Bajadreamers - 5-1-2009 at 09:02 PM
Bit of trivia hunt.
Some years ago. Well more than a decade ago. While on one of our many wanders in the southern peninsula region we stopped at a little co-op artisan
shop in El Triunfo. (Just a little south of La Paz) Usually we try to buy mats or baskets made by locals each having the name, initials or symbol of
the maker. During this one trip, in of the little shops they had a variety of excavated artifacts from the local area. Bits of this and that, some
iron some glass, all coming from excavated trash dumps. Some of these artifacts were raw, incomplete, blemished and cast off cameos. Unfinished
rejects. Totally victorian in design, totally caught my eye!
The artwork was still beautiful and the character maybe more enhanced because of aging and exposure to the elements. And though they have no cash
value. they were / are to me an intrinsic symbolic, historic, mystery. I purchased several of them. Besides which I just liked them and it was the
local co-op store the kind I love to patronize.
I have a house full of palm baskets from many a trip through the town. Well these cameos have had a special place in my little library and while I
was in my constant battle with dust the other day and stopped to again wash and admire these pieces. That curiosity peeked again.
So I was wondering if anyone out there may know a little bit more about the origins of these artifacts. If this was some kind of full factory
operation years ago. Or someone’s smaller home workshop kind of thing. We know a little of the interesting history of the area. I would hazard to
guess if someone were to be making fine cameos like these, it would most likely have been also pre 1920 while the economy and taste of the region was
at a historic high point. Just curios if anyone has heard or knows anything about this?
And if not, well still cool pieces still going to stay in my library, except one I think I’ll put a silver bezel around (with care) and wear as a
piece of jewelry as was originally intended.
Thank you for your time
bajajazz - 5-1-2009 at 09:56 PM
I can't answer any of your questions but thank you for an interesting and informative post.
I, too, have a piece I picked up in El Triunfo years ago that I'm curious about, a Victorian depiction of a hunt etched into some kind of ceramic
material that I think was an insert in the top of an occasional table. Nothing very special about it, except what it says about the taste of the
people who once prized it. perhaps as a parlor show piece.