
Large(st) Child-Porn Ring Busted Up in TJ

BajaNews - 6-26-2009 at 01:58 AM

Man with San Diego Ties Caught with 4-million Child Porn Images
by: Antonio Castelan
June 25, 2009; 11:46 pm

It could be one of the worst cases of child porn ever. A North American child porn ring is busted up south of the border. Mexican federales found 4 million child porn pictures and videos, and the man accused in the case has ties to San Diego.

Arthur Leland Sayler was caught by Mexican federales on Monday. They consider him one of the most dangerous pedophiles in the world.

Investigators accuse Sayler of running a hi-tech child porn ring throughout Mexico, Canada, and the United States.

On Thursday night, masked federales stood watch in front of Sayler's beachfront Tijuana home. They confiscated 15 hard drives from his house, allegedly containing more than 4-million images and videos of children involved in horrendous sex acts.

Agents also impounded Sayler's truck with California license plates.

Sayler's neighbors say he's lived in this house for the past 20 years.

Filiberto Gomez was Sayler's neighbor. "We never believed he was doing something like that. He acted well. He walked around here and minded his own business."

Investigators tell us Sayler traveled to San Diego daily, repairing computers.

Now the Canadian born man may be facing charges in the United States and Canada.

Sayler's neighbors say their children would go inside the suspect's home to visit him and his wife.

"We worry for the children around here, because there are a lot of kids around here," said Gomez.

Sayler will be transferred to a Mexico City high security prison. If convicted in Mexico, he faces life in prison.

There is a chance he could be extradited to the United States to face charges here.

arthur-leland-sayler.jpg - 5kB

woody with a view - 6-26-2009 at 05:27 AM

flay the bastard and roll him in salt!!!!

oh yeah, AFTER they find him guilty....

Pollen - 6-26-2009 at 06:14 AM

I hope he will get to enjoy the hospitality of the Mexican prison system for the rest of his miserable life.

Let;s not waste any money extraditing him to the US.

dtbushpilot - 6-26-2009 at 06:20 AM

I'm sure his cellmates will treat him "extra special" when they find out what a celebrity he is.......dt

[Edited on 6-26-2009 by dtbushpilot]

MikeLikeBaja - 6-26-2009 at 09:25 AM

maybe he decided to just give up, now that his richest client is dead. just a thought

DENNIS - 6-26-2009 at 09:48 AM

If Mexico would hurry up and put the death penalty in place, this freak would get what he deserves.
Maybe, with some very good luck, they'll be able to get a list of his clients.

Good job!

Dave - 6-26-2009 at 10:55 AM

Now that this POS is behind bars maybe the authorities can spare some time investigating child prostitution.

If they look really hard, they might find some. :rolleyes:

tripledigitken - 6-26-2009 at 11:00 AM

Jeez.....he looks like a half a dozen Nomads pictured here.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Bajajack - 6-26-2009 at 11:01 AM

You don't have to look to hard, they're usually standing on the corner next to the Cops.


dtbushpilot - 6-26-2009 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
Jeez.....he looks like a half a dozen Nomads pictured here.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yea, he looks like that "bushpilot" guy......

Cae pedófilo en Tijuana

BajaNews - 6-26-2009 at 11:51 AM

TIJUANA, Baja California(PH) - En una casa a un lado del Cbtis 146 de Playas de Tijuana se detuvo a un ciudadano canadiense que por años manejó un sitio de Internet de pornografía infantil, a quien le decomisaron 15 discos duros con más de 4 millones de imágenes pornográficas.

La Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) informó que personal ministerial de la Fiscalía Especial para los Delitos de Violencia contra las Mujeres y Trata de Personas (Fevimtra) detuvo a Arthur Leland Sayler.

La red que operaba el ahora detenido fue descubierta inicialmente por la Policía Cibernética de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Federal, en base a denuncias de otras organizaciones que se dedican a la protección de niños.

El pasado domingo 21 de junio los agentes federales arribaron a la casa marcada con el número 2551, ubicada en el Paseo Pedregal, a una cuadra de la preparatoria Cbtis 146, donde el hombre fue capturado infraganti.

En el interior de la casa se encontró un arsenal de fotografías y material de video equivalente a 4 millones de imágenes, y que pudieron ser almacenadas en alrededor de 15 discos duros; la red operaba por lo menos en México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, de acuerdo a fuentes extraoficiales.

Arthur Leland Sayler ya se encuentra en la Ciudad de México bajo custodia de las autoridades federales, quienes informaron que las investigaciones continúan abiertas con relación a este caso.

Nota Publicada: 26/06/2009 5:18

tjBill - 6-26-2009 at 08:01 PM

It was the Federales who arrested him so there's probably substance to the allegations. If it was the Tijuana municipal police I would not believe he was guilty.

BajaNuts - 6-26-2009 at 10:03 PM

Originally posted by MikeLikeBaja
maybe he decided to just give up, now that his richest client is dead. just a thought

I caught that one Mike :cool:

remember what happened to Jeffrey Dahmer (sp?) in prison?
They seem to take care of it.

BajaGringo - 6-27-2009 at 12:37 AM

He will likely get the justice he deserves in a Mexican prison. Jeffrey Dahmer got off easy...

flyfishinPam - 6-27-2009 at 08:59 AM

I volunteer to hack this mofo up to death with a machete. here's a case where i actually approve of torture. i hope the other inmates kill this f-er and make him suffer first.

flyfishinPam - 6-27-2009 at 09:00 AM

:lol: just so you think i haven't left my sense of humour at the door this kind of pos is hard for a mother of little ones to take, i figured it ironic to hope for peace and then offer to hack a person up with a machete but children first, children well treated bring peace. peace.

Woooosh - 6-27-2009 at 09:20 AM

Originally posted by flyfishinPam
:lol: just so you think i haven't left my sense of humour at the door this kind of pos is hard for a mother of little ones to take, i figured it ironic to hope for peace and then offer to hack a person up with a machete but children first, children well treated bring peace. peace.

I share your outrage, BUT- this guy didn't commit the horrible acts, he had the digital copies on his computer. Very different IMHO- but still a creep. Now if they catch the people holding the camera bring out the machete!

Dave - 6-27-2009 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by flyfishinPam
I volunteer to hack this mofo up to death with a machete. here's a case where i actually approve of torture. i hope the other inmates kill this f-er and make him suffer first.

Then I guess you were not a Michael Jackson fan? ;D

DENNIS - 6-27-2009 at 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Dave

Then I guess you were not a Michael Jackson fan? ;D

Yeah....I just don't get it. What is with a large portion of humanity that completely disregards the child molestation charges against this guy and mourns his death as though he was the newest edition of Christ? It gives tacit approval to his misdeeds. How can this be? I really can't begin to understand how some set their priorities.

flyfishinPam - 6-27-2009 at 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Woooosh
Originally posted by flyfishinPam
:lol: just so you think i haven't left my sense of humour at the door this kind of pos is hard for a mother of little ones to take, i figured it ironic to hope for peace and then offer to hack a person up with a machete but children first, children well treated bring peace. peace.

I share your outrage, BUT- this guy didn't commit the horrible acts, he had the digital copies on his computer. Very different IMHO- but still a creep. Now if they catch the people holding the camera bring out the machete!

well this kind of caught my eye

"Arthur Leland Sayler was caught by Mexican federales on Monday. They consider him one of the most dangerous pedophiles in the world.

Investigators accuse Sayler of running a hi-tech child porn ring throughout Mexico, Canada, and the United States."

and I don´t give a squat who the hell held the camera but if it weren´t for him maybe they wonldn´t have, f-him he needs to die slowly and painfully

Barry A. - 6-27-2009 at 03:39 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Dave

Then I guess you were not a Michael Jackson fan? ;D

Yeah....I just don't get it. What is with a large portion of humanity that completely disregards the child molestation charges against this guy and mourns his death as though he was the newest edition of Christ? It gives tacit approval to his misdeeds. How can this be? I really can't begin to understand how some set their priorities.

Whoa--------MJ was not convicted of those charges-----it is just possible that he is innocent, unless you know something that I (and the Court) doesn't. Everybody that knows him well states that he could not have commited "criminal" acts on children-----it is just not part of who he is------in that respect he is too child-like himself------you need criminal intent to convict-------none could be proved-------probably "criminally" never happened. Very strange guy? YES! Criminallly guilty? Probably not, IMO.

-------bottom line, (1) he was found innocent (2) he is dead -----so what is the point of prosecuting & convicting him in our minds now--------that is what I don't understand. :?:

By the way, I am NOT a Michael Jackson fan------but I do recognize his incredible talent for music, songwriting, and dancing-------that is how I will remember him--------and I respect his mourners, and his family.

Just my opinion, of course.


Al G - 6-27-2009 at 04:38 PM

it is just possible that he is innocent....he was found innocent:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Prosecution was not possible as all witnesses( Parents and children) were bought off for 50 million. Twice or is my memory bad...I live on earth
"he was found innocent" So you remember a trial???
OJ got away with it doesn't make either one of them innocent.
This ?man? is a scumbag and the worst kind...he could buy his way out of screwing little children.
I will tell you I feel bad...I do feel bad he didn't die 10 years ago.

Originally posted by Barry A.
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Dave

Then I guess you were not a Michael Jackson fan? ;D

Yeah....I just don't get it. What is with a large portion of humanity that completely disregards the child molestation charges against this guy and mourns his death as though he was the newest edition of Christ? It gives tacit approval to his misdeeds. How can this be? I really can't begin to understand how some set their priorities.

Whoa--------MJ was not convicted of those charges-----

"it is just possible that he is innocent,"""

unless you know something that I (and the Court) doesn't. Everybody that knows him well states that he could not have commited "criminal" acts on children-----it is just not part of who he is------in that respect he is too child-like himself------you need criminal intent to convict-------none could be proved-------probably "criminally" never happened. Very strange guy? YES! Criminallly guilty? Probably not, IMO.

-------bottom line, (1) he was found innocent (2) he is dead -----so what is the point of prosecuting & convicting him in our minds now--------that is what I don't understand. :?:

By the way, I am NOT a Michael Jackson fan------but I do recognize his incredible talent for music, songwriting, and dancing-------that is how I will remember him--------and I respect his mourners, and his family.

Just my opinion, of course.


it is just possible that he is innocent...he was found innocent:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Just my opinion TOO

Barry A. - 6-27-2009 at 06:35 PM

Al G----------My recollection is, Yes, there was a trial--------and the complaint was dismissed, or something like that----I thought he was aquited.

The first time around you are correct in that he "settled" out of court so as to avoid a trial and the embarrassment and financial consequences------that was years ago. This time there was no "settlement", or any attempt to "settle", as I understand it (but I am sure not positive.)

I suppose that if you have no faith at all in our "system" then you might dispute that---------I don't know what to say to that.

I personally believe that pedophiles should be jailed, period. I have no "understanding" of their problem--------just get them off the streets. But I do have faith in our legal system as the best one around-----without it, we have nothing. All states should have "Jessica's law" in effect------

Mistakes do happen within the system--------it is not perfect. I just don't believe this was one of them.


Right...He wasn't a pedophile

Dave - 6-27-2009 at 07:20 PM

He just liked to entertain and sleep with 12-year-old boys. Perfectly normal for a man in his 40's.

Feel the love.

Barry A. - 6-27-2009 at 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Dave
He just liked to entertain and sleep with 12-year-old boys. Perfectly normal for a man in his 40's.

Feel the love.

There is NOTHING normal about MJ----------and that is surely well known. I used to sleep with my cat---------I don't remember having any exciting times with it, tho.

Yes, Michael is (was) strange.


Strange? STRANGE???

Dave - 6-27-2009 at 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.

Yes, Michael is (was) strange.


With you, drawing pictures obviously doesn't help. A brick would be better.


ElFaro - 6-27-2009 at 09:07 PM

Hey says "one of the largest child porn rings broken up" and it extended throughout Canada, US, and Mexico. So who else are they going to find are in the ring on those computers? The fallout from this could be huge! We may see people we would not likely think are into child porn suddenly arrested because of links to them from this guy's computers.

Barry A. - 6-27-2009 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by Barry A.

Yes, Michael is (was) strange.


With you, drawing pictures obviously doesn't help. A brick would be better.


:lol::lol: Wow, your clarity of mind and insigthfulness is truly amazing----------I am envious!!!! and hope oneday that I too may achieve it without being hit by a "brick".

In the meantime, I will use the USA laws "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" as my guide.


Bajafun777 - 6-28-2009 at 07:59 AM

If you ever worked with children that have been victims of these pieces of crap you would want those buying and selling of pictures with these little children forced into sexual acts put to death. The little ones are so messed up not just physically but mentally. Think these pieces of crap care about harm to these little ones, think they have age limits, ever heard of a 6 month old baby girl having to be taken to Children's Hospital in San Diego for reconstructive surgery due to these animals and their acts of destroying their health for possible life? Well, I have seen first hand what these monsters do to and encourage to be done to children and as the Queen said "Off with their Heads!!!" Believe me if they have that much child porn on their computer it is not a simple mistake of pulling up the wrong site or being spammed, it is their life and they are participating in acts against the little ones that depend on "US" "Adults" to protect and save them from these pieces of crap. Most of you have the right angle as to what awaits this piece of crap in prison and rightly so. His neighbors thinking he was ok and doing no harm to anyone, well this is what these pieces of crap practice and perfect. Their acting level to deceive all and harm as many little ones as their sick worthless lives can achieve towards our most precious trusting ones. Sorry about the rant but it is something I have personally seen the damage and harm done for too many years and I have too many memories of harmed children to last three lifetimes. Later-------------------------- bajafun777

Barry A. - 6-28-2009 at 08:09 AM

Excellent points, BahaFun, and I agree completely--------but it may not apply to Michael Jackson, and that is my ONLY point here.

Jessica's law is only the beginning---------we need more good laws on the books to combat this most horrible of all crimes.


bacquito - 6-28-2009 at 08:36 AM

I agree with Barry A in that we have probably one of the best legal systems in the world but it is suspected that in our legal system money can influence the outcome-MJ and OJ our possible examples.

I cannot understand how one can promote the idea of a 45 year old man sleeping with young boys as acceptable. What were the parents thinking?

As for the pedophile, I hope he gets what he deserves if found guilty.

DENNIS - 6-28-2009 at 08:52 AM

Originally posted by bacquito
I cannot understand how one can promote the idea of a 45 year old man sleeping with young boys as acceptable. What were the parents thinking?

Lawsuit. They're probably the ones who should have been put on trial.

I make these assumptions because I can't run my life as a court of law. I can't wait for proof to make decisions. I have to rely on my own intuition. Not always accurate, I'm sure but, that's the way I have to do it.

Barry A. - 6-28-2009 at 09:13 AM

I agree with both of you, Dennis and Baquito. I also run my life on instinct, to a large part-----have too when that is all that is available and you need to do something. Since MJ is dead, it really does not matter much what we think, I suppose, but it just bothers me that we sometimes put our assumptions "out there" for public consumption with no qualifiers, so others may just assume we know what we are talking about. Often we are wrong, but the consuming public does not know that---or some don't anyway.

I don't know--------it just struck a nerve with me, and I reacted-------just like some of you folks did, I suppose, so I am quilty of what I am criticizing. :no:

Botton line: pedophiles of all sorts are despicable, and should be removed from the streets when found guilty----period!!!! (for long periods of time)

On the original point of this thread-------I agree that this "bust" has horrendous implications in the size and scope of the apparent participants. I hope many busts are made, with beneficial results for society and the kids.

Sorry to all for sort-of hijacking this thread. I will shut up, for now.

You hear the latest on "global warming"-------------oh, never mind.


I am thankful!!!!

Dave - 6-28-2009 at 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Barry A.

:lol::lol: Wow, your clarity of mind and insigthfulness is truly amazing----------I am envious!!!!


That Jackson is dead.

Not out of spite for those who mistakenly believed his innocence.

But for the benefit of their children.

Got any?

Would you have let them sleep over?

Barry A. - 6-28-2009 at 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by Barry A.

:lol::lol: Wow, your clarity of mind and insigthfulness is truly amazing----------I am envious!!!!


That Jackson is dead.

Not out of spite for those who mistakenly believed his innocence.

But for the benefit of their children.

Got any?

Would you have let them sleep over?

Dave, I have four children, and NO, I would not have "let them sleep over". duhhhhh!!!!! But then I was not into sueing rich folks for alledged child molesting, as has been pointed out by others. Think about it.

However, I have let my kids spend the night at friends and relatives, and I really do not know exactly what went on there. Paranoid I am not, but I try not to be foolish as well. My training as a cop keeps me vigilant.

It concerns me that my statements are dismissed, as they seem to be by you, and others---------unless I am not expressing them well, and you don't understand my points.


GeoRock - 7-1-2009 at 11:45 PM

I just pray that the children involved in this horrific porno ring are somehow found and rescued so that no further harm comes their way.

God be with them; they are going to need that help.

BajaGringo - 7-2-2009 at 05:41 AM

Originally posted by ElFaro
We may see people we would not likely think are into child porn suddenly arrested because of links to them from this guy's computers.

We can only hope they track them all down...

arrowhead - 7-2-2009 at 09:10 PM

They are saying that three men tried to get a 6- and 7-year old off the street and into their car in Rosarito today. The father of the kids saw it and took off after them. He stopped at the Scenic Road toll both and got the Marines stationed there to take up the chase. They arrested the three, two Americans and a Mexican in a car with California plates.

any of them have black collars with little white spaces in the front?

durrelllrobert - 7-4-2009 at 10:38 AM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Abstiance makes the church grow fondlers:lol::lol:

BajaGringo - 7-4-2009 at 03:30 PM

I really didn't want to laugh at that but I did...


CaboRon - 7-6-2009 at 07:44 AM

Thank you Al, for pointing out the truth ... fifty million dollars buys a lot ....
Originally posted by Al G
it is just possible that he is innocent....he was found innocent:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Prosecution was not possible as all witnesses( Parents and children) were bought off for 50 million. Twice or is my memory bad...I live on earth
"he was found innocent" So you remember a trial???
OJ got away with it doesn't make either one of them innocent.
This ?man? is a scumbag and the worst kind...he could buy his way out of screwing little children.
I will tell you I feel bad...I do feel bad he didn't die 10 years ago.

Originally posted by Barry A.
Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Dave

Then I guess you were not a Michael Jackson fan? ;D

Yeah....I just don't get it. What is with a large portion of humanity that completely disregards the child molestation charges against this guy and mourns his death as though he was the newest edition of Christ? It gives tacit approval to his misdeeds. How can this be? I really can't begin to understand how some set their priorities.

Whoa--------MJ was not convicted of those charges-----

"it is just possible that he is innocent,"""

unless you know something that I (and the Court) doesn't. Everybody that knows him well states that he could not have commited "criminal" acts on children-----it is just not part of who he is------in that respect he is too child-like himself------you need criminal intent to convict-------none could be proved-------probably "criminally" never happened. Very strange guy? YES! Criminallly guilty? Probably not, IMO.

-------bottom line, (1) he was found innocent (2) he is dead -----so what is the point of prosecuting & convicting him in our minds now--------that is what I don't understand. :?:

By the way, I am NOT a Michael Jackson fan------but I do recognize his incredible talent for music, songwriting, and dancing-------that is how I will remember him--------and I respect his mourners, and his family.

Just my opinion, of course.


it is just possible that he is innocent...he was found innocent:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Just my opinion TOO