga, laze at Alfi's for the first day or two before continuing south. Very fun post, Mike.

Pompano - yes, it is all about teamwork. Same fellows a bit closer - their wings are ever so close to the guy next to 'em.

Natalie Ann - 3-30-2009 at 11:33 AM

And closer still. When the Blue Angels fly, only the team leader looks ahead. All other pilots look at the guy to their right or left, as the case may be. Freaked me out when I learned that.

btw.... these are not my photos. They were taken by Steve - 100-400mm zoom lens (Canon).... hand held.


capt. mike - 3-31-2009 at 06:02 AM


that biz about all eyes on the leader - that's why the Air Force T birds went into the ground years ago while practicing in NV.

the leader had a problem and they followed him in without realizing the altitude. they lost the whole team.

Blue Angels

Pompano - 3-31-2009 at 06:53 AM

Here are my rather poor Blue Angel pics I took last season Up North. I was enroute fishing when I noticed this air show in the making in Fargo.

Bob H - 3-31-2009 at 07:15 AM

Mike, I really enjoyed your video! It seemed like the music and the prop were playing off of each other. Like a dance. Great scenery. Gotta get back down thattaway soon!
Bob H

Phil S - 3-31-2009 at 07:53 PM

Mike. My wife wants to know if you have any videos of flying into Loreto at night? Great video. Great flyby & great landing.

capt. mike - 4-1-2009 at 06:21 AM

no Phil - i don't. the tower closes at dark.
i don't fly in mexico at night. only the big cities have night ops.
came into Mulege once from Los Cabos after a dive weekend at Rancho Leonero and got to town after the sun was behind the west hills. it was fairly dark by the time we hit the pattern. was pretty glad to be on the ground finally.

and that vid was not by me - it is a guy who was on the BBP trip last week.
if i had shot that in my comanche doing a low level runway clearing buzz the houses would have been blurry!:yes: