
Baja's Condor Country

Graham - 6-16-2009 at 11:11 AM

Just returned from a five day trip to the Sierra San Pedro Martir. Had a fantastic time with our two dogs Pedro (named after the park) and Pili.

Pedro was returning to the place he knows so well from our four month stay there in 2001. He was just a six-month old little guy then, fresh from the Baja Animal Sanctuary in Rosarito Beach.

Pili, our new little Corgi, couldn't believe her luck, all that time hiking with Bonni and me, running free in canyon and pine forest, playing with Pedro, chasing coyotes from our camp.

So much to see and photograph. Highlight of the trip.... apart from arriving back at the border and finding just one car in line... was seeing not one but five condors! Flying above us sounding like gliders and interacting on the ground.


Flying condor.jpg - 32kB

Bajaboy - 6-16-2009 at 11:13 AM

Really cool-can't wait to get up there again.


Graham - 6-16-2009 at 11:18 AM

Fellow red head!

Taking a break from all that soaring.

condor head adult.jpg - 39kB

woody with a view - 6-16-2009 at 11:21 AM

is there a web site to find out any info on condor #20?

Graham - 6-16-2009 at 12:51 PM

I've reported the sighting to the California Condor Recovery Program and to Mike Wallace who directs the program there in the San Pedro Martir. If I find out anything about adult condor #20 I'll post it here.

Fortunately we were up there with a new camera with a great zoom.

Bonni also spotted this Mountain Quail just before sighting the condors.

SPM Quail.JPG - 47kB

danaeb - 6-16-2009 at 01:20 PM

Wow - I know they're big, but can you estimate #20s wingspan? Great photo!

David K - 6-16-2009 at 01:24 PM

Thanks Graham, this is a really great report!

Graham - 6-16-2009 at 07:56 PM

The wingspan of an adult California condor... up to ten feet.

Another large bird I saw flying over Diablo Canyon was a golden eagle... wingspan a mere six feet.

Looking 9000 feet down the canyon to the desert. A pleasant 70 degrees on top... maybe 100 degrees down below.

Canyon Diablo.JPG - 44kB

BornFisher - 6-17-2009 at 04:38 PM

whoa------- that sounds like a great road trip.
We were at the south side of the Grand Canyon last year and saw 7 at one time. Then I noticed a sign about someone who was missing for three days! Hummmmm........ I wonder!
I tried to take some pics. but my cheap camera has no viewfinder so I had to wait for them to land. I think old # 20 was there, I`ll have to check my pics!
Did you cross Monday evening? I had a 10 minute wait about 5PM.

Mexitron - 6-17-2009 at 07:55 PM

My friend from college had worked in the Condor program for years--we lost touch with each other in the 90s...when I was in the SPM a few years ago on the mission hike I saw a Condor at an auspicious site and thought perhaps I should get in touch with my old friend. After doing so he asked me a question which could only be answered by my ex-girlfriend from 20 years before, so I found her, thinking it was just a simple communication, and the rest was history--we ended up getting married! I wonder if it was the number 20 Condor.......

Cupid was a condor

Graham - 6-17-2009 at 08:30 PM

That's a wonderful story Mexitron. Strange how things work out.

Hope you had a couple of these guys at the wedding. :lol:

Actually he looked a little beat, like he'd just walked from Arizona.

Would love to see your Grand Canyon pics Bornfisher. Seven condors... Wow! That's a fair slice of the population.

We crossed at Tecate about 5.30pm.. Just one car. :bounce: Just like the old days.

condor1.JPG - 48kB

mooose29 - 6-18-2009 at 10:41 AM

Great post we often get so caught up in talking about the beaches and deserts of Baja we forget all about the mountain spine that runs down most of it's length.

I remember my first time up in the Baja mountains was when pre-running for the 500 about 10 years ago and I was blown away! It never even occured to me to think about what was up in the mountains as my family had always been camped down on the coast.

bajalou - 6-18-2009 at 01:43 PM

While in the area near Canon Diablito several years ago, I saw 3 condors soaring on the updrafts. Quite a sight.

Graham - 6-19-2009 at 09:30 AM

San Diego Union-Tribune today.

Mexitron - 6-19-2009 at 11:00 AM

Wow, that's great news--another Condor chick hatches in the SPM!