
Monster Yellowtail

Pescador - 6-19-2009 at 08:57 AM

I just saw the biggest yellowtail I have ever seen caught in the area around San Lucas Cove / San Marcos Island. Rigo Ojeda, local guide and fisherman deluxe, had his brother Martin and Father out in the boat and his father hooked what everyone assumed was a big grouper. He asked Rigo to help him pull the fish in and when Rigo got ahold of the handline he knew he was in trouble. Took quite awhile to land but they managed to pull in a 57.34 pound yellowtail. Previously I have seen a 52.1, but to the best of my knowledge, this is a real monster. I am trying to get pictures to my computer, but this may prove impossible.

Pics! Pics! Pics!

BajaBruno - 6-19-2009 at 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Pescador
I am trying to get pictures to my computer, but this may prove impossible.

Impossible? No! We want pics!

Von - 6-19-2009 at 09:32 AM

Where are the pics?

baitcast - 6-19-2009 at 11:44 AM

Nothing is impossible.

Skipjack Joe - 6-19-2009 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Pescador
I am trying to get pictures to my computer, but this may prove impossible.

What a tease, Jim!

Oh, you mean, it's too large for the screen?

<Just pulling your leg>

acadist - 6-19-2009 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by baitcast
Nothing is impossible.
Sounds like a line in the book I am reading......

bajaumpaw - 6-19-2009 at 07:59 PM

Jim I bet that one filled up Rigo's wheelbarrow. Hurry up with the picture. I'm drooling.

Pescador - 6-21-2009 at 09:00 AM

I tried to download from his mother' camera to my computer, but the cable was not right, so I was unable to do this before I left. Maybe if we send up a big cheer here we can get Los Frailes to try a download to his computer.

woody with a view - 6-21-2009 at 10:27 AM


Skipjack Joe - 6-22-2009 at 11:20 AM

Ah..ha. Yes, Jim. I understand. And here's the one I caught this weekend.

pic06.jpg - 19kB

Not a fish story

Pops - 6-22-2009 at 01:40 PM

I was on a long range boat out of San Diego fishing Guadalupe Island when another anglers thought that he had hooked the bottom.

He began to slowly gain line when the effort required became quite less.

He was able to gain all of his line back and hooked was the HEAD ONLY of a yellowtail.

The HEAD ONLY weighed 40 lbs back at the landing.

Howard - 6-22-2009 at 04:05 PM

I have just taken a picture of the most beautifull women I have ever seen with a body that one only dreams about. When she took off her clothes all I could think about is to take a picture of her and post it on this web site to share her with everyone.

It's to bad that I can not get the picture on this web site, or as Pescador says " I am trying to get pictures to my computer, but this may prove impossible."

If you can tease me with a picture of the Yellowtai, I can do the same to you guys about a women.

I guess I'm getting to damn old becasue I would rather see that damn yellowtail rather than the Senorita.


Skipjack Joe - 6-22-2009 at 04:27 PM

Here you go.

'Oxyjulis californica'.

They're very abundant at Los Roques.

senorita003.jpg - 21kB

doradodan - 6-22-2009 at 08:10 PM


big yellows

wsdunc - 6-23-2009 at 11:58 AM

While daydreaming about fishing I went to the American Angler's website and checked their fish reports. June 7 & 8 they have pictures of the biggest yellowtails I have ever seen. Not sure the link will work, probably will if you paste it into your browser.