jeffg - 4-3-2009 at 09:56 AM
A quick road report...
We left Vista on Wed. AM April 1st, crossed the border about 6:40. Pulled in to the declare area, declared our stuff (sorta) and paid a little duty.
On our way before 7:00. Made it to San Quintin a little before 11:00, stopped for a quick breakfast. There's still a lot of construction in the
hills between SQ and El Rosario, some delays but no big deal. The stretch from El Rosario to GN was about the same as always, long. I didn't really
notice anything unusual on that leg, although my wife says we saw more police cars than normal. (I guess 1 would be more than normal). We made it to
GN about 4:00pm.
Our goal was Mulege to overnight, so no time for dawdling. The San Ignacio military checkpoint was no problemo, the trailer is still there with some
people milling around doing something, but they didn't stop us at all, just waved.
We probably should have stopped at Santa Rosalia, but were set on getting to Mulege. Got in there just after dark, overnighted at Hotel Mulege and
had a nice dinner at Los Equipales.
Hit the road early the next morning, stopped in Loreto for breakfast and to see how the Mision hotel looked (it looks great! too pricey for me
though, call me when they lower the room rates). Had a great breakfast at a place called Islas just south of the hotel. Continued on our way,
stopped briefly in La Paz and arrived in Los Barriles at 3:30pm.
That's it so far, nothing much to report which is just the way I like it!
David K - 4-3-2009 at 10:20 AM
Thanks Jeff... that's some driving! Tijuana at 7am and Mulege about 7-8 pm (Vista time)?
jeffg - 4-3-2009 at 03:29 PM
Yeah, just after 7:00. A long day for sure, but it makes for a nice easy day 2!