

jide - 6-15-2004 at 03:51 PM

I woke up from my siesta with my loft shakin, ...didn;t take me long to get the hell out.
Looked @ the internet, it was a 5.1 a few miles offshore Rosarito.
Anyone felt it there?

Yep, loud n clear.

jrbaja - 6-15-2004 at 03:54 PM

But not enough for any damage though. You sure the numbers were correct ?

jide - 6-15-2004 at 03:56 PM

yes, there was also another one near Mojave, CA a couple minutes later and a little smaller.

jide - 6-15-2004 at 03:59 PM

jeans - 6-15-2004 at 04:01 PM

YES!!!! It hit slow, noisy rumble like the last one a few months ago. There was a big gust of wind at the same time and if I'd had my feet up on the chair, I would have dismissed it, but I definately felt the floor move (concrete slab!)

jide - 6-15-2004 at 04:20 PM

does anyone knows if the surf picks up after an offshore earthquake?

Not so far

jrbaja - 6-15-2004 at 04:21 PM

and I been watchin!:coolup:

Mexitron - 6-15-2004 at 04:35 PM

jide--its been said that in a 10.0 quake or larger that the earth's crust can form waves that could crest----can you imagine trying to dive under one of those?!

Here in South Rosarito

jrbaja - 6-15-2004 at 04:52 PM

I have a bunch of donation boxes stacked precariously and they didn't fall down. I guess that san antonio del mar got it a little worse. Wonder if there's a reason for that. Skeet? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

pappy - 6-15-2004 at 08:19 PM

40 seconds later another quake hit off Vandenberg afb- could it be we are starting the slide into the ocean??:lol:

jide - 6-15-2004 at 08:22 PM

Originally posted by pappy
40 seconds later another quake hit off Vandenberg afb- could it be we are starting the slide into the ocean??:lol:

WOw, everybody south of San Fran on the same island!! the great BAJA island !!!!!

bufeo - 6-15-2004 at 08:34 PM

Wow! Am I glad we're moving to AZ!!!:biggrin:

[Edited on 6-16-2004 by bufeo]

David K - 6-15-2004 at 08:38 PM

That's a great link, Jide... thanks!

I was installing a drip syetem in Carlsbad (near Legoland) when it hit... My amigo and I didn't feel a thing. However, my customer came out of the house and said "Did you feel the earthquake?".

Selective reception

jrbaja - 6-15-2004 at 08:46 PM

The same thing happened here. Some felt it and some didn't.:?:

David K - 6-15-2004 at 10:01 PM

I bet being on a concrete foundation or other structure helped feel the vibration. He said it was a short, quick jolt.

Bajaboy - 6-16-2004 at 02:17 AM

I was on the fourth floor of a 30 story building in downtown SD. It felt like a truck hit the building. No big deal to me but it was fun hearing all the first-timers talk about how they'd rather face a hurricane or tornado....I don't think so!


Bob H - 6-16-2004 at 08:01 AM

Here's another great link.

bajalou - 6-16-2004 at 08:39 AM

If it does break off, will we end up with a East and West Alta California?

I think I'll run over to

jrbaja - 6-16-2004 at 08:43 AM

east north isla Baja and sip one of Lous' cold Pacificos.:lol:

GeoRock - 6-16-2004 at 10:13 AM

I was in Reno and missed the quake. One of my greatest memories of life was being in the desert during a big shaker. I laid on the ground and felt the power of the earth, full blast.

I know I'm weird. Now you all can know it too.

Earthquakes are wonderous.

Skeet/Loreto - 6-16-2004 at 04:12 PM

My wife and I were getting out of our Car in Front of Applebee's Resturant in Merced, Cailf. We felt the movement. I thought at first I was having a small Stroke.
Noted the time and later heard the Report.

"In God I Trust"

Bob H - 6-17-2004 at 07:05 AM

GeoRock, do you remember what the richter magnitude was of your desert quake event? That must have been something else!
Bob H