
Tunaeater wins

TMW - 4-16-2009 at 05:56 PM

Tunaeater won his class at the CODE Mexicali 500 race April 4th. Congratulations Paul. He completed the course in uder 4 hours for an average speed of 52mph on his dirt bike.

bajalou - 4-16-2009 at 06:28 PM

Way to go Paul!!!! Congratulations.

Bob H - 4-16-2009 at 06:57 PM

Wow, that's fantastic! Would love to see some photos.
Bob H

David K - 4-16-2009 at 09:12 PM


tunaeater - 4-20-2009 at 10:50 AM

CODE MEXICALI 500, 52X Race Report

I would like to thank my race partners Albert Valenzuela and Andy Padulo for an outstanding race we had a few weeks ago in the Mexicali desert AKA Laguna Salada. I’ve been waiting for this race since last year when we blew our motor 40 miles from the finish. I wanted to get back what we missed from our DNF last year so here it goes.

We were all pretty much bummed out when we heard the course was not going all the way south of San Felipe like it has done in the past. Instead this year it was only going to Saldaña #1 and then head back North. So our CODE 500 now turned into the CODE 200 for the bikes and quads. Oh well that is how it goes sometimes.

The night of the drawing I was happy to hear we would be 52X. This meant we would be the first Sportsman bike off. I was very excited and knew we would do well, because last year I drew 52X at the CODE San Luis race and won it. The good vibes were starting to flow.

The race plan was I would start to check#1 RM 65, Albert would do RM65-RM115, Andy RM 115- 195 and I would do the last 6 miles of whoops to the finish.

We all meet up on Sunday before the race to prerun our sections. I preran the start to RM 18 three times because I knew it was almost all lake bed to check one after that. I definitely wanted to be in the lead before the dry lake bed. Continuing prerunning to check#1 I see a familiar truck stuck in the sand just off the race course. I take a second look and sure enough it’s my good buddy Ivan. I help him get his truck out and we continue to check#1 where he would start prerunning. I decided to prerun his section with him since I was going to Saldña#1 anyway to get a ride back to Mexicali. We continued preruuning and eventually meet up with my crew. We all were comfortable with our sections and were looking forward to race day.

Race day morning I was dropped off at the start all geared up and ready to go. Our chase truck had to go to RM 18 to give me a splash of gas so he took off. However our trusty XR650 race bike didn’t want to kick over. I kicked and kicked and she would start up. My friend Colie tried and he couldn’t start her. I guess we would have to push her. My other buddy Chris Parker pushed me down a small hill and she fired right up. Just wanted to be a little stubborn I guess. Oh well just don’t stall her and we will be okay. I cruise her over to the start line and wait my turn. I like the start of the race, the feeling inside, the crisp morning just before the sun is coming up, your race partners and chase trucks in position, the radios calling for radio checks, talking with all the other starters, wishing each other safe rides and good luck.

The green flag drops and I’m off to the races! I hit my lines just like my prerun but everything is coming so much faster. Take the left line after the second drop I remember good, good I’m on it and light the pig up to fourth gear about ¾ throttle keeping the R’s high for the good throttle response. The dust wasn’t too bad and I could see my prerun lines. I get through the whoops and rocks and head to the short fast section. I love opening up the 650 and holding her wide open as the dialed in suspension does ballet with the Baja terrain below. I was having so much fun and I was only at Race Mile 5. Coming through the sand wash I could see a rider up ahead. I got close but couldn’t make the pass. The course splits with a right and left he took the right so I gassed past him on the left and beat him to the single track through the rocks. I had clean air again. Now came the nasty part along side the Canon de Guadalupe rd. Nothing but big sand whoops and rocks everywhere. Here I just wanted to be smooth and get my shot of gas at RM 18. I couldn’t help it but give it the gas and try to get some rhythm over the whoops and terrain. I did real well until I ran out of talent at RM 16 and took a spill over the left side of the handle bars. Luckily I got right up and yelled please start on the first kick and just like magic she fired right up and away went. I took a splash of gas at RM 18 crossed the road and head for the dry lake. This was pretty much getting out a book and hold her open until RM 55. At RM 55 the course goes West off the lake bed towards the mountains where it hookups up with another road at check# 1.

I Pass the check and Albert is there. We gas her up and away he goes. We had a 10 minute lead over the next Sportsman bike. I did my job and we held our lead for our first leg of the race. I had radio contact with our chase truck at check 3 so I gave him all the info. It was slow going for me getting back to the finish. I was worried I wouldn’t make RM 195 before Andy so I told them to tell Andy I might not make it. He called me on the radio and said Andy just left check #3. I wouldn’t make it to RM195 before Andy. I passed the crossing to RM 195 and asked some spectators if 52X came by and he said yes about five minutes ago. I knew Andy would be at the finish line waiting for us. Sure enough when I arrived at the finish there was Andy with a beer already in his hand. A sure sign of Victory for sure. It was a fun day at the races. It was nice that most everything went as planned. Everyone was safe and the bike would live to race again another day.

A huge thanks for all the support to make this race successful goes to Ocotillo Home Medical, D’Oro y Piel Joyeria, DP Racing, Team CPR FAB, #1 Chaser Benny Valenzuela and my race team Albert and Andy.

52X First place Sportsman CODE 500 2009
First Overall Sportsman Moto

tunaeater - 4-20-2009 at 10:52 AM


C500#2r.JPG - 36kB

tunaeater - 4-20-2009 at 10:54 AM


C500#5r.JPG - 37kB

BajaBruno - 4-20-2009 at 10:57 AM

Good story, Tuna. Congrats.

bajalou - 4-20-2009 at 10:57 AM

Thanks for the great report Paul - great race--

David K - 4-20-2009 at 12:58 PM

Thanks Paul!