
Baja Fisherman headed to Colo. Help!

Skeet/Loreto - 6-29-2009 at 01:11 PM

Headed to Crested Butte Colo. for my first time to catch some Trout. Will be staying about 8 miles from Crested Butte.
Can anyone give me some hints for good stream Fishing that is not too rugged terain?

Would appreicate your Information.


Bajaboy - 6-29-2009 at 01:22 PM

yes, go find a local to take you to the fishing is better than ever and on any given day you can catch fish. Don't believe anyone that says any different. I lived in Colorado when I was younger and that should say enough:lol:

Cypress - 6-29-2009 at 01:23 PM

Skeet/Loreto, Good luck! Those rocks are slippery and will do a number on you. Send pictures.:D

dtbushpilot - 6-29-2009 at 01:52 PM

If I were spending time and effort to go fishing where I didn't know the ropes I would hire a local guide or outfitter. They can personalize your trip to suit you and give you the best chance at a memorable trip.

I am fortunate to live not only at the best fishing in Baja but the world renown quality waters section of the San Juan River is just up the road.

I don't have any trouble catching all the trout I need but it's hard to keep them alive long enough to get them to Baja to use them for bait:lol::lol:...dt

[Edited on 6-29-2009 by dtbushpilot]

Cypress - 6-29-2009 at 02:04 PM

dtbushpilot. Thanks for your input. :lol: Expect you know the ropes in your area. Bait?

Woooosh - 6-29-2009 at 04:59 PM

Bait? I think you can only legally fly fish for trout. Lots olf gold medal streams. Hire a local. The water is running high, cold and fast right now (was theere two weeks ago)

bajalou - 6-29-2009 at 05:30 PM

While there are a few "Fly" only streams, most of the trout waters allow lures, worms, salmon eggs as well as flies.

Skeet/Loreto - 6-29-2009 at 05:36 PM

Flyfishing is for "Girly Boys". I want to fish with a great big Ball of Worms, floated down the stream into a Hole where the German Browns lurk.

Thanks for the Help All/


dtbushpilot - 6-29-2009 at 05:38 PM

The "bait" remark was meant to imply that the fish I catch here are about the same size as the bait that I use in Baja......sorry for the confusion....dt

dtbushpilot - 6-29-2009 at 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
Flyfishing is for "Girly Boys". I want to fish with a great big Ball of Worms, floated down the stream into a Hole where the German Browns lurk.

Thanks for the Help All/


That's my kind of fishin too Skeet......dt

Al G - 6-29-2009 at 05:46 PM

Skeets can I be your bag/net boy. I must go to South Dakota anyway for my drivers licence. I know how to clean and cook trout too.

crested butte

jimgrms - 6-29-2009 at 06:12 PM

Skeet i live in Highlands Ranch co\ crested butte is 300 miles from me so i don't fish there just google crested butte anglers the waters are cresting at this time and there is a lot of fish up here that needs catching also the kokanee salmon are running ,i stream fish with a spinning rod
but there are lots of places that you can't use bait
i would reccomend taking a float trip with a guide the waters are fast and deep this time of year
and cold enought to stop your heart if you fall iwhen you come through Denver give me a call and i'll buy you lunch or something i'll pm my number Jim

Pescador - 6-29-2009 at 07:11 PM

Skeet, the Taylor river upstream from almont is pretty good, although the water is still a little high right now. Taylor Park Reservoir is beautiful and there can be some good fishing there right now. Above Crested Butte, you get into a lot of small creeks that are great fun with small Brook Trout but they are pretty voracious and are certainly good eating. A small colorado spiner with a single hook and baited with a worm is a big producer for those. If you go over Keebler pass you come to Anthracite creek, on the other side, and there are some really nice trout in that lower section that will go nuts over a silver panther martin lure. The big browns are mostly going to be in the Gunnison River and floating there makes the most sense. There are several fishing shops in Crested Butte that can fill you in on current conditions. I am sure you can explain to them you want to drop a big ball of worms or chicken guts in the big holes. Don't let their revulsion dampen your spirits. There are some really nice brown trout downstream from Almont on the Gunnison. Good luck and have a great time. Crested Butte is one of our favorite towns in Colorado.

Santiago - 6-29-2009 at 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Pescador
I am sure you can explain to them you want to drop a big ball of worms or chicken guts in the big holes. Don't let their revulsion dampen your spirits.

Might be the understatement of the year. Lucky if he doesn't get tared and feathered. h
Have good time Skeet - but at least hide the chicken guts until you're out of sight.

Skeet/Loreto - 6-30-2009 at 05:15 AM

Thanks to all you good Fisherman and Nomads. Will try everthing mentioned.
We are staying at a Campground with Horswes with a bunch of Wantbee Cowboys and Girls from the Panhandle of Texas.
Should be fun. My wife is going to ride on the 4 year old that she raised and trained. Should be a Hoot!!

They ride and I will go fishing, depending how the 9,000 ft affects this old heart. May end up at the local Coffee Shop.


dtbushpilot - 6-30-2009 at 07:28 AM

Sounds like a great time Skeet. have fun and don't forget your camera....dt

acadist - 7-2-2009 at 06:34 PM

just remember to get one of those mini rod & trolling rod here:lol:

woody with a view - 7-2-2009 at 06:43 PM

just what the doctor ordered......