
What a beautiful trip in Baja

pal57 - 5-3-2009 at 10:13 AM


Hello nomads, just return from our wonderful trip in BCS.

Made km 2500 with our Jeep and seen so much places and nice peoples.

Went to La Paz, Loreto, Mulegè, San Rosalia, Todos Santos, Capo San Lucas, San Josè and small towns and alot of beaches.

I'm gathering around some fotos to show and diary trips to write.

Bye Pal57


Bajaboy - 5-3-2009 at 10:44 AM

Thanks for leaving me hanging...I was ready for a trip report....I'll check back.

pal57 - 5-3-2009 at 11:52 AM

Monday april 20.
We where in Messico City for a day waiting for our plane for BCS.
It was cluody and chilly that day but we took a vist to the Cattedral, Zocalo and Palacio Costitucion with Diego Rivera's murales.

We arrived at La Paz in the late afternoon with a beautiful sunset.

We went to our B&B Gemma Inn and eat something on the Malecon waiting for tomorrow morning to get our Jeep 4x4 to search for the Balanda's beach.

Tuesday april 21.

We got our Jeep Liberty 4x4 early this mornig and went directly to Playa Balandra.

What a beautiful bay, the tide was low and from above the hill all the shades of white, green and blue cam out.

This is Stefi and I in the bay.

We stood there for a cuple of hours so I took a lot of fotos and vedeos of the beach there wasn't to many people.
Around 1 o'clock we went to Playa Tecolote. There we had a great lunch with a big bowl of Margaritas, some clams 'chocolate' and fried shrimps on tacos they where so tasty.

After lunch we took some relax under the sun and Palapas just arriving to the beach with the Jeep neir the coast side.

Before leaving we spent some time talking with Saul who has boats for going to Isla Espiritu Santos and we booked a trip for tomorrow morning at 11.
Everything was on time and so fine.


[Edited on 5-4-2009 by pal57]

[Edited on 5-4-2009 by pal57]

pal57 - 5-6-2009 at 05:03 AM

Tuesday april 21.

So this mornig we took it very easy and arrived a Playa Tecolote around 10 o'clock.
Got some sun and some fotos, waiting for Saul and his friend Sergio for the boat trip on Isla Espiritu Santos.

We was in 16 people for going out so they took two boats. We went with Sergio, a great messican kid who showed us and explained us all about the Island, even if he spoked spanish we understudied.

Here's Stefi on the boat.

So we went snorking and went swimming with the sea lions had some great time and it was very awsome to see them coming near to you. I have no foto of them swimming with us.

At the end we arrived at Playa Bonanza, a beautiful Baia with white sand and desert hill sides. We eat some chiviche with tacos.

We got back around 5 o'clock and went to see Playa Balandra again to see how it was in the afternoon when the tide was hide. When we arrived at the parking we saw many cars and there was even a bus. Infact there was too many people that afternoon so we decided to get home, drink drink a beer and thake a shower for getting ready for dinner.
We had to get to sleep early because we was leaving for a long trip tomorrow morning for Loreto and Baiha Conception.


[Edited on 5-6-2009 by pal57]

what country

capt. mike - 5-6-2009 at 05:55 AM

are you guys from?

Natalie Ann - 5-6-2009 at 06:58 AM

Already you've visited my favorite spots - including that restaurant on Playa Tecolote which serves the freshest tasting shrimp in the La Paz area. I look forward to your report on Bahia Concepcion.

Thank you for sharing your trip with us, pal57.


Pompano - 5-6-2009 at 07:05 AM

Mike....What country?.....Italy would be my best guess. I have some Italian amigos who frequently spell Mexican as Messican.

pal57, Benvenuto a Baja Nomadi e Baja Sur, un grande viaggo relazione

Motle grazie, I look forward to your impression of Conception Bay, as that is where I live.

vandenberg - 5-6-2009 at 07:20 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
are you guys from?

They are from San Marino, a tiny republic ,some distance N/E of Rome, in the mountains. I believe it's part of Tuscany.
He was on a previous thread, asking for advise on traveling in Baja.
Keep the reports coming. We love to hear what Europeans think of our adopted country.
And I know the scenery in your country is hard to duplicate.

pal57 - 5-6-2009 at 11:11 AM

Hi to all,
thanks for reading my trip report and I'll be glad to answer all your doubts about where we live.
Hi Vanderberg
you got very close to where my country lies
but it's not in Tuscany but near. Who wants to know more just click on the link below my report and it will bring you to my new forum all about San Marino and Italy tour guide.

Tomorrow I'm going to write our trip towards Baiha Conception and all of it's beautiful beaches and wonderful people we met.
I made even an two hour vedeo but I'm not sure if I can post it here some moments of our trip. Maybe on youtube.


[Edited on 5-6-2009 by pal57]

David K - 5-6-2009 at 04:25 PM

Just GREAT Pal57, just GREAT!!!

Photos, details, and good mood stuff... I love it!

Thank you for this and the rest I am looking forward to...

Viva the Republic of San Marino, too!

[Edited on 5-6-2009 by David K]

Bajahowodd - 5-6-2009 at 04:38 PM

Wonderful photos. Just think of the odds that a couple from a country of 30,000 people in Europe, would not only hit the high spots of Baja, but would be posting on this web site. Cool.

fixtrauma - 5-6-2009 at 04:49 PM

Pal57, we have been waiting anxiously for your trip report since our recent trip to La Paz and your postings prior to your trip.

805gregg - 5-6-2009 at 07:56 PM

pal57 don't judge Baja by Blanderas, in some places, there are fish in the water.

[Edited on 5-7-2009 by 805gregg]

Von - 5-6-2009 at 09:47 PM

Awesome report keep on telling us about it!

I looooooovveeee BAJA and everything and everyone about it the good the bad and even the ugly........Von

pal57 - 5-7-2009 at 04:43 AM

Originally posted by 805gregg
pal57 don't judge Baja by Blanderas, in some places, there are fish in the water.

[Edited on 5-7-2009 by 805gregg]

Sorry gregg but I donn't know who's Blanderas. Can you give me a Hint.

Bye Pal57

pal57 - 5-7-2009 at 04:47 AM

Thanks Bajahowodd, fixtrauma, 805gregg, Von and expecially David who show up our national flag of San Marino.
Thanks again.


pal57 - 5-7-2009 at 05:15 AM

Wensday april 22.

Got up early this mornig knowing that the road was very long. Many told us that going to Loreto from La Paz will take only 3 or 3and a half hours, but it took us really 5 hours to arrive.
We do live in a beautiful place like Italy where the scenery changes from north to south, but I can say that the panorama on Mex 1 is open minded, I mean that you can ride, ride and ride, straight, straight and straight, listen to some lovely music or just hear the motor of your Jeep runing and think of nothing. Watching left and right, or straight ahead you will see open spaces of life in desserts and canyons. Asking your self what will there be after that hill side we make on the road and find out an other long and straight road to ride. That is what I always dream of. Beautiful.

The only pitty of all of it are the TOPES!

We left La Paz early that morning around 7 o'clock. Got some gas at Ciudad Constitucion after an hour we stop for some coffe at a small cafè a long the road, and after all our cofe stops we had, even in the resturants, we believe that this was the best coffe made by an gentlem old lady.

Here is a foto of a beautiful panorama a long the road.


Von - 5-7-2009 at 07:40 AM

How is the heat? to hot? just about right? How does it compare from

where u are from? around May?

805gregg - 5-7-2009 at 07:22 PM

Sorry gregg but I donn't know who's Blanderas. Can you give me a Hint.

Bye Pal57

Blanderas is the beach out east from La Paz where it appears you took those pictures, right?

Udo - 5-7-2009 at 08:55 PM

It is such a joy to hear from European visitors and what their visions were and what they saw in Baja through their own eyes.
The majority of North Americans generally shy away from helping a foreigner who visits Baja. My wife and I, on the other hand, make a point of introducing ourselves to members of foreign nations we see all over Baja and try to help in language barriers and as a guide when asked. We have met sooooo many families who have done just as you have...go to Baja and just see what is there.
We have done this long before we even knew the Nomads existed, but now that I know this forum and many of it's members, it has become just as much a joy in helping foreigners in the name of this forum.
We were all eager to help you, Pal57.

pal57 - 5-8-2009 at 04:33 AM

Originally posted by Von
How is the heat? to hot? just about right? How does it compare from

where u are from? around May?

Hi Von,
When we was there the weather was nice, not to hot the most around 32° at noon but in the evening we needed a sweeter because it was windy.

Here in Italy where we live, centrale Italy, the weather is still early spring about 20° 23°.
Two weeks ago when we where in BCS it rain frequently. Now it sunny and getting warmer, maybe we brought sunshine from Baja.:biggrin:


pal57 - 5-8-2009 at 04:35 AM

Originally posted by 805gregg
Sorry gregg but I donn't know who's Blanderas. Can you give me a Hint.

Bye Pal57

Blanderas is the beach out east from La Paz where it appears you took those pictures, right?

Well I thought that the beach was Playa Balandra, Or is it not?


pal57 - 5-8-2009 at 04:48 AM

Originally posted by udowinkler
It is such a joy to hear from European visitors and what their visions were and what they saw in Baja through their own eyes.
The majority of North Americans generally shy away from helping a foreigner who visits Baja. My wife and I, on the other hand, make a point of introducing ourselves to members of foreign nations we see all over Baja and try to help in language barriers and as a guide when asked. We have met sooooo many families who have done just as you have...go to Baja and just see what is there.
We have done this long before we even knew the Nomads existed, but now that I know this forum and many of it's members, it has become just as much a joy in helping foreigners in the name of this forum.
We were all eager to help you, Pal57.

Hi Udo,
Thanks for your post. I can understand what you are saying. Most people don't even know where Baja Califonia lies. When I told my aunt tha lives in Atlanta she was convicted that we where coming in the states and wanted us to pass by. Even here in Italy Baja is not very known and when we say that it is Mexico they smile believing that it is another place like Cancun or Playa del Carmen. We have traveled, 3 years ago in Yucatan and Chiapas, visiting the small towns and the Maya ruins, always on buses 1st and 2nd class, sleepnig in hostel but it was a wonderful trip very different from what we did in Baja.
Thankyou again hoping to see you here in San Marino.


pal57 - 5-8-2009 at 05:13 AM

Trip to Loreto and Baiha Conception....

It was almost half past noon and Loreto was only a sign in the road.

Finnaly we found our meta, Loreto. Drove in the center and park our jeep right in front of the Mission. We had a nice look at the Iglesias, very simple and clean, we saw that most of the statues where really dressed up.

We needed to eat something it was almost 1,30. I heard about a restaurant called Tio Lupe, it was near by so we eat a dish of lobster with Magaritas, not to bad even if the place is not so hygienically clean with holes in the roof (that's why it doesn't rain in Baja).


[Edited on 5-8-2009 by pal57]

Cypress - 5-8-2009 at 03:12 PM

pal57, Thanks for the pictures.:D Neat. Got any more?:?: Hope so.:) Send 'em if you can.:D

pal57 - 5-9-2009 at 09:40 AM

We left Loreto wanting to go up further north to see Mulegè or Santa Rosalia.

We finally arrived to Baiha Conception. The part of road that lies along the bay is spectacular. We passed Playa Requeson, Buenaventura then the road went back again in the dessert and than after out again along the bay with the beautiful beaches of Playa el Coyote, el Burro and Santispac.

Playa Requeson.

Playa el Coyote.

Then suddenly the road returned in the hills and in the dessert. Our map showed us that the next town was Mulegè. It was late, 5 o'clock and we had to find a place to sleep so we decided to stop in Mulegè and look for a hotel.

Arriving to Mulegè, after so many km of dessert road where you only see cactus plants, makes you easy watching the palms along the river side. Mulegè seems to be southern European town.

We enter in its big gateway trying to find an hotel but the ones that we saw weren't of our pleasure. So we went out of the city and went back along the road remembering that we saw a sign Orchard Village. We found out that it was a group of small houses some of them could be rented. So we rented a house for 3 nights, it was so lovely.

It was around 6 o'clock and we wanted to drink something. Went back in the city and walking around we found a great place, "Las Casistas". We drank a Magaritas and told the lady that we would came back for dinner this evening.

Las Casitas

We had a nice evening, the dinner was normal even because for the first time we decided to avoid drinking Magaritas that evening, :( we drank to much.
Went back to our house and went quickly to sleep. Tomorrow morning it was a trip to Santa Rosalia and Punto Chivato.

Bye Pal57

Santa Rosalia and Punta Chivato.

pal57 - 5-12-2009 at 05:13 AM

Thursday april 23.

We took all our time waking up. Had breakfast at Las Casitas with pancakes and frenchtoast. Very long time that I haven't had a breakfast like that, I think it was in 2001 when we went to New York for a family trip to see where I used to lived.

Our meta for that day was to visiting the beach of Punta Chivato, but first we wanted to see Santa Rosalia. Quite pleasant town. We visited the old bread bakery Panederia el Boleo.

We bought some cakes and bread.

Not far from there we found the Church Santa Barbara designed from Eiffel.

We took some fotos of Manquinita the locomotive.

Walking around we found a young boy selling fruits and vegetables, so we bought some oranges and bananas for or day at Punta Chivato.

Went trough the town, visiting its central square where it was fixed up for the 5 Mayo feast. Saw many military cops on jeeps with guns and machine guns.

So we left Santa Rosalia around 11 o'clock going to visit Punta Chivato.
It took us quite a time to find the street or what it looks like a street but some how we found it.


[Edited on 5-12-2009 by pal57]

David K - 5-12-2009 at 06:42 AM

Great... Thanks!

Von - 5-12-2009 at 08:10 AM

Awesome report my friend! Thank you 4 sharing....

Punta Chivato

pal57 - 5-12-2009 at 11:54 AM

So we went driving back towards Mulegè trying to find the street for Punta Chivato where many people say that it is a paradise. Asking around we tried out a dirt road with big cactus plants, outstanding view.

After so many km of dessert road where we saw even a roadrunner passing but it ran to fast to get a foto, far away we seen the blue color of the water and a sign that indicated that we arrived at Punta Chivato.

We droved up near some house along the beach and ask where could we eat something and where to stop on the beach. An american guy told us for a nice place to eat and to relax, just go straight on the road at the end of the beach and pick any place.

We found the restaurant but don't remember its name, it was own by a american and we ate good fresh fish a majo de ajo. In front of the restaurant there was a golf field with four guys playing golf under that hot sun in the sand.

After we took some relax at the beach just driving up right in the sand.

Around 5 o'clock we picj up our bags and started to get back home at Mulegè knowing that it was a long way back.

At Mulegè we tried driving along the riverside towards the beach and found out the light house and a small place for dinner el Patron. Not a big place, the floor was made of sand but we tought to try it out this evening.
We went to visit the Mission Santa Rosalia on the hill side of Mulegè and took some wonderful pictures.

Here is the light house.

The river side.

Mission Santa Rosalia at Mulegè

Panorama from view site near the mission.

In the evening we went back to el Patron and found out that there was a table with ladies and guitar palyers. They all sang spanish music and ask us for a requested song. I asked them "Besame Mucho". It was wonderful, just like the dinner we had, still made of fresh fish and magaritas.

The ladies singing at el Patron.

The waiter at el Patron.

Our table at el Patron with some seafood dishes.

Besame.... besame muuuucho.... ;D

What a beautiful day it was. We was so tiered and drunk with all the magaritas and cevesas that we fell asleep like rocks do.

Bye Pal57

Cypress - 5-12-2009 at 11:59 AM

pal57, Thanks for the pictures!:bounce: You just got to love Mulege! :yes:

You Are a Very Talented

Gypsy Jan - 5-12-2009 at 12:22 PM

Photographer, pal57. (I am not going to comment on you and your companion's attractiveness factor.)

Thank you for sharing the beautiful images, the Mexican tourist bureau should hire you.

I am glad that you had such a good time.

pal57 - 5-12-2009 at 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
pal57, Thanks for the pictures!:bounce: You just got to love Mulege! :yes:

Mulegè was a very different town from does that we have seen, maybe for the river and its palm trees. We haven't been to the beaches because we had to few days, but we liked it so much.

Thanks Cypress.

pal57 - 5-12-2009 at 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
Photographer, pal57. (I am not going to comment on you and your companion's attractiveness factor.)

Thank you for sharing the beautiful images, the Mexican tourist bureau should hire you.

I am glad that you had such a good time.

Thank you Gypsy for your thoughts. I just wanted to share my feelings of what we have visited and met nice places and people in our vacation, to this forum, who with their members gave me lots of information on our trip to Baja.


Paisan - 5-12-2009 at 02:26 PM

Pal57, What a great trip report. Photos are outstanding. I visited most of those places years ago and the photo's brought back great memories.

I have run into many Italians visiting Baja, especially around Loreto. I believe there is a connection between Baja's Loreto and the Italian town of Loreto in the Marche region of Italy through Salvaterra. Ciao and grazie.

What a refreshing report

thebajarunner - 5-12-2009 at 08:07 PM

Grazi, compadre!!!

I guess it takes someone from far across the sea to demonstrate what this board can (and should) be all about.

Your photos were excellent, both in quality and in giving a good representative view of the place we love so much.

And nary a negative breath has stirred the air....

Ahhhhhh, how sweet it is.

pal57 - 5-13-2009 at 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Paisan
Pal57, What a great trip report. Photos are outstanding. I visited most of those places years ago and the photo's brought back great memories.

I have run into many Italians visiting Baja, especially around Loreto. I believe there is a connection between Baja's Loreto and the Italian town of Loreto in the Marche region of Italy through Salvaterra. Ciao and grazie.

Ciao Paisan,
thank you for your compliments. We have been in Loreto in Italy last year. I'm not sure if there is any connection. Loreto is famous for having the black statue of Madonna.

Here is the church from outside.

Ciao Pal57.

pal57 - 5-13-2009 at 11:59 AM

Originally posted by thebajarunner
Grazi, compadre!!!

I guess it takes someone from far across the sea to demonstrate what this board can (and should) be all about.

Your photos were excellent, both in quality and in giving a good representative view of the place we love so much.

And nary a negative breath has stirred the air....

Ahhhhhh, how sweet it is.

Yes BajaRunner we are far across the ocean but in our hearths we still have a part of Baja beating.
I'm am arranging my fotos to make a foto book of our vacation in Baja California and each foto reminds me of the good days we had there.
After the fotobook I'm going to make a dvd from the two hours of vedeo I took there and I'm sure when I watch the movie my hearth will go tum tum tum tum. :tumble: :tumble:

Bye Pal57

David K - 5-13-2009 at 02:58 PM

Pal, yes... Loreto in Italy is connected to Loreto in Baja California!

Founding Padres Salvatierra and Kino had both chosen the Virgen of Loreto as their patroness since both men had been inspired to become missionaries while praying in the small church of Loreto, near Genoa.

It is believed that angels had moved the house of the Virgen Mary to Loreto, Italy from Nazareth, in 1291. A cathedral was built around Mary's house and ever since people visit the site and claim miracles are performed there!

There is much more... I recommend the book 'Loreto, Baja California: First Mission and Capital of Spanish California' by Ann & Don O'Neil c2001.

Here is Ann with her books, at my Viva Baja #3 party in 2002...

[Edited on 5-13-2009 by David K]

pal57 - 5-14-2009 at 04:10 AM

Hi David,
Thakyou for your precious information on Loreto. I knew about the community here in Italy but didn't know that they were connected in some way.

Ciao Pal57

Playa Requeson and Playa Coyote

pal57 - 5-14-2009 at 12:07 PM

Friday april 24

After having a good breakfast we went directly to the beaches we have seen coming over the days before. We wanted to stop to Playa Requeson that look so nice from the road but really just a simple beach. We stood there until 1 o'clock after went back on the road where we saw a place called Bertha's.

The beach, don't remember its name, where we ate at lunch to Bertha's.

Playa Requeson from the road.

Capanas on Playa Requeson where we just park up our Jeep. Fantastic.

Me on the beach of Playa Requeson.

Bertha's place, where we ated soom fabulous shrimps on tacos, was a pitty that they finished the lime for magaritas. :-)

Here's Playa Coyote, we liked it better than Requeson.

Playa Coyote. On this beach we met 4 guy from Oregon, it was their 3rd week there on the beach. They had almost everything, a big RAM 2500, a tent for ten persons, a boat with motor, 3 motor KTM, and a lot of equipments for fishing going watersking, they loved it there. Talked with them for about 15 min. and thought that next time I'm coming with my sons and riding some motorcycles.

We left around 5 o'clock got back to Mulegè went walking in town buying souvenirs and went to see the nice cemetery.

At dinner we went back to el Patron and ate other good seafood dishes.
Went to bed early that night cause tomorrow morning had to wake up early we wanted to drive straight to Todos Santos and to Hotel California.

Bye Pal57

David K - 5-14-2009 at 09:34 PM

More good stuff... Interesting how empty the beaches were... thanks!

Requeson is our special place... there always seems to be a palapa available there when Coyote or other beaches are crowded.

Todos Santos

pal57 - 5-17-2009 at 12:03 PM

We left Mulegè very early that mornig knowing that we had a long ride down to Todos Santos. We parted at 6.30 and the sun was already up. We saw a beautiful sun rise on the Conception bay.

After a couple of hours we stop for eating some cakes and having warm coffee.
Here's nice cactus where we stop having breakfast.

With out stopping any more, only for some gas we arrived at Todos Santos at 1,30 and got a room in the legendary Hotel California.
It was the most expensive room we had in all our trip, but it was nice.

After we took a walk trough the streets of Todos Santos, it was a pitty because it was Sunday and almost evrything was closed.

So we decided to take a look at the beach. I haven't ever been to the Pacific Ocean and it was awesome looking at the long beach with not so many people, big waves and lots of birds.

We then went back in our room, relaxed for a couple of hours and went to eat in the only restaurant open that night.
When we got back to the hotel we sat at the bar and drank a Tequila Sunrise and talk to the bartender that he talk about all the soccer teams in mexico and knew allot of the Europeans teams.

Went to bed and decided to leave Todos Santos next morning trying to see Cabos San Lucas and San Josè del Cabos all in one day.

The long road trowards Cabos San Lucas.

Bye Pal57

Von - 5-17-2009 at 12:33 PM

Cool report my friend.

David K - 5-17-2009 at 12:48 PM

You sure had a great trip! Thanks for 'taking' us along!

Paisan - 5-17-2009 at 12:54 PM

Pal, Please keep the pics coming. I'm experiencing a trip to Baja via your trip report and pics. Soccer? Barcelona in Roma next week. Will they do it? Salve!

TheColoradoDude - 5-17-2009 at 02:30 PM

Buona giornata e vi ringrazio il mio amico!

Purely awesome photos and trip report!

BornFisher - 5-17-2009 at 08:39 PM

Beautiful trip report! It`s so refreshing to see Baja thru the eyes of people who travel there for the first time. They are totally blown away, where us old vets just tend to drive to our destinations (speaking for myself here).
Thanks for the report , the pictures, and putting some "stoke" back into a Baja road trip!

pal57 - 5-18-2009 at 04:22 AM

Thank you so much Von and David,
Both of you gave great hints before having my trip to Baja California.


pal57 - 5-18-2009 at 04:25 AM

Originally posted by Paisan
Pal, Please keep the pics coming. I'm experiencing a trip to Baja via your trip report and pics. Soccer? Barcelona in Roma next week. Will they do it? Salve!

Hi Paisan,
Hope your trip will be pleasure as ours.
looking foward for the final at Roma, Manchester vs Barcelona. Gona route for Barcelona.:spingrin:

Bye Pal57

pal57 - 5-18-2009 at 04:27 AM

Originally posted by TheColoradoDude
Buona giornata e vi ringrazio il mio amico!

Purely awesome photos and trip report!

Thanks for your post Dude, stay by and you'll see other photos of or trip.

Bye Pal57

Cabos San Lucas and San Josè del Cabos

pal57 - 5-21-2009 at 12:11 PM

We arrived, after a little more than an hour of really straight rode, to Cabos San Lucas. We didn't want to spend all the day here even because we have the same things here in Italy like Rimini and Riccione. So we decided to go for a boat tour to see the beaches and the extremely end point of Baja.

Playa del Amor

The Scuby Doo Rock.

The upside down Baja California Rock.

Stefi and Anna and EL Arco.

We left Cabos San Lucas going directly to San Josè del Cabos.
Leaving the Hotels area, the center of San Josè is very pretty. A very small mexican town. We stop having lunch at Salitas Cocina y Cantina. We took a walk in the town, visiting the lovely Church in front of the plaza.

The Plaza with its giant mexican flag.

We decided not to stop in San Josè for the night because we wanted to see other towns and beaches on the road and to get back in the evening in La Paz.

It was a must taking this photo.:bounce:

We stop even in the smallest town we seen, Santiago.

Many people told us that the most beautiful beaches in Baja are at Cabo Pulmo.

Here's the dirt road that brings to Cabo Pulmo.

It was late so went took the road back to La Paz was a very pleasure road site, into the hills passing trough towns like San Antonio and El Triunfo.
We got back in La paz just in time to drink a cold fruit mix and watching the sunset on the Malecon.

Bye Pal57

Cypress - 5-21-2009 at 12:22 PM

Pal57, Thanks for sharing your journey!:D

David K - 5-21-2009 at 01:39 PM

Pal... a SUPER photo trip report!

Thank you very much for joining Baja Nomad and sharing the trip with us.

This photo (Tropic of Cancer), would be very interesting if taken one month from today (June 21) which is the first day of summer...

Why? Because the sun (at noon) would be directly over your head (straight up) on that day... The only shadow would be between your feet if you were standing!

I hope to visit your Republic of San Marino someday, soon!

Stay in touch paisano/ amigo!

pal57 - 5-22-2009 at 04:48 AM

Originally posted by Cypress
Pal57, Thanks for sharing your journey!:D

It is a pleasure for me for the nice days we had in Baja.



pal57 - 5-22-2009 at 04:51 AM

Thank you David now I know why we have to get back in Baja, one thing is for the 21st of june.:tumble::lol:

We lost the sign of Tropical of Cancer at Todos Santos, I'm sure that there is one there too.

Bye Pal57

Relaxing on Playa Tecolote and Balandra

pal57 - 6-1-2009 at 10:52 AM

The day after we wanted only to relax on the beaches of La Paz.

In the morning went directly to Playa Tecolote, just relaxing and taking some photos.

This is the view of Isla Espiritu Santos from Playa Tecolote.

Here are fishermen near the beach.

After having a great lunch, always at Ramon's where we ate good shrimp tacos. We went to playa Balandra. That day there were lots of people but fortunately we found a palapas and layed on the sand amazing the beautiful scenery.

Found some mexican boys in the water on their knees with thier hands in the sand looking like finding something. So they showed me how to catch almeida. Got on my knees too and pickup several clams that we ate getting back at our rooms in La Paz.

In the evening we tried out a Italian restaurant where we ate Paella and some fried fish and drank sangria.

This is the Italian restaurant La Tasca.

Our table.

Bye Pal57

David K - 6-3-2009 at 10:52 AM


pal57 - 6-15-2009 at 10:46 AM

The second last day we spent on La Paz was to see the beautiful beaches of Punta Arena and Playa de los Suenos (Bay of Dreams) before it was called Playa del los Muertos.

We didn't have the map for the treasure but we had a wonderful day and the beach was beautiful.

The beach of Punta Arena.

The lighthouse of Punta Arena

We stood there only for a few minutes and ask where was the other beach called Playa de los Suenos and if there was a place to eat.

The bay of Playa de los Suenos, Bay of Dreams.

My friend Paolo and I along the beach.

Someone told us that many crusades buried their treasures at Playa de los Suenos after robing them from the Spanish galleons.

Stefy near the fishermen boats on Playa de los Suenos

Fishermen with tuna yellow tail.

The road towards home.

We had just a wonderful day.
Bye Pal57

Bob H - 6-15-2009 at 12:54 PM

WOW! Pal57.... this was just fantastic! I finally took the time to sit down and go through the wonderful photography of your Baja vacation. Very very nice trip report - excellent!
Thank you so much.
Bob H

pal57 - 6-16-2009 at 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Bob H
WOW! Pal57.... this was just fantastic! I finally took the time to sit down and go through the wonderful photography of your Baja vacation. Very very nice trip report - excellent!
Thank you so much.
Bob H

Thankyou so much for reading my trip report on Baja California and for your nice thoughts.
I'm almost at the end of my report even if I shot almost 900 photos and 2 hours of movie.

In my office I put up a map of Baja California so every one can see where we have traveled.

Baja will always be on our minds, the peoples, places, the weather, the beaches, the roads, food and many other things.

I'll continue watch as read the things here on Baja nomad and try to give my simple suggestions for who needs some.

Bye Pal57

Bob H - 6-16-2009 at 10:55 AM

Originally posted by pal57
Originally posted by Bob H
WOW! Pal57.... this was just fantastic! I finally took the time to sit down and go through the wonderful photography of your Baja vacation. Very very nice trip report - excellent!
Thank you so much.
Bob H

Thankyou so much for reading my trip report on Baja California and for your nice thoughts.
I'm almost at the end of my report even if I shot almost 900 photos and 2 hours of movie.

In my office I put up a map of Baja California so every one can see where we have traveled.

Baja will always be on our minds, the peoples, places, the weather, the beaches, the roads, food and many other things.

I'll continue watch as read the things here on Baja nomad and try to give my simple suggestions for who needs some.

Bye Pal57

I would say that your trip report is one of the best I have seen in a long while - very well done!

My wife is headed to Rome tomorrow - she is an Italian and German speaker flight attendant for American Airlines. We have made three vacations to Italy and just love it. The first trip we did on a tour bus... not our cup of tea... then the next two we flew in to Rome or Milan and rented a car and drove around ourselves - loved it! And, the FOOD! Wow... fantastic! Oh, and the WINE.... I could go on an on.

Looking forward to your continued Baja report.
Bob H

David K - 6-16-2009 at 01:38 PM

Bob... someday, let's all go there and see the Republic of San Marino! Pal57 can show us the sites!

Bob H - 6-16-2009 at 07:23 PM

Originally posted by David K
Bob... someday, let's all go there and see the Republic of San Marino! Pal57 can show us the sites!

It 's really a beautiful countryside and this area of Northern Italy is breathtaking. Here is a whole lot of information regarding the Republic of San Marino. I think Audrey and I drove through this part of Italy on our way from Florence to Venice a few years ago.

And, here is an excerpt from a 1769 guidebook - yes, I said 1769.

The road from La Catolica to Pezaro skirts the territories of this small republic, concerning the government of which we referred ourselves to the description given of it by Mr. Addison, who went in person to get a thorough knowledge of it. This little state was on the point of losing its liberty, by cardinal Alberoni's enterprise against it, during his legation in Romania (* about 1750). The management and execution of this project would do honour to the cardinal's bravery, had it been against a people, whom a slender regard to the Roman purple would not have restrained from offering at a defence. The cardinal's red vestment, and a Te deum, in which he was seized with a panic, gave a sanction to this enterprize: Benedict XIV, disowned it, yet he kept the original charters of this republic, the cardinal having purloined them; and they were lodged in the Vatican Archivio .

I knew at Rome a petty Curial, or limb of the law, born at San Marino, who had sacrificed his small fortune purely to recover the most essential of those charters, which accordingly he had got safely conveyed back among the records of his country. I likewise frequently saw at Rome, among the Minims of la Trinita di monte, another member of the same republic, the very counter-part of Rabelais's Parnurgus, a complete master of the Latin and Greek, and even of the vulgar Greek; well versed in geometry, chymistry, and especially botany; he had travelled over the greatest part of Asia, even as far as the kingdom of Thibet, always footing it, and without equipage or so much as money. He lived at Rome from hand to mouth, placing all happiness in liberty and chearfulness, which he looked upon as incompatible with dependance. The first time I saw him was in the laboratory of la Trinita di monte , where, with all the vehemence of pulpit elocution, he was holding forth, facing the apothecary of the convent, who, according to the constitution of those places, was one of the society, on miracles and conversions, the marvellous of which increasing in a climax, at length set the pious brother a weeping and sobbing most cordially. In the opinion of this odd creature, the world afforded nothing comparable to ancient Rome, except his dear republic of St. Marino: it was indeed the only thing he could speak of with any seriousness. He proposed, after a few more perambulations, to go and end his days in his Ithaca, and devote his abilities and discoveries in promoting its happiness.

Bob H - 6-19-2009 at 09:26 AM

Pal57... looking forward to more of your report... Bob H

Last Day in Baja California

pal57 - 6-20-2009 at 02:16 AM

Thank you so much Bob on giving some stoical lecturer on San Marino, wishing to see you and even David here in the smallest republic.

So this was our last day in Baja California and we thought that we haven't seen much of the city of La Paz, always on the beaches. We decided that morning to take a walk down town La Paz and on its Malecom.

The french restaurant La Boheme where we decided to eat at dinner that evening.

The italian restaurant Caffe Milano right next to La Boheme with its waiters relaxing in front of the entrance.

The italian icegream shop Giulietta and Romeo.

Near the icecream shop.

The old church of La Paz, we couldn't see the inside because there was a funeral that morning.

The monument of El Hongo in the Plaza in front of the church.

The City Hall, Casa de Governo.

Other photos in the city.

Real tacos, looks like our italian Piadina romagnola.

A real Mexican Cowboy?

We then took a walk along the Malecom.

Some photos of the statues on the Malecom. Here's the gorgeous grey whale,

Mother nature.

The pigeon.

The serenade and dolphin.

Mister Sail Man.

We then went and took our last day at Tecolote it was like all our trip a wonderful day.

Along the road towards the beach, I think near Pinquelingue we found these gorgeous trucks all in line like telling us...
Hey we are here for you, its your last day, so thake a photo and arriverderci at Baja California. They was our symbol on the Mexico 1.

Last day at Tecolote beach.

I saw another Bajanomad guy taking photos like this so I wanted to remember me and my feet in front of Isla Espiritu Santos for the great vacation we had at Baja California.

We had lunch for the last time at Ramons' restaurant along the beach and he had this sign on top of his cash player. It will remind me of how the people live here calm and easy, against our frenetic way of living.
So don't run, just walk.
Thanks Ramon.

That evening, as I said, we went at the restaurant La Boheme and ate very well.

The morning after, got up early, and went directly to La Paz airport. We saw La Paz for the last time, it was always the same, warm and calm. We said goodbye at its door monument agian for the last time.

At the airport, we left our Jeep at the parking place and it went all well. We had to fill in some papers notes for the suine flue, the only bad note we had in these days in Baja. At Mexico City airport we had to wear medical masks.

Here am I at Mexico City Airport drinking a cold awsome last beer in Mexico.

Bye Pal57

Last considerations....

pal57 - 6-20-2009 at 02:34 AM

I want to thank all the Baja Nomad members and those who had the time and will for reading my Baja trip report.

La Paz, Balandra, Tecolote, Playa de los Suenos, Loreto, Mulegè, Santa Rosalia, Playa Requeson, Playa Coyote, Todos Santos, Cabo San Lucas, San Josè de Cabos, the highway Mex 1 and all people we met at Baja California Sur will stay in our hearts wishing to come back some day and to stay for a long, long time.

We where always received with warmth from everyone even at the military halt along the Mex 1 and when they heard that we where from Italy they always sent us a cheerful smile.

Today, sat. june 20th, a day before the first day of summer, (is that right David?) here in San Marino it is very cloudy and humid maybe its going to rain. We wanted to go to the beach at Rimini this morning to stay some hours with our friends and to tell them of our beautiful vacation we had at Baja and to show them our photos so that they can be encourage to visit the same places, very different from our country.

Arrivederci and ciao.

[Edited on 6-20-2009 by pal57]

David K - 6-20-2009 at 08:12 AM

Pal57... all I can say is WOW!

Thank you so very much for the time and effort you gave us to share your vacation with us...

Trip Reports are the best part of Nomad because they tell excatly what a Nomad experienced in his own words... the photos are wonderful, too!

I would really love to take Baja Angel to Italy and the Republic of San Marino... someday soon, I hope!

Cypress - 6-20-2009 at 12:24 PM

pal57, Thanks! Come back and do it again.:bounce:

pal57 - 6-27-2009 at 01:49 AM

Originally posted by Cypress
pal57, Thanks! Come back and do it again.:bounce:

Tanks Cypress and David for your thoughts....

Hoping to see you here in San Marino for taking a moto road trip around our hill sides.

We will remember does amazing days at Baja California.
We are now looking foward for taking a trip in the near Croazia in moto. Beautiful beaches, highlands with waterfalls and Islands where the island of Arbe came or Saint Marino.

Bye Pal57

fixtrauma - 6-27-2009 at 05:05 AM

Hello pal57

Your trip report has been enjoyed by Linda and Me. We just traveled to La Paz in April and reported on our trip. Your report has been so very enjoyable and has caused us to want to enjoy other parts of the Baja that we have not experienced so far. I know that what you have posted has taken effort and we do appreciate it all.

Don and Linda

[Edited on 6-27-2009 by fixtrauma]

pal57 - 6-27-2009 at 06:14 AM

Originally posted by fixtrauma
Hello pal57

Your trip report has been enjoyed by Linda and Me. We just traveled to La Paz in April and reported on our trip. Your report has been so very enjoyable and has caused us to want to enjoy other parts of the Baja that we have not experienced so far. I know that what you have posted has taken effort and we do appreciate it all.

Don and Linda

[Edited on 6-27-2009 by fixtrauma]

Hi fixtrauma,
thank you so much for your post, all you bajanomads help me, first, with your own reports on traveling in Baja and reading them was a pleasure. Most of all, was when I asked for some tips before leaving for Mexico and was very glad to find people who loved to travel and to help other ones on their first visit in a foreign country.

I will try to keep in touch with Baja California just reading the topics on this forum Bajanomad and tring to help other ones that want to visit the peninsular.

Bye Pal57

Bob H - 6-27-2009 at 10:46 AM

Pal57... what a great finale to your trip report!

The beach you mentioned... Rimini Beach - looks wonderful...

Thank you for all the time and energy you put in to making your fantastic Baja trip report!

Bob h

Hi to all

pal57 - 8-1-2009 at 04:52 AM

I want to thank all those who read my trip report on Baja.

It was a pleasure for visiting Baja and knowing ne places and peoples.

I know that his will be off topic, but we have been last week in Croatia in a motor trip with an other couple.

I just started a trip report on:

I will be very happy if any one can read my trip report and get to know the places we have here in Europe.

Bye Pal57


David K - 8-1-2009 at 06:05 AM

What a great trip report and photos... Very beautiful... and nice water! Thanks Pal!

BajaNuts - 8-1-2009 at 10:58 PM

Hey pal57,

Thanks for sharing your fantastic La Paz trip! That's what Nomads is about, get the info, make the trip, have a super time.

Other's have links to their blogs or projects or trip posts linked and listed at the bottom of their profile. I don't know the proper line to use to get that information showing, but it is in there somewhere. I'm sure another Nomad will come to my rescue and post the exact location of where to put those links to your travel logs so that it will show up on all of your posts.

looks like you had a super trip all around.

Bajahowodd - 8-1-2009 at 11:39 PM

What an incredibly wonderful post from our friend in San Marino. Magic!