
Help with Photo Attachments

bajalera - 6-15-2004 at 10:41 PM

Steve drove over to the tip of the Mogote yesterday and talked with the caretaker of the project now underway there--who turned out to be someone he'd gone to gradeschool with when we lived in the Esterito.

He got some scuttlebutt on the home sites being offered, along with photos of of a recently constructed palapa and billboards delineating the grand plan for this place. As well as directions for getting there by boat from La Paz, if anyone happens to be interested in going over for a pep talk, a free meal and an ATV to tool around in at no cost.

If someone would be so kind as to post complete directions for attaching photos--keeping in mind that I have zilch in the way of computer smarts--I'd like to give this a try.


Packoderm - 6-15-2004 at 10:51 PM

What I do:
1. Right click on photo and press "open photo with.." and I press a Photo Shop sort of program where I can resize the photo down to 600 wide.
2. I then click "File," then "Save As' and I save it to floppy disk while renaming it.
3. When posting, I hit "Browse" on the attachment deally, then I hit 3 1/2 Floppy on the drop-down box, then I hit the name of the photo, then hit "Save" then post as normal. It takes a bit of practice.

Markitos - 6-16-2004 at 05:19 AM

Shsssssh I guess Im a hands on kinds student ... I have some greast shots but they are way to big and I just dont seem to be able to follow directions

Markitos - 6-16-2004 at 05:24 AM

On another note ....They realy are pussing for Mogote, They where brining all kinds of people out there last time I was down. So we ran the dink over. Dont you think one realy good storm will mess that place up pretty badley? It's only 6 ft above high tide ! :?:

I have had nothing but trouble

jrbaja - 6-16-2004 at 06:25 AM

resizing photos to under 50kb. I have my camera set on a higher resolution for saving and printing the photos so my PhotoShop and resizing programs weren't working to get them small enough.
The program that came with the camera has settings for resizing which I have been using. It's pretty easy to use and I am still learning about it. It does resize them to under 50 kb.
Maybe Steve's camera has a program on the computer for it as well ?
Sorry to hear about Mogote, they're dropping like flies!

Natalie Ann - 6-16-2004 at 07:13 AM

Hi Lera - I'm a real computer dummy, as you already know. Last week many folks here helped me figure out how to post a picture using photoshop and keep it under the 50k limit. If you have that program I can give you exact directions; if you have a different program, directions will probably be quite similar. If you want, write me privately at
natalieann at comcast dot net
(write that like a regular email using @ for at and . for dot) :)

[Edited on 6-16-2004 by Natalie Ann]

Natalie Ann - 6-16-2004 at 07:19 AM

JR - I've had good luck getting the photos from Steve's camera - 6.1 MP - down to 50k (see hooded oriole and friday mystery spot). Used a compilation of suggestions given last week; actually didn't take much extra time once I got the hang of it. We don't like the camera setting to be anything less than optimal for photos, even if we only print a few.