
Tony Tellier's Baja 500 Top Picks

TMW - 5-20-2009 at 07:12 AM

Tony Tellier’s Baja 500 Top Tips
May 19, 2009 by Fish
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Off-Roading’s own odds maker

2009 SCORE International Baja 500

11 Greg Nunley Railroad track bumper? 10 to 1
3 Mark Post Postman delivers 2 to 1
1 B.J. Baldwin Seldom denied 2 to 1
12 Brian Collins TOP TIP 2 to 1
19 Tim Herbst Out-of-league? 3 to 1
77 Robby Gordon Sorry, no blue flags in the dez 3 to 1
24 Adam Householder Not a household name … 10 to 1
35 Robbie Pierce ” … Master of none” 6 to 1
13 Ed Stout Light-weight 10 to 1
4 Gus Vildosola Jr. Cut back on revs 3 to 1
2 Pete Sohren Tenacious, if nothing else 5 to 1
84 Nick Vanderwey Bull rider 7 to 1
8 Roger Norman Bad draw … 3 to 1
39 Ron Whitton Oldest DNF? 10 to 1
22 Damen Jefferies Not like like it used to be 10 to 1
38 Garron Cadiente OK on lap races 4 to 1
16 Cameron Steele Poor Man’s Travis? 6 to 1
71 Rick D. Johnson TOP TIP 4 to1
96 Bobby Baldwin “I’ll take four … ” 10 to 1
28 Alan Pflueger Hawaii, now? 4 to 1
47 James Bult Will be NOT 10 to 1
53 Jason Voss Unsportsmanlike 10 to 1
51 Kory Scheeler Could be HOT 2500F to 1
74 Rob Bruce Might hold up himself? 10 to 1

CLASS 1 (17)
101 Randy Wilson Team-Of-The-Meeting 3 to 2
102 Armin Schwarz Meat in Wilsonian sandwich 2 to 1
103 Ronny Wilson Someone has to be Second! 2 to 1
104 Julio Herrera Worth keeping an eye on 5 to 1
105 Richard Boyle “Go” or “Whoa” 3 to 1
106 Troy Herbst Best off-road car … ever! 3 to 1
107 Josh Rigsby Dilettante 10 to 1
108 Dale Lenk Not the weakest Lenk 4 to 1
109 Jerry Penhall Win on Saturday, sell on Monday 3 to 1
110 Armin Kremer Tries too much 5 to 1
111 Todd Romano Cheesy 10 to 1
112 Rob Bruce Come on, TWO cars? 10 to 1
113 Josh Daniel Kidding? 10 to 1
114 Harley Letner Overly-aggressive 3 to 1
115 Brian Parkhouse Inconsistent but fast 5 to 1
117 Kenny Farmer Goin agro? 10 to 1
118 Enrique Bujanda DARK CABALLO 3 to 1

CLASS 1-2/1600 (16)
1601 Samuel Araiza Unseen 5 to 1
1602 David Caspino Businesslike 2 to 1
1603 Hector Sarabia Unnoticed? 5 to 1
1604 Mario Gastelum Good chance 4 to 1
1605 Arnoldo Ramirez Quick, enough? 4 to 1
1606 Cisco Bio Winner? 3 to 1
1607 Brian Wilson Sibling rivalry 3 to 1
1608 Roman Pereyra Roamin’, unfortunately 4 to 1
1609 Arturo Velazco Must keep pressure on 3 to 1
1610 Brad Wilson Wouldn’t it be nice? 3 to 1
1611 Luis Martinez Middle of pack 6 to 1
1612 Justin Smith Hopes to finish 6 to 1
1613 Hector Garcia TOP TIP 3 to 1
1647 Eric Duran Over-due 3 to 1
1648 Ramiro Escobedo Falts, flats, flats 5 to 1
1649 Marco Gallo Top 5? 5 to 1

CLASS 3 (2)
348 Darren Skilton Should be easy Even
349 Gerardo Barragan A bad day … and night 10 to 1

CLASS 5 (3)
501 Shaun Dunbar Must stay close 4 to 1
500 Kevin Carr The “New George Seeley”? 3 to 1
519 Carlos Albanez Might challenge 5 to 1

CLASS 5/1600 (6)
551 Alonso Angulo Also-started 10 to 1
552 Oscar Venegas Finisher 4 to 1
553 Pedro Athie Abagado uber alles 4 to 1
577 Sergio Moreno Dark cloud 10 to 1
550 Marcos Nunez Virtually unbeatable Even
579 Gustavo Avina Sidelines 10 to 1

CLASS 6 (4)
601 Benjamin Wright Not wrong 3 to 1
602 Heidi Steele Too much to handle 3 to 1
603 Marc Burnett “No flats” 3 to 1
604 Robert Pickering Not cherry pickering 10 to 1

CLASS 7 (8)
701 Einer Gomez 1, 2, 3 .. 8th 10 to 1
700 Dan Chamlee Obvious choice 3 to 1
703 Bill Kunz Overdue bill? 10 to 1
704 Jose Canchola Jr. TOP TIP 3 to 1
705 Heidi Steele How can you be in two places at once? 5 to 1
706 Brandon Walsh Best outsider 4 to 1
707 Igor Galvan Has to hump it 10 to 1
708 Aaron Celiceo Might beat Einer 10 to 1

72x Heidi Steele Too much to handle 5 to 1

741 Brandt Anderson Last and least 10 to 1
758 John Holmes Should make it home Even
759 Eduardo Gonzalez 2nd Place 4 to 1
75x Heidi Steele Too much to handle 5 to 1

CLASS 8 (6)
801 Rodrigo Ampudia Jr. Ready 3 to 1
802 Ted Hunnicutt Jr. Promises unfulfilled 3 to 1
803 Clyde Stacy Steep learning curve 6 to 1
804 Beny Canela Savvy 3 to 1
805 Rick Sanchez Will wear out pit crews 10 to 1
806 Juan C. Lopez Fast, too fast? 3 to 1

CLASS 9 (3)
901 Luke Babb No luck for Luke 10 to 1
902 Pancho Bio People’s Choice Even
900 Daniel Reyes Jr. Finisher? 3 to 1

CLASS 10 (7)
1001 Scott Gailey Don’t think so 10 to 1
1002 Sergio Salgado Stuck in Laguna 10 to 1
1003 Javier Robles Quick 3 to 1
1004 Jesus Gonzalez Hard charger 4 to 1
1000 Mike Lawrence Relies upon Lou’s pits 5 to 1
1006 Corey Keysar DARK HORSE 4 to 1
1007 Will Higman Obvious 3 to 1

1201 John Langley Cannot match Rick 10 to 1
1202 Lee Banning Challenger 2 to 1
1200 Rick St. John Goes without saying Even
1205 Brent Parkhouse Needs clear head 4 to 1
1206 Aaron Payne OUCH! 10 to 1
1207 Michelle Bruckmann Needs best effort 3 to 1

CLASS 11 (3)
1101 Eric Solorzano Should have it all his way Even
1102 Rene Rodriguez Hopes to get to Borrego 10 to 1
1149 Gustavo Garayzar Jack-and-Shovel Boy 10 to 1

878 Justin Matney Will beat ex-Moo truck 5 to 1
879 Joe Bacal Joe King? 10 to 1

79x Heidi Steele Too much to handle 5 to 1
779 Gavin Skilton PR Day 3 to 1

250 Gary Magness Top 25 3 to 1
240 Rob Kittleson Top 30? 5 to 1

dtbushpilot - 5-20-2009 at 07:14 AM

What about the motorcycles?....dt

Paulclark - 5-20-2009 at 07:39 AM

Go 3 to 1 on 22 Jefferies -- His co-driver Fito Ramirez won the 500 last year in Class 1 and he just won and set a course record for the Dos Mares.

TMW - 5-21-2009 at 07:04 AM

Heidi Steele sure gets around, 4 classes DOR.

CLASS 6 (4)
601 Benjamin Wright Not wrong 3 to 1
602 Heidi Steele Too much to handle 3 to 1
603 Marc Burnett “No flats” 3 to 1
604 Robert Pickering Not cherry pickering 10 to 1

CLASS 7 (8)
701 Einer Gomez 1, 2, 3 .. 8th 10 to 1
700 Dan Chamlee Obvious choice 3 to 1
703 Bill Kunz Overdue bill? 10 to 1
704 Jose Canchola Jr. TOP TIP 3 to 1
705 Heidi Steele How can you be in two places at once? 5 to 1
706 Brandon Walsh Best outsider 4 to 1
707 Igor Galvan Has to hump it 10 to 1
708 Aaron Celiceo Might beat Einer 10 to 1

72x Heidi Steele Too much to handle 5 to 1

741 Brandt Anderson Last and least 10 to 1
758 John Holmes Should make it home Even
759 Eduardo Gonzalez 2nd Place 4 to 1
75x Heidi Steele Too much to handle 5 to 1

bajalou - 5-21-2009 at 11:19 AM

Thanks Tom - I've somehow got off of El Queso's lists.

surfer jim - 5-21-2009 at 11:27 AM

Heidi is also listed in STOCK MINI ...number 79x.....(thought 7s was stock mini but maybe not)

TMW - 5-21-2009 at 05:26 PM

I checked the SCORE entry list today and she is only on two vehicles now. maybe she entered to see where she would be picked and then drop the ones she didn't like.