
“Ocho Ocho” - the Place to Go

bajafly - 4-11-2009 at 05:58 AM

Endless Season Update 04/09/2009
REPORT #1161 "Below the Border" Saltwater Fly-Fishing reports since 1996

East Cape

Best action reported is to the north, close to the 88. Loads of dorado and some marlin.

Closer to shore, anything floating seems to be holding schools of small dorado.

Same story inshore with a continuing run of quality roosters mixed in with some big-shouldered jacks north of Punta Pescadero all the way to Muertos.

Water temperature 67-73
Air temperature 57-87
Humidity 60%
Wind: NNW 8 to 11 knots
Conditions: Sunny
Visibility 10 miles
Sunrise 7:03 a.m. MST
Sunset 7:38 p.m. MST

Magdalena Bay, Baja Mexico

Outside, the dorado can be found around the shark buoys and the small yellowfin tuna are within ten miles of Boca de Soledad. There’s still some decent action at the Entrada for small yellows and some remaining sierra.

Estero action has been spotty. The few anglers fishing there found small snook, grouper and snapper at Devil’s Curve.

Water temperature 67 - 73
Air temperature 52 -81
Humidity 55 %
Wind: WNW 14 to 19 knots
Conditions: Partly Sunny
Visibility 10 miles
Sunrise 7:10 a.m. MST
Sunset 7:47 p.m. MST

Zihuatanejo, Mainland Mexico

For all species, the fishing here has really been very slow this week. Historically, this is a typical April trend. Then when the cooler water current moves out, the fishing rebounds after the first week of May.

The blue water is still holding between 10 and 12 miles out, but the average is only about 1 sailfish per boat, per day. I was on the beach early this morning watching the night fishermen bring in their catch, and even it was very small. However, this could be attributed to the full moon phase. There was one commercial fisherman who had a few football sized yellowfin tuna, but he said he had to go 50 miles to find them.

Even the inshore jack crevalle action, which has been so hot the last few weeks, completely shut off this week.

Ed Kunze

Water temperature 78 - 83
Air temperature 68-86
Humidity 72%
Wind: Calm
Conditions: Clear
Visibility 10 miles
Sunrise 7:40 a.m. CST
Sunset 8:00 p.m. CST

Cabo San Lucas

This time of year the Sea of Cortez, specifically up at the Punta Gorda area around the Inman Banks is where you’ll find the best striped marlin action…mostly tailing fish and you’ll need to be pretty accurate with your casts. However, if you manage to get bait within 10 feet, the chances are pretty good of getting a hookup. The better scoring boats are releasing 5 to 7 fish per day; others, one or two.

A few nice yellowfin were recently caught at the Gorda Banks, nothing earthshaking but some decent fish to 50 pounds. There were also several pods of dolphin that did have fish with them, 10 to 20 pound football-sized fish. Most were on the Cortez side of the cape.

There have been scattered 20+ pound dorado in the warmer waters offshore on the Sea of Cortez. Hook one up and there’s a fair chance of getting another following behind the hooked one. Spotting the frigates feeding was the key, although blind trolling resulted in some as well.

Inshore action has definitely been good. Sierra and yellowtail continue to dominate the inshore action. While not large, the sierra are in great numbers once the schools were found. There has been great action just outside the beach on the Pacific side at Pueblo Bonita Sunset Resort and on the Cortez side outside the Cabo Del Sol Golf Course. Most boats have been able to get limits for their anglers using sardina as live bait, but blue/silver swimming plugs and hootchies did well also. A few yellowtail in the 8 to 10 pound class with a few fish to 25 pounds and an occasional fish that could not be stopped. Added to the mix of fish caught were the occasional pargo and amberjack as well as some small roosterfish.

George & Mary Landrum

Water temperature 75 – 78
Air temperature 61 – 91
Humidity 62%
Wind: WNW 14 to 19 kts
Conditions: Sunny
Visibility 10 miles
Sunrise 7:04 a.m. MST
Sunset 7:38 p.m. MST

Bernardo - 4-11-2009 at 07:01 AM

Where can I find maps with locations of such fishing areas as "Gordo Banks"?

Udo - 4-11-2009 at 07:24 AM

"Close to the 88"
What and where is the 88. PLus I'll go along with Bernardo's question.

woody with a view - 4-11-2009 at 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Bernardo
Where can I find maps with locations of such fishing areas as "Gordo Banks"?

Baja&Back - 4-11-2009 at 08:17 AM

Gene Kira's Baja fishing book. Probably the best source ever (other than having your very own Popeil Pocket Panguero)

ZThomas - 4-11-2009 at 01:20 PM

The 88 is an offshore bank east of the southern end of Isla Cerralvo. It's roughly 22 miles from Ensenada de los Muertos, maybe 40 or so from Los Barriles. It rises to a minimum depth of 88 fathoms--thus the name.

As for charts, both Baja Directions and the Fish-n-Map Co. make fishing charts showing the 88 and other offshore banks. The Baja Directions charts are more colorful (and more expensive), but I use and sell the Fish-n-Map charts. In my opinion, they're more valuable. The only thing they lack (except for the Pacific north chart) is GPS corodinates for named spots. But with a large bank like the 88, you can get close enough just by eyeballing the coordinates from the lat and lon scales along the chart edges.

Finally, yes, The Baja Catch is an invaluable resource, but it focuses predominantly on inshore fishing with cartop baots and light tackle. It actually contains very little information about fishing locations that aren't safely accessible in a 13-foot aluminum boat--so there's not much coverage of offshore banks like the 88.


Cypress - 4-11-2009 at 01:30 PM

Baja fishing? Go for it! You're at least 20 years too late.

Cardon Man - 4-11-2009 at 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Baja fishing? Go for it! You're at least 20 years too late.

Same could be said of pretty much anywhere in this hemisphere. But the fact is...There's still damn fine fishing opportunities in Baja.

Cypress - 4-11-2009 at 04:44 PM

Cardon Man, That all depends upon your definition of "fine fishing".:biggrin:

Cardon Man - 4-11-2009 at 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Cardon Man, That all depends upon your definition of "fine fishing".:biggrin:

Well observed. :cool:


bajafly - 4-18-2009 at 04:49 AM

Originally posted by Bernardo
Where can I find maps with locations of such fishing areas as "Gordo Banks"?

Here you go
Los Arenas
East Cape
Tip of Baja

Hook - 4-18-2009 at 06:50 AM

Good luck using those for any REAL navigation to them.

I agree with Zack. The Fish-n-Map is the best, although not as "pretty" as the Baja Directions maps.

Skipjack Joe - 4-18-2009 at 09:19 AM

Is that Dave Harris holding the dorado?

We haven't fished together in a decade.

akbear - 4-18-2009 at 11:28 AM

Here are the email and phone # of Baja Directions.


BajaBruno - 4-18-2009 at 11:42 PM

Gene Kira's book is a great resource, as Baja&Back says, and I never leave home without it, but Hook is correct--the charts are crude and drawn from memory (though one better than mine). They are good for general reference rather than specific points.

But then, I've never found a Baja chart that could be trusted for a reliable lat/lon fix, be it British Admiralty or the better fishing charts. I have plotted points on the map, followed my GPS to the lat/lon, and often found that the chart was up to one mile off, regardless of source.

I agree with CardonMan that there is fine fishing in Baja--some of the best to be had anywhere if you are willing to chase it, and I reject the BaHumbug of Cypress--one can still love their lover, even after a few wrinkles show.

baitcast - 4-19-2009 at 09:44 AM

I,m afraid when Cypress went south he hooked up with a less than capable panga,he should have found a mentor who was willing to help him out.

A bad day fishin the gulf is better than you can find most anywhere and I have fished a whole lot of places.

Hell you don,t even need a boat down there to have a great time,just find a nice sandy beach and have at it,an example is this pic,my bud hooked up to one of many corvina on a lonely beach,location is classified:lol:

Just a little old 14' tin boat opens up a whole world of fishin to a guy,and thats all I have to say about that.

Cypress - 4-19-2009 at 11:42 AM

baitcast, Wrong I was only fishing from a kayak, cut bait, lures, yea I caught fish. Mentor? Been fishing all my life, commercial, sports, and govt. research. Believe me, I know when a fishery is in serious trouble.