

Skeet/Loreto - 5-30-2009 at 02:56 PM

Come all yee Faithfull to the central part of Baja. South of Bay of Los Angeles, Sta Rosallia. Chivato, Mulege, Loreto Ague Verde and on to Los Dolores!~!

Another year of good Fishing and did you see the Photo of Bill Erhardt's Wahoo.

There are fish all over, but you must spend some of your precious time learning the Water, the Birds, the Current, The times of the Day.

Start by going through the Border at Tecate, arriving at San Quintin for the Night{I prefer the Los Ciros}. Next moring early and off to Loreto at about 4 in the afternoon.
If its your first time in your own Boat, hire a good local to start showing you the "Read on the Water"--It takes years.

Get him to take you South to Catalana, Loa Animas, and then back up the Coast by Agua Verde. Stay over at least one night on the beach if prepared.

Take lots of Ice, Filet your fish shortly after catching it, especially the Dorado.

Or go North to Del Elefonso Island, swing way out about 15 miles and you may hit a school of Dorado or and old Bull or two. And if you know what you are doing go on out to the Reef. Fishing is Fantastic.{A friend of mine just flew out and inspected the reef} It is LOADED!!!.

And if you are a Flyfisher get some Squid, take a small peice as bait, hook own and then move your boat away about 50 years, stripping off as you go./ Try to get that bait to lie about 6 inches under the top of the water and then just WAIT.

Go to Loreto, Talk to Pam, Talk to Alvaro, Go to Mulege talk to Al;ex, Talk to Saul The Fishing is Great.

SKIDS - 5-30-2009 at 05:29 PM

Headed to the promised land (BOLA) in 11-days. I'm taking my son and 2
teenage grandsons. It will be their first trip to Baja they are really excited.
New line on the reels and plenty of jigs. We will be camping at La Gringa
for a week.:biggrin::biggrin:::tumble::biggrin:

Bajaboy - 5-30-2009 at 05:34 PM

but back in the day, beginners like me could catch fish all the time from shore....not so much anymore......

just because you say it, doesn't make it true....

Skeet/Loreto - 5-31-2009 at 06:43 AM

Bajaboy .
You are so Right!

Prove it to youself and go and take a look. Yes you might get "Skunked" as we all do on Occasion. But you will never know if you do Not Try.

At San Nicholas, i caught 25 lb Yellowtail from the Beach, same at the old Sportsman Bar Pier., Then along came the Fertilizer Boats, took out all the Sierra and the yellows move out to deep water for makarerl.

Paulina - 5-31-2009 at 09:43 AM

Originally posted by SKIDS
Headed to the promised land (BOLA) in 11-days. I'm taking my son and 2
teenage grandsons. It will be their first trip to Baja they are really excited.
New line on the reels and plenty of jigs. We will be camping at La Gringa
for a week.:biggrin::biggrin:::tumble::biggrin:

What a great place to take them for their first trip to Baja! The look on their faces will be priceless :o as you drive up over the rise to see the bay; seeing that blue water and the islands for the first time. Have a wonderful trip and please post a report when you get back for all of us who are stuck behind our computers.


baitcast - 5-31-2009 at 10:00 AM

A great spot for sure,spent a ton of time at La Gringa,a pic of two of my fishing buddies at the beach:biggrin:

Paulina - 5-31-2009 at 10:05 AM


Those are some cool fishing buddies you've got there! Vintage photos too, is that a Dorado in the bottom shot?


baitcast - 5-31-2009 at 02:45 PM

Sure is,north end of the island my favorite rock,we always caught fish there, all timing.

My equation for sucess is as follows:lol:


Timing x Location x Presentation =Sucess,works everytime.

These two were caught at the same spot on a earlyer trip.

Santiago - 5-31-2009 at 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
And if you are a Flyfisher get some Squid, take a small peice as bait, hook own and then move your boat away about 50 years, stripping off as you go.

For once, Ole Skeeter has it right. However, I'm all out of Flux Capacitors right now.:lol::lol:

baitcast - 5-31-2009 at 03:16 PM

I,ve been talking to Skeet for 7 or 8 years now and I will tell you he has forgot more than the vast majority on this board thinks they have learned.

He has been there and done that,and thats all I have to say about that.

Santiago - 5-31-2009 at 04:56 PM

Rob: you're right, of course, especially when it comes to me. But don't you think it's a little bit funny that Skeeter said to move the boat about 50 years instead of 50 yards. gotta love it.

Skeet/Loreto - 5-31-2009 at 05:37 PM

Guess I will have to start doing that EDIT thing!!

capt. mike - 5-31-2009 at 05:40 PM

Bob Frambes just sent me a pix of a huge Dorado he caught!
they are there early in huge numbers it seems!!

plenty of fish in S of C.
you tell em Skeeter!!

SKIDS - 5-31-2009 at 05:40 PM

Will update with pictures upon our return . How's construction coming along ? I would love to build a insulated concrete form retirement home in BOLA in the next 10 years..

Great photo's Baitcast !!

Paulina - 5-31-2009 at 07:21 PM

Originally posted by SKIDS
Will update with pictures upon our return . How's construction coming along ? I would love to build a insulated concrete form retirement home in BOLA in the next 10 years..

Great photo's Baitcast !!

We'll look forward to your report.

Construction? We need stairs and palm fronds. Dern says that it's not "home" until we take the wheels off.
