
Newbie needs itinerary

Anonymous - 6-13-2004 at 02:47 PM

Hi all, I've been reading soo many post recently, and it seems like people like coming up with itineraries for people that are taking trips soon. Perfect...i need some advice on a good itin. Here are the requirements...leaving from San Diego for 12 day trip down Baja...would like to do a little of both coasts...traveling with girlfriend, have camping gear and 4wd, looking for lazy beaches...a mix of locals and gringos to party with...some snorekeling or hotels...Also, girlfriend is a British citizen...whats the requirements for her to get a tourist card....Thanks so much in advance for any help... Oh yeah...leaving next week for San Diego, so need the info in a few days. Thanks so much guys...happy travels!

It's a big peninsula!

jrbaja - 6-13-2004 at 05:13 PM

The north Pacific side is beautiful with white sandy beaches and points for surfing, fishing, snorkeling (cold water) and mostly seclusion.
To see some of that, I recommend heading out to Erendira and then following the coast south to Camalu. This can be done in a couple days easily with one night camping.
And then, Maybe one night in Catavi?a to enjoy the scenery. And then down to Mulege and Bahia Concepcion for 2 or 3 days, and then head down to Agua Verde where you will want to spend a couple days at least.
And then either over to Bahia Magdalena, it will be quiet at this time of the year, or down to La Paz and Playa Tecolote. (It is hot right now!)
You can fit a trip to Los Cabos and Todos Santos in if ya feel like that sorta thing.
Pay attention always and take out more trash than you brought. Have fun.


Anonymous - 6-13-2004 at 06:58 PM

I like that itin....can you offer some specifics...I have seen your postings before and you seem to have a lot of connections.

FrankO - 6-13-2004 at 09:24 PM

I'd head south as far as you want to get and then if you don't feel like leaving there's no hurry. That way as you become more relaxed if you do decide to slowly work north the drive gets you closer to home rather than a ballbuster with just 2 days left. 2 days to Loreto, explore and then cruise......