

BajaBruno - 5-15-2009 at 01:14 PM

Ostracism (Greek: ostrakismos) was a procedure under the Athenian democracy in which a prominent citizen could be expelled from the city-state of Athens for ten years.

While some instances clearly expressed popular anger at the victim, ostracism was often used pre-emptively. It was used as a way of defusing major confrontations between rival politicians (by removing one of them from the scene), neutralizing someone thought to be a threat to the state, or exiling a potential tyrant.

Crucially, ostracism had no relation to the processes of justice. There was no charge or defence, and the exile was not in fact a penalty; it was simply a command from the Athenian people that one of their number be gone for ten years.

[Wikipedia: ]

I was reminded of this old practice after reading some recent negative, bitter, anti-Baja comments on this pro-Baja board that were clearly intended simply to vent personal vitriol and not to be informative.

I suppose we can all think of a couple candidates for this procedure. :lol: :tumble:

[Edited on 5-15-2009 by BajaBruno]

DENNIS - 5-15-2009 at 01:29 PM

Originally posted by BajaBruno
anti-Baja comments on this pro-Baja board that were clearly intended simply to vent personal vitriol and not to be informative.

I'm under the impression that this board will accept all views as long as they are civil. That said, ostracism sounds more like censorship. This place would stink to high heaven if everybody agreed with each other. What could be more boring than only one opinion.

Bajahowodd - 5-15-2009 at 01:43 PM

I understand your point, Dennis. However, I can also empathize with Bruno's frustration with several members who literally bash Mexico and Mexicans most of the time.

DENNIS - 5-15-2009 at 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
I understand your point, Dennis. However, I can also empathize with Bruno's frustration with several members who literally bash Mexico and Mexicans most of the time.

Well, maybe they see something we don't see. It's just another opinion and when opinions cross the line, Doug will let someone know about it.
Censorship sucks.

Cypress - 5-15-2009 at 02:22 PM

Bashing Mexicans? Why? They have strong family values with one heck-of-a work ethic. What's wrong with that?:o

Woooosh - 5-15-2009 at 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
I understand your point, Dennis. However, I can also empathize with Bruno's frustration with several members who literally bash Mexico and Mexicans most of the time.


They always kill the messengers. No want wants to hear the truth when their actionable options are limited. The moderator does a great job keeping this board civil IMHO.

In Baja Norte no news (bashing fodder?) is easy to come by. The Mexican authorities don't talk about anything potentially negative for tourism and the US newspaper reporters who cover TJ are being thinned out by the economy. The Gringo Gazette (the real one by Nancy Conroy that told the truth) is long gone. This board fills that vacuum for me and many others- even if the tone and message are rough at times. I have had UT reporters e-mail me because we, who live here in mixed Mexican families- hear things first.

[Edited on 5-15-2009 by Woooosh]

[Edited on 5-16-2009 by BajaNomad]

comitan - 5-15-2009 at 02:43 PM


fishbuck - 5-15-2009 at 03:28 PM

I thought Ostracism is when you bury you head in the sand rather than face reality.
Oh wait, that's Ostrichism!:cool:

oxxo - 5-15-2009 at 03:31 PM


Woooosh - 5-15-2009 at 03:37 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Woooosh

Sorry Doug- My bad. I feel like such an outcast now...

Are you kidding? [I know you are] If you havn't hijacked a thread or two around here, you havn't earned your wings.

I'm sure not as skilled at it as the nomds with mucho stars. I'm sure I won't disappoint.

But I do see what the original poster means. This board is about Peace, Love and Fish Tacos. There should be another board about Confrontation, Hate and Refried Beans. Pick your own reality.

mtgoat666 - 5-15-2009 at 03:45 PM

Originally posted by fishbuck
I thought Ostracism is ...

shunning :bounce:

Bajahowodd - 5-15-2009 at 03:46 PM

Hey, Woooosh- I think Carrie Duncan might disagree with you about the real Gringo Gazette. She started it decades ago, and it is extremely profitable. Nancy made two grave mistakes. Crossed Carrie, and she started crusading politically as a foreigner.

Some do...Some don't

Dave - 5-15-2009 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
Bashing Mexicans? Why? They have strong family values with one heck-of-a work ethic. What's wrong with that?:o

And as far as bashing Baja goes:

It's a spot on the map. Some folks think Iowa sucks.

bajabound2005 - 5-15-2009 at 08:17 PM

what happened to Peace, Love, and Fish Tacos? The "motto" of BajaNomad....

fishbuck - 5-15-2009 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by bajabound2005
what happened to Peace, Love, and Fish Tacos? The "motto" of BajaNomad....

Seems to have been replaced by "Body pieces, no love lost, and turtle soup"!
Hey, don't get mad at me I just report the news.;D

BajaNuts - 5-15-2009 at 09:03 PM

it's a fine line to give accurate, first-hand (or reasonably reliable 2nd hand) information..........and to just be negative.

I don't follow all the posts of everyone, [others can fill in the "who-said-what"], but I do know that some people are inherently negative no matter where they may reside. A person can present the same information in a real light [sometimes positive] but at least neutral light......or in a negative light.

imho, if someone is THAT dissatisfied and disillussioned with Mexico and Baja, the why are they still on this forum?

LOSARIPES - 5-16-2009 at 03:58 AM

Imagine you call for a town meeting to show support for ... say, wildlife and there is a couple of guys who boisterously express their dislike for plants and birds.. and simply state how much they dislike and detest wildlife for their own reasons. Wrong reasons and yet their own personal reasons. Welcome them in the name of freedom of speech and opinion diversity?
I don't think so. I'd say they ought to be "ostracized" The Greeks invented that for a reason, probably they had not inaugurated the first madhouse.

Skipjack Joe - 6-19-2009 at 01:49 PM

Originally posted by fishbuck
I thought Ostracism is ...

A Time-out :bounce:

Originally posted by DENNIS
This place would stink to high heaven if everybody agreed with each other. What could be more boring than only one opinion.

Your quote made me think of this scene in 'Annie Hall':

Woody and Annie want to know what the keys are to a successful marriage. So He asks people on the street.

He sees a young trendy-looking couple, arms wrapped around each other.

ALLEN: You-you look like a really happy couple. Uh, uh ... are you?


ALLEN: Yeah! So ... so h-h-how do you account for it?

YOUNG WOMAN: Uh, I'm very shallow and empty and I have no ideas and nothing interesting to say.

YOUNG MAN: And I'm exactly the same way.

ALLEN: I see. Well, that's very interesting. So you've managed to work out something, huh?



ALLEN: Oh, well, thanks very much for talking to me.

DENNIS - 6-19-2009 at 02:12 PM

I guess no opinion could have value. I doubt there are many arguements in a Thorazine ward.

Oso - 6-19-2009 at 05:25 PM

I just can't understand why anyone with such palpable hatred of Mexicans and all things Mexican would bother giving themselves nicknames based on Mexican places and post on a website concerned with Mexico. Oh well, once I determined that these people had nothing to offer but empty vitriol, I followed the oft offered advice here and simply quit opening their posts.

Re the G. Gazette

Gypsy Jan - 6-19-2009 at 05:32 PM

C.D. deserves full ostracism.

Nancy Conroy, not so much.

Trust me, first hand experience.