Just returned from another great trip to Playa San Rafael. Our friends, Matt and Barb, met us just across the San Ysidro border on Thursday morning
about 6:00am where they picked up their FMTs. The drive down was uneventful but I did take note of the many potholes on the toll road around Fox
Studios. They are in the process widening and re-paving the road into El Rosario. It should be great until the first rain.
After stocking up on beer in Bola, we started off for PSR. The road is in great shape once you get out of Bola area. Be careful of the dips in the
road as you leave town. We made it to Pancho's place in about 1.75 hours (45 miles). After a few beers with him, we drove down the beach and set up
camp at one of the two palapas. Pancho now has shade tarps located in front of the palapas providing even more shade.
The beach was empty as usual. We enjoyed temps in the upper 70s with water temps in the mid 60s. Pancho is an excellent host and provided us with
some fish which made for excellent ceviche. Other highlights of the trip was watching the space station fly overhead, sharing great food together,
and watching our son explore the Sea of Cortez fo the first time.
Pictures say a thousand words so if you want more of the story, check out our pictures here: http://tinyurl.com/dnmacp
ZacPackoderm - 4-7-2009 at 09:41 AM
Thanks for the report and the photos.cymeryss - 4-7-2009 at 09:46 AM
Great place, a with a lot of great memories. Thanks for sharing. You a good a great little fellow !Bajagypsy - 4-7-2009 at 10:41 AM
Great photo's, looks like everyone had a great time!Curt63 - 4-7-2009 at 10:50 AM
[Edited on 4-8-2009 by David K]Paulina - 4-8-2009 at 06:48 AM
Thanks for the report. Your little guy is growing so fast! Great photos.
P<*)))>{Bajaboy - 4-8-2009 at 07:41 AM
Originally posted by Paulina
Thanks for the report. Your little guy is growing so fast! Great photos.
Hi Paulina-
I asked Pancho about the bone chair and he says it's in San Francisquito. He did have two new skeletons, though. One was a dolphin and I forgot the
And yes, Gabriel is growing fast!pal57 - 4-13-2009 at 01:07 AM
Hi Bajaboy,
Saw your fotos, nice pictures and awesome beaches but where is Playa San Rafael?
Is it distance from Loreto?
Bye Pal57Bajaboy - 4-13-2009 at 07:37 AM
Originally posted by pal57
Hi Bajaboy,
Saw your fotos, nice pictures and awesome beaches but where is Playa San Rafael?
Is it distance from Loreto?
Bye Pal57
Playa San Rafael is 45 miles (dirt road) south of Bahia de Los Angeles. It is also accessible from Pt. San Francisquito as well but that route is
dirt road from Vizcaino area. I've been going to PSR since 1997 and highly recommend it...if nothing else to meet Pancho.
Zacredhilltown - 4-15-2009 at 04:56 PM
Great pics! and it really is a great place. I didn't see any fishing rods...was anyone/Pancho catching halibut?Bajaboy - 4-15-2009 at 10:55 PM
I kept thinking about rigging my pole but.....that would require work. I've been successful there in the past but didn't fish on this trip.Heather - 4-23-2009 at 09:40 AM
Just checked out the photos, very nice! One of my little girls just loved to eat that sand. I remember it coming out the other end as well! How
about Gabriel? Sand in the diapers??
I'm sure everyone loves Gabriel's blonde hair and blue eyes...my 5 year old is also a little guera, but all anyone can talk about in Mexico is her
blue-green eyes! You'd think she was the first one to have them!! (Helllo, what about her mother!).